(Private Modpack) Configuring Ores & Ingots


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So I have been assembling my own private compilation of mods for 1.6.4, fine tuning all the config files as I go along. One of the first things I did was tune which mods had ores enabled, something that really wasn't that hard. The next step I am trying to conquer is "ingot confusion". The best example of this is Copper: Forestry has it, as does IC2, Emasher Resources (for Engineer's Toolbox) and so many more. Now.. I only have Copper Ore from Engineer's Toolbox enabled in ore generation, however some machines will produce different ingots even if they have their OWN copper ingot.

If I run Copper Ore from Emasher Resource through an IC2 Macerator and Electric Furnace... I get Forestry Copper Ingots, not Emasher Copper Ingots or IC2 Copper Ingots. It seems as tho just having one type of ORE does not automatically mean I'll have just one type of INGOT as a result.

Is there a simple way to configure things so this problem doesn't crop up? I have tried zeroing out the Item ID of various 'extrenuous ingots' and this works for one or two mods, but it causes others to fail out.

Anyone have suggestions?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That's a very odd situation. Generally you'll get the ingot of whatever mod you used to generate the ore. For example I can smelt Gold Ore in a Mekanism machine and get Mekanism gold dust. But if I put Metallurgy Copper Ore (RR) into a Mek machine it'll give me Metallurgy Copper. I could be wrong but this is going off of memory.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That's a very odd situation. Generally you'll get the ingot of whatever mod you used to generate the ore. For example I can smelt Gold Ore in a Mekanism machine and get Mekanism gold dust. But if I put Metallurgy Copper Ore (RR) into a Mek machine it'll give me Metallurgy Copper. I could be wrong but this is going off of memory.

Yes if I put Tin Ore (from any mod) into a Mekanism Enriching Chamber, I'll get Mekanism's Tin Dust. But if I put that dust into Mekanism's Smeltery, I (usually) get an Emasher Tin Ingot. The thing is.. that same process for Copper Ore produces FORESTRY Ingots, not Emasher Ingots. Forestry, in its infinite quirkiness, doesn't have Copper Blocks.. you instead have to 'crate up' copper for larger volume storage. However, if I have nothing but Forestry's Copper Ingots .. and I specifically need a Copper Block for a recipe... I'm stuck. As Mekanism only has ingots for Osmium, Glowstone and Obsidian... it transforms it into some from another mod.

This is the actual hurdle I am trying to get around; keeping Forestry installed without having other mods turning resources into Forestry ingots.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think Metallurgy *might* override Forestry in this regard. Don't take my word for it though.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I know that GregTech has a feature that automatically unifies ingots on the fly, but I kind of wish something like that existed outside of GregTech.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Oredictionary should start doing that..

Actually there are pretty nasty threads on the Forge development forums centered on this concept. LexManos (one of the maintainers of FML) firmly states that Forge is meant entirely to be 'behind the scenes' functionality and NEVER actually supply 'in-game features', which they consider this. Team FML is of the perspective that this kind of an idea falls into the realm of "responsibility of the developers" and should be employed by mod developers and not Forge itself.

So.. this is never going to be an automatic forge feature. No 'default ores' or anything of the sort, it is going to have to fall upon the shoulders of someone else to develop a mod that does that.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I did hear (if I remember right) that Lemming is supposedly thinking of changing the forge lexicon of the OmniTools to have a function to automatically do this, maybe in block form or something.
but there's a good chance I'm messing things up here so don't believe me on my word


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I know that GregTech has a feature that automatically unifies ingots on the fly, but I kind of wish something like that existed outside of GregTech.

A while back I whipped up a mod to do just that: OreDupeFix. Unfortunately, I stopped developing it since I started using GregTech instead (sorry), so it is only available for 1.5 and 1.4. I released it as open source, if anyone wants to take over development and keep it updated. Should not be too difficult for someone to update, I just don't have a personal need for it anymore now that GregTech has built-in automatic unification. And GT's is better, in the latest versions it even has a feature to periodically scan your inventory and unify automatically, if you somehow obtain un-unified items. Not sure if it unifies dungeon loot like ODF does, though. And neither might not necessarily unify the output of Emasher machines, they are both mainly focused on IC2 and other mods commonly used with IC2, Thermal Expansion, Forestry, etc.

Actually there are pretty nasty threads on the Forge development forums centered on this concept. LexManos (one of the maintainers of FML) firmly states that Forge is meant entirely to be 'behind the scenes' functionality and NEVER actually supply 'in-game features', which they consider this. Team FML is of the perspective that this kind of an idea falls into the realm of "responsibility of the developers" and should be employed by mod developers and not Forge itself.

So.. this is never going to be an automatic forge feature. No 'default ores' or anything of the sort, it is going to have to fall upon the shoulders of someone else to develop a mod that does that.

While Forge/FML supplying ingot items and ores themselves wouldn't make sense, that does not preclude improving the Ore Dictionary to reduce item duplication. Some ideas: "preferred" ores, or another oredict entry type for one-to-one name:item mappings instead of one-to-many.

Currently, all Forge oredict entries are (potentially) one-to-many, in that each item name maps to zero, one, or more actual in-game items/blocks. This is what you want for wood, dyes, etc., since they are intended to be distinct in-game (so you can have acacia or redwood, or non-lapis blue dye, but still use them interchangeably in crafting/machine recipes) but ironically is not all that appropriate for ores and ingots, where you generally want to only have one of each type and any other equivalents are superfluous. If there were 1:1 oredict mappings, oreCopper etc. would map to only one item, which would make much more sense IMHO. Maybe Forge could implement an API to help with this, but it would have to be designed and implemented (and then mods adopt it), and as far as I know no one is working on it.

However, mods can already implement this functionality themselves using the existing oredict API. All they would have to do is lookup oreCopper (and so on), and use the existing item already registered there, if any. Crafting recipe inputs would not have to change since they already refer to the ores by name, but recipe and machine outputs would instead refer to the existing item instead of having the mod register its own. The duplicate item would not even have to exist at all, if an equivalent item was already registered. Sadly I don't know of any mod that does this — instead, they all register their own items used for outputs. But it is technically possible with the current Forge API.