Pumping liquids faster

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is there a way to make the BC pump work faster vertically? If the liquid is spread out horizontally then it works pretty fast when supplied with a large amount of power, but even if you supply it 100 MJ/t it will continue to work at tortoise speed when pumping vertically. This is extremely annoying when trying to pump out oil wells....

I thought I'd found a solution by utilising a RP grate, pump and TE liquid tesseract at the very bottom of the oil well but unfortunately our good friend Mr. Lemming has made it so that RP fluid pipes do not work with his stuff so that's the end of that idea. :(

Any ideas folks? DW20 pack.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think he means the time it takes for the pump to extend its arm... I dont know any solution for that


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I can't quite figure out what you are trying to do, or what's going wrong, so excuse me if I swing and miss...

Pumps work by going through source blocks and flowing blocks to find the furthest away connected block, that's why you are seeing the outside edges first, then it works down.

If you want to use the RP grate setup, pump it into a tank, and then put the liquid tesseract on another valve on the same tank. Should work with either a small xycraft tank or a small buildcraft tank.

I'm trying to pump out oil wells in a timely manner. But supplying the pump with 100 MJ/t makes no difference to how fast it works vertically and it still takes around 30 seconds for every vertical block movement.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It's just how the pump works you can't speed that up, also save your power cos it only needs like 5MJ/t to work at maximum.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just put your pump at the top of the oil "bubble" at the bottom instead of at the top of the single block "well".

The best solution for oil pumping is a squeezer. ;)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
As far as I know, the pump extension is fixed, and not a factor of power input (works even without power). One thing that might do it would be to try looking at the RP2 ones, which I think just take the furthest source block, whether horizontally or vertically.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
As far as I know, the pump extension is fixed, and not a factor of power input (works even without power). One thing that might do it would be to try looking at the RP2 ones, which I think just take the furthest source block, whether horizontally or vertically.
I already did if you read my OP !


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Umm, i usually dig right to the bottom and put the pump there like this:

From above


where T = Portable tank (or tank, doesnt matter)
P = pipe (buildcraft one)
E = energy cell at 10 mj/t

From the front
where X is oil and --- represents the top and bottom of the bubble.

Then, what happens is this, the pipe gets the oil, and fills the tanks, which have liquiducts attached to their bottom in output mode, then, liquiducts fill a endertank or tesseract (your decision) which goes straight into your base... You will lose some of the oil (the one that is in the column) but this works pretty fast.

Keep in mind that the pump can pump 20 cubes of *whatever* per second, and uses 10Mj for doing so. The thing is that normally, pumps arent allowed to place the result in pipes (they arent capable of holding that much) so the pump keeps some on its buffer.. so with tanks, it works as it should :D Hope it helps :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
And I told you to do redpower 2 into a tank, and then link the tessearact to the tank, it's solved.

Explain to me how that is going to be faster than just using a BC pump in the traditional manner? In order for a RP pump to work you need sufficient block space to deposit the liquid so I would have to spend even MORE time making a large recessed "room" to take the oil before I can pump the BC on it and tesseract it to my base tank.

Umm, i usually dig right to the bottom and put the pump there like this:​
From above​
T P T​
L E L​
where T = Portable tank (or tank, doesnt matter)​
P = pipe (buildcraft one)​
E = energy cell at 10 mj/t​
From the front​
T P T​
L X L​
where X is oil and --- represents the top and bottom of the bubble.​
Then, what happens is this, the pipe gets the oil, and fills the tanks, which have liquiducts attached to their bottom in output mode, then, liquiducts fill a endertank or tesseract (your decision) which goes straight into your base... You will lose some of the oil (the one that is in the column) but this works pretty fast.​
Keep in mind that the pump can pump 20 cubes of *whatever* per second, and uses 10Mj for doing so. The thing is that normally, pumps arent allowed to place the result in pipes (they arent capable of holding that much) so the pump keeps some on its buffer.. so with tanks, it works as it should :D Hope it helps :D
I don't understand your diagram. What is "L" and where are you putting the BC pump? You only have a tank, a pipe and an REC in your diagram.​
If you set the BC pump down at the bottom of the oil chamber but 1 block above the bottom, when the sucker extends does it suck up all the oil right from the top of the spout outside or just the bottom layer of the chamber? Reading between the lines of your post above I think that's what you're trying to say? If so that would be a great solution I think.​


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You can pump from the bottom if I'm not mistaken (been awhile since I've done oil). It takes a brave adventurer but you can scuba to the bottom, dig out a breathing nook from the wall or floor and put your cell-pump-tesseract there such that the pump shaft extends a short distance to the bottom of the oil ball. The oil above will drain down into the pump faster than the pump would have extended down.....I think. It'd not like the pump will simply stop working if it has to wait 1 tic for the next liquid do get in range.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Explain to me how that is going to be faster than just using a BC pump in the traditional manner? In order for a RP pump to work you need sufficient block space to deposit the liquid so I would have to spend even MORE time making a large recessed "room" to take the oil before I can pump the BC on it and tesseract it to my base tank.

