I used to use my portal gun as a way to return home; I would always leave my right-click portal near my bed, and my left-click portal would pop down wherever I was. The problem there, is that I couldn't use my portal gun as a nifty problem solving tool or enemy disposal trick.
However, I made a simple way to set up a single portal spawner (especially useful when you find an odd number of them in dungeon chests) so that your portal gun gives you an easy way to return home but is also fully useable while out exploring.
By hooking it like this to a Programmable Rednet Controller (or a less conspicuous way, like the wall behind it should work), you can set a timer, like this:
So every so often, the portal set in your portal spawner 'expires' from the last place you put it, and ends up right back at home.
However, I made a simple way to set up a single portal spawner (especially useful when you find an odd number of them in dungeon chests) so that your portal gun gives you an easy way to return home but is also fully useable while out exploring.
By hooking it like this to a Programmable Rednet Controller (or a less conspicuous way, like the wall behind it should work), you can set a timer, like this:
So every so often, the portal set in your portal spawner 'expires' from the last place you put it, and ends up right back at home.