[Public Pack] MysticBlade{RPG}{1.7.2}

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello everyone! I'd like to share with you my RPG Style pack for my jampacked submission! I'm not sure it will be 100% done by the deadline since I have a 5 month old, but I'm going to try my dang best!

Please note, you can download this pack, but it is it beta, so mods may be added, removed, and HQM quests might get moved around, possibly causing some quest progress resets. Please note, this is a third party modpack, and it is not affiliated with FTB! If you have issues with the pack please post them here or contact me through personal message!

What is MysticBlade?

Mystic Blade is an RPG modpack utilizing HQM! You are one of the many heroes that roamed the land through out the past and present, protecting your world from the invading parallel dimensions. Tensions become high, and eventually you realize you must go into these dimensions and neutralize the enemy before they have time to mass an attack! With your trusty magical blades you set off on an adventure to acquire loot, slay bad guys, build a base to be proud of, and quest to earn rewards! (WIP: Reward bags not implemented YET. Trying to finish the quests first) Take your weapon of choice, and then take on the world!

Mod in this pack, with Authors Credits:
See description on Technic, this is still changing too much to post here

If you would like to download this and post any issues you find, that would be awesome! If you like the modpack, please feel free to give me a +1 on the Technic Website! It helps to motivate me xD The description is a little plain right now, will be adding more graphics to it once I find the time to make them.


Public Alpha 1.7.2 version 1.3a



Screenshots: (FYI taken with shaders)
Entrance to chocolate dungeons mines:

The Frost Dimension from Eternal Frost:

The Dravite Hills from Divine RPG:

Boat Spawns from Chocolate Dungeons:

Snowy Castle spawn from Chocolate Dungeons:

Constructive feedback is always appreciated :D
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Not that I was aware? Also, I don't think ftb is currently accepting user created private packs, so I couldn't post it through there.
Looks awesome! I have been wanting an RPG style pack for a long time. I can't wait to try it
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Ohh interesting. If you look in NEI, you can actually upgrade the furnaces through metallurgy 3 using copper, bronze, etc, so I don't think I will need that, but I'll take a look anyhow! And treecapitator is a little weird. It works on most of the trees with the following exceptions:

Witchwood Tree from AM2
Pine Tree from Biomes O' Plenty
Large (4x4+) Oak trees

The pine and witchwood tree situation is probably easily fixed with some alterations of a config, so I'll look into that, but I'm not sure what's going on with Treecap. and the large oaks. I'll test tonight if maybe for some reason it's not detecting the leaves within a certain range, and maybe that's why its not recognizing it as a tree, and thus not treecapitating it because the logs have the same ID as regular oak which I am 99% sure it works for. :)

I'll be pushing an update tonight because I got AtomicStyker's permission to add back Infernal mobs which is fantastic, so I'll look at the configs in a bit :D I'm really happy to hear you're enjoying it! I really want to get the quest log done so this can be a complete submission! xD
OK, yeah I am in an overgrown plains biome ( i think that is what it is called) and it is full of the 4x4 oak trees. I'll go look around for a regular one.

Also, something in the pack is causing lag spikes every 45 seconds or so. It only seems to last for a frame or two, and is more annoying than anything else. It could be a specific dungeon near me, or maybe the massive amount of lava coming off the mountain...in either case, I'll see if I can track it down
Hmm. Might need to turn down dungeon spawns again, or there might be a mod still 'calling home' to check for updates. Is it every 45sec even when holding still, or only when you're moving? (ie. Generating chunks?) If you'd like to test, there's a setting in the chocolate config to turn down the spawn rate for each individual dungeon; you can try tuning those down and see if that helps. I'll investigate that as well.
well, timing is hard to predict. All the chunks around me are loaded, and I only notice it while moving. For instance, i am cutting down a tree for the first quest and when i lookup to cut down wood above me i notice the lag.

In my opinion, i would turn down dungeon generation regardless. It seems like I cant walk 100 yards without seeing one. If that is how you wanted it though, its cool.
tree cap isn't working on regular oak trees either. I'll check the config/logs and get back to you if i notice anything


I created new world, and I don't notice it. I think it was just something in the biome I was in.
Side note, when I spawned in I was able to see 4 dungeons without even taking a step.

Oh, any another suggestion for a mod that might go well in this pack Void Monster (https://sites.google.com/site/reikasminecraft/void-monster)

Void Monster adds a creature to the void which will pursue you for as long as it lives. It is trapped beneath the bedrock, so it is not a direct threat, but you will not be rid of its growls, grunts, and snarls nor the evil ambiance that surrounds it. This adds a whole new layer of ominousness and foreboding to the deep caves, and makes mining much more unsettling.
Should you find a hole in the bedrock, or be in a dimension such as the deep dark, which has natural holes into the void, the monster is free to enter your world and attack.
The monster is a dangerous foe; it will deal significant amounts of damage - two or three hits will kill an unarmored player - and if hurt, it will periodically heal itself, during which it is immune to attack. If you do attack it, it will charge you, usually hitting you again. Each time it hits you, it will heal itself one half of a heart, and will deal 10s of blindness. Its nether counterpart will also light you on fire. To give itself an edge in battle, the monster will eat many nearby light sources, causing them to drop as blocks.
Killing the monster will start a timer to spawn a new one in the void, and will provide a number of useful drops.
The mod contains a config that allows you to blacklist dimensions from the spawn rules. This is intended to stop spawns in void-type MystCraft ages, and will not have any effect if you blacklist the Overworld, the Nether, or Extra Utilities' Deep Dark.
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Eek! Ya, I'll turn that down some more tonight. My computer is pretty beefy, so I left it high for myself-- I didn't take into consideration that other peoples PC's might not do as well generating them. I'll bet that's the source of the lag. And I had actually seen that and forgot to nab it! Thank you :D Going to snag it and put it and test it out while I PM Reika to ask for permission :3

