I am running a modified mindcrack mod pack. I am looking for something better/more interesting for eu generation. I've run geothermals and the GT version, but I wanted to do something else. I was going to do methane with a rubber tree farm, but the most recent version of GT nerfed rubber wood and now it only gives 1 methane instead of 4. Converting meat to methane costs 25,000eu, and generates 45,000eu, for a net of 20,000. It returns 44% more power than it took to create it.
Even though it doesn't seem like much, converting plant balls into ic2 biofuel cells only costs 1600eu to create and generates 6000, with a net of 4400eu. This returns 73% more power than it took to create. From an efficiency standpoint, biofuel cells are almost twice as efficient as methane production.
Are there any other interesting fuel paths that I could use?
Even though it doesn't seem like much, converting plant balls into ic2 biofuel cells only costs 1600eu to create and generates 6000, with a net of 4400eu. This returns 73% more power than it took to create. From an efficiency standpoint, biofuel cells are almost twice as efficient as methane production.
Are there any other interesting fuel paths that I could use?