[Q] Best NON-DRACONIC FTB Infinity Evolved Weapon?

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I'm looking for the best (strongest) FTB weapon that's NOT DRACONIC. We removed Draconic because it's way too OP in 1.7.10.

So far the best I could find it a Manullyn Cleaver. Any other ideas?


Matter cannon from AE2
Energy blaster from Blood Magic
Bond blade from Blood Magic
Soulscribe from Botania
Terra blade from Botania
Starcaller from Botania
The Ender from EnderIO
Etheric Sword from Extra Utilities
Sword of The Dragonslayer from Forbidden Magic
Crimson Blade from Thaumcraft
Sword of the Zephyr from Thaumcraft
Fiery Sword from The Twilight Forest