If there is a script to run by when asking questions sorry for not using it, I have had a problem with quarrys, I set up my landmarks (2D) Make sure they are all connecting to each corner, Then when i place the Quarry next to the Red Beams it completely ignored the beams and creates its own little 10x10 space to dig out, Is there anyway you can get the quarry bigger then a 10x10? In Etho's Latest video he shows that it is possible making a 64x64 Quarry, I'm running in the Mindcrack Mod pack. Version 6. (Etho I think is running Version 7 on the Mindcrack FTB Server). Is there anything in the config files I need to change to be able to expand past a 10x10 quarry. If there are no solutions it's probably that the server needs to be updated to version 7. Thanks everyone!