lasers are only 1/13th of the mod? How very precise. Thanks for telling me how horribly limited the mod is.
Multiblock chests? You know what else adds those? Vanilla.
What does the mod DO? Why should I download it?
I meant by modules. The mod has 13 modules that add billions of amazing things. There used to be a Google Docs Guide for the old version, and they didn't finish updating it, so they made a wiki. It was just created recently.
Modules: Core: which adds beautiful Crystal world gen and a crafting tool kinda like Crafting Table III.
Checkpoint: Does what it says. (Portal Gun's doesn't work yet).
Deco: Adds Iron Frames, Chimneys, and a redstone block. (This was before 1.5 came out. They are removing it.)
Hologram!: Fake block projector! And a few other supplemental objects.
Item Storage: Compressors (Backpacks). High Stack Compressor has 9 slots which can hold many many items. Kinda like AE's Drives. Huge Chest: 4*4 square empty, glass in the corners. Fences on top of those, Fences on top of those, and glass on the top of those. Right click with an activator crystal (from Core) to create a super cool looking structure with lasers in the glass. Throw items in the square and they will get sucked in and start floating around, kind of like a glorified crystal chest.
Light: Light. Lasers! Very comprehensive. If a laser goes through a crystal, it gets colored. You can add modulators to the laser like the distance modulator. If you craft multiple Distance Modulators, the Modulator levels up. Then you can right click on the Laser to apply it. Each adds 8 blocks to the distance. Sensor Modulator, which allows you to sense anything in the laser's way and emit a redstone signal. Killing Modulator. Can be leveled up. The Sensor cannot, as far as I know. Prism! Splits the laser. You can right click on the sides with glass panes to split the laser. Mirrors! Lightning Conductor. Have not tried this yet.
Logic!: Adds many gates, many more than Redpower's.
Machines!: Automatic Workbench. Uses disks encoded with recipes, kind of like XACT and AE. Block Builder (PC deployer). Harvester (PC Block Breaker). Replacer (Haven't tested this yet). Roaster! Furnace and sets fire to mobs who walk on it. XP Bank (PC Brain in a Jar). Transmutabox (Haven't tested this yet). Fishingmachine, apparently a Multiblock Structure. Chunkloader (MultiBlock Structure).
Mobile: Miner (Multiblock Structure).
Net: Radio and Sensor.
Teleporter: Duh.
Transport: Ready for this? CONVEYOR BELTS! Jk, not new. Brake Belt, very slow, stops if redstone. Detector Belt, item pressure plate. Ejector Belt, Puts items into chests. Normal Belt: Normal Belt. Speedy Belt: Speedy Belt. Redirector Belt: Sorting Belt. Separation Belt: Splitting Belt? Hacked Water: Idk. Item Elevator!!! Lifts you up too and deposits you/item on adjacent block at top of elevator. Sticky Boots: You don't get pulled by conveyors.
Weasel: PC programming.
Yeah, I know, PC doesn't sound right for this description. Whatever. Aaaanywho, there you go!