Casual Server Private MindCrack Server Whitelist 2-5 players

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IRL name: Lorenzo
Sype name:lowzaar
Why do you want to join:i'm looking for some buddies so i can have fun
Age: i'm 16
How much knowledge do you have with ftb mindcrack(v7): i have a little knowledge and everyday i'm trying to find out more about it...
IRL name: Tim
IGN: Timbob102
Sype name:Timbob202
Why do you want to join: I get bored easily in SSP and I want to be in a small community. I hope to start recording for YouTube.
How much knowledge do you have with ftb mindcrack(v7): Enough to help anyone who needs it.
IRL name:lachie
Sype name:colouredgamer
Why do you want to join:i enjoy playing online with other people and have fun working with them
How much knowledge do you have with ftb mindcrack(v7):a fair amount but I'll probably do some research while im playing
IRL name: Jack
IGN: jtw1313
Sype name: jtwarner14
Why do you want to join: I would like to join because i enjoy playing other people rather than by my self.
Age: 14
How much knowledge do you have with ftb mindcrack(v7): I have been playing FTB for a little while now so i have a fair amount of knowledge.
I was wondering if it would be possible for the server to get Thaumic Bees and Mystcraft 0.10.0. Mystcraft would be for a mining age and Thaumic Bees because there are bees that can help with nodes. Would it be possible to give all current players imprinters and master apiarist data base help with the breeding?
IRL name: Ryan
Skype name: ryan.mcintosh7
Why do you want to join: To have fun with the other members and explore FTB with others.
Age: 16
How much knowledge do you have with ftb mindcrack(v7): I've been playing for about a month so above average
My friend and i are starting a private mindcrack style FTB server And are looking for 2-5 people to play if you would like to apply please copy and paste this below and pm me:

IRL name: Jordan
Sype name: its complicated and i dont want you to add the wrong person (its happened before ) if you accept me to the server ill add you instead :)
Why do you want to join: private, no greifing, and so I can possibly film videos later on if i can understand how to do all the recording and editing!
Age: 17
How much knowledge do you have with ftb mindcrack(v7):
well I worked my way up the tech tree to ultimate solar panel, nuclear reactor, and a full inter-dimensional storage unit, am fluent in thaumcraft and dabbled in bees (all in the hard ass mindcrack version, not easy direwolf)
IRL name: Nikko
IGN: lookatmenow123
Sype name: minecraftboii
Why do you want to join: I want to join becuase ftb is really fun and I know a lot about machines in industrialcraft! I can start recording as soon as possible
How much knowledge do you have with ftb mindcrack(v7): M knowledge on FTB Mindcrack is really good and I really like the IC2 machines:)
IRL name: Casey
IGN: mrdouble__
Sype name: casey51400
Why do you want to join: I want to be in a small community that has a stable base and where we all know each other.
Age: 14
How much knowledge do you have with ftb mindcrack(v7): Playing it since it came out and played with the mods before it was a modpack.
IRL name: Patrick Grinder
IGN: Pg13GrInDErPg13
Sype name: pg13grinder
Why do you want to join: I am looking for a potential server that is white-listed, so not to be disturbed by any random people and can start somewhat fresh with multiple people
Age: 14
How much knowledge do you have with ftb mindcrack(v7): I have played through the pack multiple time but never got far because it is no fun to not be able to play with other people.