I don't understand your diagram. What is "L" and where are you putting the BC pump? You only have a tank, a pipe and an REC in your diagram.​
If you set the BC pump down at the bottom of the oil chamber but 1 block above the bottom, when the sucker extends does it suck up all the oil right from the top of the spout outside or just the bottom layer of the chamber? Reading between the lines of your post above I think that's what you're trying to say? If so that would be a great solution I think.​

Sorry, with L i meant liquiducts! The thing about them is that they can compress liquids :) so they are able to take it fast enought before the system clogs :D And the pump (as far as i am aware) pumps by layers.. so, you need to put it Inside the bubble, just below the "roof". What Biomirth said about pumps pumping from the upper blocks was right, but since (i dont know which update) it's not possible anymore :/ so:
P = Pump (and all the needed blocks to make it work)
x = oil
- = the roof and bottom of the oil bubble.

Should work pretty fine, it will first, take the layer 1, that will make the column (represented by X) fall, and if the moving oil touches the pump, the source block SHOULD be pumped too, so it could be better if you put the pump near the column that reaches Y 50+. Then, after it took all the oil in layer 1 and some of the column, it will go and take layer 2 3 and 4 in time.

IF im not wrong, what ppl are saying about engines in the pump isn't right at all, the movement of the "pipe" which comes out of the pump is fixed, but the sucking power isn't, so, using engines isn't wrong, but again, if you just hook up waterproof pipes (even 4 waterproof pipes arent able to hold as much as a max energy pump can pump) it will not matter if you give it 1 or 10Mj/T. The tanks setup, to act as a buffer, are important. Then, you could hook up the engine you want.. If it doesnt give more than 10Mj/t and i dont think there is an engine by now that could do that, then, you're not wasting any energy.

of course for a matter of simplicity, its better to use a redstone energy cell, because you can regulate how much it gives. The liquiducts should connect to an endertank, which in your base should be extracting its liquids into something (like an iron tank, i use a 800k one, because its pretty easy to fill them with this method.) but sometimes, you will not want the oil to pump that fast, so you can regulate the cell, remember, 10mj/bucket of oil. The pump can take from 2 buckets to 20 buckets. So, 10mj/t max, 1mj/t min.
You CANT do this with teserracts, the pump WILL take ALWAYS a lot of energy, and waste it. Its not intelligent enough to take only 10mj/t, it takes like 20 or 30mj/t when connected to a tesseract. I will try to take a picture and show you how it works.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, as you can see, the first image is how the setup looks like, the second one, is when the pump was powered with 10mj/t for LESS THAN A SECOND, as you can see, the column of oul is taken away too if you put the pump NEAR the start of it, so, the moving oil of the source blocks from above, touch the first 3x3 around it.



I checked with portable tanks too, but i didnt remember they have input from the top and bottom side, so, with portable tanks just one tank in the top of the pump and a redstone energy cell on its side. I would use 2 tanks, again, to avoid clogs. (I use normal tanks though, i didnt know about portable tanks at first and.. im just used to it. i have all my pumping stuff in a canvas bag and i don;t change it since.. i started the world xD except for liquiducts)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
have you tried placing a gt quantum tank next to the pump? once you've sucked a small ocean up with no appreciable slowdown you can begin working on moving it elsewhere.

also, as an aside, what on earth were ye talking about rp pump not working with kinglemmings stuff? just run fluid pipes to the grate, and liquiducts from the output side of the pump directly. that worked as of ultimate 1.0.1 versions.

now if you meant you can't tie a fluid pipe from rp2 into a tesseract, well no of course not. rp2 needs an endpoint in system, either a grate or the pump in this case. that aside, don't try the rp2 pump for water oceans. they aren't fast enough even in parallel to outrace water duplication with pools that large.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
have you tried placing a gt quantum tank next to the pump? once you've sucked a small ocean up with no appreciable slowdown you can begin working on moving it elsewhere.

also, as an aside, what on earth were ye talking about rp pump not working with kinglemmings stuff? just run fluid pipes to the grate, and liquiducts from the output side of the pump directly. that worked as of ultimate 1.0.1 versions.

now if you meant you can't tie a fluid pipe from rp2 into a tesseract, well no of course not. rp2 needs an endpoint in system, either a grate or the pump in this case. that aside, don't try the rp2 pump for water oceans. they aren't fast enough even in parallel to outrace water duplication with pools that large.

As I said in my OP, Mr. Lemming's stuff does not work with RP pump : http://i.imgur.com/bT3jC65.png ;)

I also said in my OP "DW20 pack", so where does one obtain a GT quantum tank from? ;)

@ Wolfsilver00, thanks I've give that a try. You don't need all those items though. I've been pumping with just the BC pump, an REC sat next to it and a liquid tesseract sat on top of the pump and it works just fine. I do wonder if it will suck up all the oil from the really tall ones that have spouts up to Y100 or so - the tops of those ones may be out of range of the pump's sucking area. I don't know if you watched DW20s SMP a few episodes ago when he set them up in a mystcraft lava ocean world but they were only sucking in about a 25 block radius iirc. :confused:


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
argh, you're right on both counts of course. the old multimc instance i had labeled for a dw20 pack had gt added in, and on going back to verify, i'd in fact had rp pump>fluid pipe(just one, which is why i missed it <semi buried> :/ ) to the bottom of a stack of portable tanks(lemmings, but not pipes themselves.shrugs).