Whitelist Server Paulix FTB! [Mindcrack v7] [Teamspeak3] [Whitelist] [EU]

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Whitelist Application:
Why you would like to join us? i like "every1 is just starting" servers ("brand new server" does mean that right?),ppl seem to have a tendency to help each other more, i haven't played much mindcrack and wanna learn some new stuff
You acknowledge that breaking any of the rules above will result in a ban: sure
You acknowledge that this server is on HARD mode: ok
Will you use the Teamspeak? aahhh, sparsely at best. my pc seems to have a problem with ts3 right now and dcs/reconnects on its own every few minutes annoying every1 with "user left your channel; user joined your channel; user...". its just ts too, games/skype/etc run smothly while ts is spazzing out. so until i figure out a way to fix it i'll be very ts-shy. doesn't mean i can't go on from time to time, just not as much as i'd like
Age: 14
IGN: AutisticPanther
Why you would like to join us? I really want to play on a feed the beast server and yours seems perfect
You acknowledge that breaking any of the rules above will result in a ban: Yes I do.
You acknowledge that this server is on HARD mode: Of course.
Will you use the Teamspeak? Yes
Age: 15
IGN: M4rc97
Why you would like to join us? Looking for a good server to play on with people
You acknowledge that breaking any of the rules above will result in a ban: Yes
You acknowledge that this server is on HARD mode: Yes
Will you use the Teamspeak? Yes
IGN: grimnax
Why you would like to join us? well im looking for a small&mature community to pass my time.
You acknowledge that breaking any of the rules above will result in a ban: Yes
You acknowledge that this server is on HARD mode: Yes
Will you use the Teamspeak? Most likely
Age: 17
IGN: wixo
Why you would like to join us?: Looking for a community driven server for me and a couple of friends
You acknowledge that breaking any of the rules above will result in a ban: Yes
You acknowledge that this server is on HARD mode: Yes
Will you use the Teamspeak?: Might use it later on, will start without it though
Age: 14
Why you would like to join us?: I would like to join you because the last server i was on had been closed and this one look friendly and fun!
You acknowledge that breaking any of the rules above will result in a ban: Yes
You acknowledge that this server is on HARD mode: Yes its good to have a little challenge!
Will you use the Teamspeak?: I will but id like to get to know some people on it first because of personal reasons
Age: 15, soon 16
IGN: JustSmall
Why you would like to join us? I'm searching for a server with good admins and a friendly community.
You acknowledge that breaking any of the rules above will result in a ban: Yes.
You acknowledge that this server is on HARD mode: Yes.
Will you use the Teamspeak? If necessary, yes.
Age: 17
IGN: Democretes
Why you would like to join us? I've been looking for a fun server to play on for a while now.
You acknowledge that breaking any of the rules above will result in a ban: Indubitably
You acknowledge that this server is on HARD mode: Yes.
Will you use the Teamspeak? As much as I can.
IGN: queerman
Why you would like to join us? cuz im gay
You acknowledge that breaking any of the rules above will result in a ban: ya but there gay
You acknowledge that this server is on HARD mode: nah bitchs
Will you use the Teamspeak?[/quote] possible to lick you
Whitelist Application:
Age: 16
IGN: Ezera13
Why you would like to join us? Looking for a server that won't crash 24/7, has a great community, and no mods disabled.
You acknowledge that breaking any of the rules above will result in a ban: Not that I am aware of.
You acknowledge that this server is on HARD mode: I'd rather play on hard, all other modes ruin the game
Will you use the Teamspeak? Well, I currently don't have it on my laptop, once I do, i'd be down to it.
Age: I am 15 years old.
IGN: My Minecraft name is MikeyP97.
Why you would like to join us? I play Single Player a lot and have had a lot of fun. But I have played long enough that is starts to lose the feeling of enjoyment without interaction from other people, so I am hoping to get that feeling back by joining a Multiplayer Server.
You acknowledge that breaking any of the rules above will result in a ban: I understand that if I am to break and of the server's rules I will be banned from the server. I will not break any rules if I am whitelisted because I like to play and have fun with other players, and if I break the rules than that can ruin other players fun.
You acknowledge that this server is on HARD mode: I understand that the server is on "Hard" mode and would expect nothing less. I will not complain about anything that will happen to me due to this because it makes the game more fun.
Will you use the Teamspeak? I have never used TeamSpeak before but I would be willing to learn how in order to play on this server.

Thank you for considering my application to this server, and I would appreciate it if you left me a message telling me if I am accepted to this server or rejected from this server.

Age: 17 (years, not months)
IGN: ThexKx
Why you would like to join us?: I want to play on a mindcrack v8 server and yours is the one that seems to stick to "vanilla" mindcrack settings the most.
You acknowledge that breaking any of the rules above will result in a ban: Your rules aren't there to be broken? I guess I'll obey them then.
You acknowledge that this server is on HARD mode: Yes, that's what makes it fun.
Will you use the Teamspeak?: When I get my new headset, in about a week, I will.
Age: 19
IGN: thunder2277o
Why you would like to join us? just wanted to find a server so i can play with other peaple
You acknowledge that breaking any of the rules above will result in a ban: yes
You acknowledge that this server is on HARD mode: yes best way to get a challenge with minecraft
Will you use the Teamspeak? maybe
Whitelist Application:
IGN:Saykik555 My friend: Myhremastyre
Why you would like to join us?Becouse you seem like the only good server around here, i would like to play with my friend on this server if u please could whitelist him too we must play toghether. Please respond quickly.
You acknowledge that breaking any of the rules above will result in a ban: Ofcourse .
You acknowledge that this server is on HARD mode: Yes.
Will you use the Teamspeak? I will yes.
Whitelist Application:
Why you would like to join us?I don't like playing on big servers because you don't get to know anyone and there's to many greifers also nobody is friendly.
You acknowledge that breaking any of the rules above will result in a ban:Yes
You acknowledge that this server is on HARD mode:Yes
Will you use the Teamspeak?[/quote]If I can. I will try to use it
Whitelist Application:
Age: 15
IGN: dyl421421
Why you would like to join us? Looking for a server to replace my old one which closed down. Your server looks really fun and interesting.
You acknowledge that breaking any of the rules above will result in a ban: Yes, clearly understood
You acknowledge that this server is on HARD mode: Yes, clearly understood
Will you use the Teamspeak? Of course! I love TeamSpeak!
Whitelist Application:
Age: 20
IGN: Kiwisz
Why you would like to join us? Looking for a server to join since my friends got bored of the private server we were playing on, playing by yourself can get boring pretty fast :P.
You acknowledge that breaking any of the rules above will result in a ban: Yes
You acknowledge that this server is on HARD mode: Yes
Will you use the Teamspeak? Maybe eventually, I do have a mic, but probably not right away since I usually watch shows or streams while i play MC :P