Edit: OH. I remember why I left it that high. I didn't want to travel a million miles across the map to find a dungeon to test the chest items that I had set in the configs. Oh god, yea these were set FAR too high for regular PC's; I had it jacked to 25% for some of them. SO sorry~! Going to be fixed in the update tonight for sure.
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I don't think the dungeons were the cause of it. I have a somewhat good computer. 8gigs of ram (4 dedicated to minecraft), a corei7 clocked at 3.1, an nvidia 640M, and an SSD. It seems to be happening only in that world. There is a Nether amount of lava flowing down from one of the really tall mountains generated by Biomes-O-Plenty. I think it was just the constant updates from that that might be doing it.

As far as the dungeons, it it just making it too easy to find awesome loot! I'll keep an eye out for the update and let you know.

I am excited to watch this develop. best of luck!
Ahh ok! Good to hear that it seemed to be unique to that world.. maybe I should disable the volcanos and see if that does it. Thanks so much for all the feedback and help you've provided!

Edit: Oh wow, I see what you mean about the dungeons being over plentiful. I may have went overboard adding biomes to the generation list. Just took off a ton and turned down the spawn rates. Holy bananas.
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-- Version 1.2c --

Added Mob Spawn Control Mod to fix issues with DivineRPG mobs not appearing in the overworld. (Still haven't fixed the DivineRPG Dimensions being empty, sent a message to the dev's twitter)
Updated Ars Magica 2 to fix an issue with a crash upon entering the Nether
Updated Chocolate Quest Configs to massively tone down dungeon spawn rates
Updated Treecapitator Configs to fix Witchwood trees not working with it. Still working on the 4x4 oak trees and pine trees from BoP.

Going to New York in... 5 hours.. be back much later today, need sleep for now lol
I have my FPS is around 100 now (it was in the 80-85 range)

Dungeons still seem a bit unbalanced for *some* biomes. I spawned in a prairie, and there were 4 within render distance. overall though it is better. I was able to find some biomes without any, so that is good :)
Eep! I'll check which ones spawn in praries and remove some maybe! Glad the fps is better! Sadly, I might need to replace Divine RPG unless I can somehow magically fix its monsters spawning in the correct dimension. Apparently the latest 1.6.4 version has a severe bug where the mobs just don't spawn. I've been using Custom Mob Spawning mod for thd overworld, but divine rpg doesn't have biomes specific to its dimensions, so it won't work to force mobs to spawn in the dravite hills for example. I'll be testing a bunch of potential replacement mods tonight :/
I have never been able to get Divine RRG to play nice with other mods. It would be a bummer to have to remove it. I don't think there is another mod like it .

I was making a pack similar to this a few months ago and gave up and removed it myself. I don't think it is very stable, and (if I remember) the author said he was stopping development until 1.7 or something like that
Ya, I sent a tweet to the developer yesterday just to get some info, and it's not so much that it doesn't play nice, but that the 1.6.4 release is an unfinished beta. I guess there was never really a final build for 1.6.4 (and very may never will be, though he did mention they MIGHT update it for 1.7 someday), and there for there are a lot of things just straight up missing. I fixed some of the issues by using other mods, adjusting item ID's and such, but the mob spawning in the dimensions seems to be a bust. I'm probably going to have to withdraw this as a jampacked entry and hope to try again another time :(

On the bright side, this means I can update the pack to 1.7.2 and add Eternal Isles which is their new DivineRPG-like project which looks absolutely amazing, and I'm psyched to try. There are some other nice RPG mods that are only available for 1.7.2, so I'll get to try those out now as well! :3
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Ya, I sent a tweet to the developer yesterday just to get some info, and it's not so much that it doesn't play nice, but that the 1.6.4 release is an unfinished beta. I guess there was never really a final build for 1.6.4 (and very may never will be, though he did mention they MIGHT update it for 1.7 someday), and there for there are a lot of things just straight up missing. I fixed some of the issues by using other mods, adjusting item ID's and such, but the mob spawning in the dimensions seems to be a bust. I'm probably going to have to withdraw this as a jampacked entry and hope to try again another time :(

On the bright side, this means I can update the pack to 1.7.2 and add Eternal Isles which is their new DivineRPG-like project which looks absolutely amazing, and I'm psyched to try. There are some other nice RPG mods that are only available for 1.7.2, so I'll get to try those out now as well! :3

Mods: Feel free to lock this thread, I'm very sorry for not being able to finish this, I had really wanted to submit something for Jampacked, but as DRPG was 90% of the idea behind my pack, this just won't happen D: (Can I still edit my OP to fix the download link once it's updated to 1.7.2?) Thanks!
You should definately still finish it I have been looking for a ftb pack with Eteranl Isles for a while and I think you have a great idea for it.
The public alpha version of 1.7.2 Mystic Blade is up! Also, if you'd like, feel free to follow my twitter, I'll be posting when I update it and what gets added/removed on there ^^ I'm also recording a Let's Play/Let'sExplore of it on my youtube channel once I have some stuff recorded. Baby doesn't want to co-operate today xD




Feedback is always welcome on either here or my twitter :D
This looks like it's going to be great fun!

Question though - I followed the link to get it through technic - but can't find HQM - is that not implemented yet? Your original post sounded like it was but might be updated...

I'll go poke around in my new world in any case :)
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