I am not saying equality that brings down the best to shit, i.e. the inventors of medical wonders being treated like crap, but I know a lot of people who do a lot for the place they work at, and barely get enough to live on.
How about we go for a different system to the classical communism system, we will call it a Socialisitic-Capitalism.
Those who work earn. Those who work hard earn well.
Those who don't work don't earn. But those who can't work get help.
What I mean by this could be done with a simple set of questions:
Are you unable to work?
Yes: Is this due to: old age/disability/pregnancy/homelessness or extreme poverty*?
*this is because those in this situation are probably unlikely to get an interview/be able to work until they can afford a house
Yes: Ok, we as a government, will aid you into getting a job, making your last few years livable (not lavish, but not a cardboard box), help you get the treatment you need, help you bring the child into this world.
No: We will give you 3 months (maximum) of help. Nothing more (this is just as a quick boost, as it may be someone has moved to country, and is waiting to get citizenship, or something)
No: Are you working?
No: We will give you 3 months of help. (This is to stop people living off of benefits) - If you are a recently finished student, we will get you into work! (nothing fancy, it would maybe be give them 2 months to see if they can find somewhere they WANT to work, that will hire them, if not, shelf-stacker at WallMart, or something)
Yes: Are you a "skilled" worker?
No: You are entitled to NMW, nothing less, and if you are earning less than (NMW*36)*52 (National Minimum Wage for 36 hours a week, a year) per anum, if you earn less (e.g. work 20 hours, not 36) then we will give you the difference between what you earn, and that figure.
Yes: Is what you do an "important" job (important being doctors, scientists, not CEOs, etc.)
No: You have a wage ceiling of (2(NMW*40))*54 (this gives them 2 weeks of paid holiday, and double what an unskilled worker would get, working 40 hours), and after that your Tax goes higher (well, money needs to come from somewhere, and when you earn more, you can afford more)
Yes: Is your job publicly important? (If this job was not done, then EVERYONE could be affected, e.g. doctors and morticians, police, teachers, etc)
No: you get 1.5* what people who don't do important jobs do, and a little higher wage ceiling, apart from holidays.
Yes: 4x previous. A wage ceiling doesn't mean you can't earn above that, but for a job which benefits everyone, and wants to always have a supply of people to take those jobs. Incentives are needed.
Yes, it sounds complex, and it probably wouldn't work without cutting out spending on other things, raising VAT, and stuff like that. BUT you get where I am coming from?
If someone is working, no matter what job they do, they should be able to afford to make sure themselves, and their family, can at least afford 2 meals a day (as I said, I know a guy who eats lunch, monday-friday, and breakfast and dinner on sat+sun, because he can't afford more than that. He is a hard, honest worker, who doesn't deserve that, but his boss cannot afford to give him a raise/more hours, and he isn't very qualified, so he struggles to get anything decent)
Yes, I understand people get fired, and it can take a while to get a new job, hence the 3 months no questions asked. As long as you weren't fired for something that would prevent you from working again, why should they not get help just while they look for something new? If they where on NMW+2, they wouldn't get that much, but it wouldn't be something where they are finding it impossible to live while they look for a job (maybe NMW*0.75).
I have all these ideas that I rarely get to talk about. I like this thread