Explain to me how that is going to be faster than just using a BC pump in the traditional manner? In order for a RP pump to work you need sufficient block space to deposit the liquid so I would have to spend even MORE time making a large recessed "room" to take the oil before I can pump the BC on it and tesseract it to my base tank.
I don't understand your diagram. What is "L" and where are you putting the BC pump? You only have a tank, a pipe and an REC in your diagram.
If you set the BC pump down at the bottom of the oil chamber but 1 block above the bottom, when the sucker extends does it suck up all the oil right from the top of the spout outside or just the bottom layer of the chamber? Reading between the lines of your post above I think that's what you're trying to say? If so that would be a great solution I think.
Sorry, with L i meant liquiducts! The thing about them is that they can compress liquids
so they are able to take it fast enought before the system clogs
And the pump (as far as i am aware) pumps by layers.. so, you need to put it Inside the bubble, just below the "roof". What Biomirth said about pumps pumping from the upper blocks was right, but since (i dont know which update) it's not possible anymore :/ so:
P = Pump (and all the needed blocks to make it work)
x = oil
- = the roof and bottom of the oil bubble.
Should work pretty fine, it will first, take the layer 1, that will make the column (represented by X) fall, and if the moving oil touches the pump, the source block SHOULD be pumped too, so it could be better if you put the pump near the column that reaches Y 50+. Then, after it took all the oil in layer 1 and some of the column, it will go and take layer 2 3 and 4 in time.
IF im not wrong, what ppl are saying about engines in the pump isn't right at all, the movement of the "pipe" which comes out of the pump is fixed, but the sucking power isn't, so, using engines isn't wrong, but again, if you just hook up waterproof pipes (even 4 waterproof pipes arent able to hold as much as a max energy pump can pump) it will not matter if you give it 1 or 10Mj/T. The tanks setup, to act as a buffer, are important. Then, you could hook up the engine you want.. If it doesnt give more than 10Mj/t and i dont think there is an engine by now that could do that, then, you're not wasting any energy.
of course for a matter of simplicity, its better to use a redstone energy cell, because you can regulate how much it gives. The liquiducts should connect to an endertank, which in your base should be extracting its liquids into something (like an iron tank, i use a 800k one, because its pretty easy to fill them with this method.) but sometimes, you will not want the oil to pump that fast, so you can regulate the cell, remember, 10mj/bucket of oil. The pump can take from 2 buckets to 20 buckets. So, 10mj/t max, 1mj/t min.
You CANT do this with teserracts, the pump WILL take ALWAYS a lot of energy, and waste it. Its not intelligent enough to take only 10mj/t, it takes like 20 or 30mj/t when connected to a tesseract. I will try to take a picture and show you how it works.