Ok, thanks to the people in #minecraftforge IRC I managed to solve the issue so I can move on with this again 
the broken attempt does look interesting tho, maybe I just have a thing for weird maps. I like to start a flat map with just bedrock delete all but one region and change it to default/biomesop worldgen and just stay in the hole and mine the walls
I'd like the option to have a layer of bedrock on any terrain type (island, void, etc)
How about this?
Creation cost = 5,000RF * complexity of dimension (so all basics have complexity of 1, but stuff like diamond ore would have maybe a complexity of 20, or something)
Then for more "balance" have it so that there is energy storage on the portal (either side) that accepts power to keep the age "stable". (and maybe have the portals load the chunk(s) they occupy), and they drain at a rate of maybe 100Rf/t * complexity. And If the power runs then there would be negative effects such as power costs ramp up (so for example pulverizing stone -> cobble usually costs 500RF, but when the "instability" is there, it now costs 2000RF/t, or something)
But I would also add conduits that can carry millions of RF/t (and maybe energy cells that can input/output more power too) if this were to happen, because a super complex dimension may be sucking 300K RF/t
Maybe have it so that it is "bound" to the creator.
So if I made the dimension, power would only be drained if I was on the server. Even if I wasn't in the dimension.
That way you don't have to worry about the potential "I live near other people, and my base stays loaded if they are online" issue
Maybe add a whitelist to it too then?
So it would be bound to me, but I could add your username to it in the dimension builder after it has been created - or something. And then if I left, and you were on, you could go to the dimension and it would drain power until you leave.
Makes sense. Perhaps some garbled lore about the dimension being in stasis until something interacts with it (player/chunkloader).Yes but it would still allow (without drain) other people to come on that dimension.
I'm kinda liking my idea of only having the dimension powered if either someone (no matter who) is there and/or a chunkloader is active there. When neither of these conditions is true nothing useful is happening in that world anyway since it is not loaded by minecraft.
I just implemented support for material modifiers. So you can now actually change the base material of your dimension to (for example) netherack, dirt, stone (default) or diamond blocks, gold ore, gold blocks(!)
I have a balance question though about these VERY VERY op materials. I don't want to disallow them but I want to make it a challenge to use them. So I would like to have an idea about the following questions for these OP blocks (diamond ore, diamond block, gold ore, gold block, ...).
Trying to come up with reasonable and not totally impossible values but still pretty hard to actually be able to use.
- How rare should these dimlets be? If you research 10000 unknown dimlets. Then how many diamond block dimlets should you have? How many diamond ore? and so on.
- How much RF/tick should these modifiers be if used on full terrain. i.e. make a world made out of diamond blocks (not as ore, but full diamond blocks everywhere). How much RF/tick would you expect that to cost to keep alive? How much for diamond ore? and so on
- How much RF/tick should these modifiers be if used as ore generation. That means that not the entire terrain is made out of them but you'll be able to find these blocks scattered through the landscape as 'ore'. Note that the same dimlets are going to be used but they will be modifiers for another master dimlet (i.e. 'diamond block' modifying 'terrain dimlet' will alter the entire terrain, 'diamond block' modifying 'ore' dimlet will add ores).