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Phoenix Team Founder
Jun 11, 2013
The Immortal's Cemetery

Okay, on to writing!
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Weird thing: pretty much all of those represented actual things that happened to me IRL, and one of them actually happened.


Phoenix Team Founder
Jun 11, 2013
The Immortal's Cemetery
Weird thing: pretty much all of those represented actual things that happened to me IRL, and one of them actually happened.

We always tend to add a bit of ourselves to our characters, that's normal. Deeper into my backstory, you'll see stuff that also really happened to me IRL, if not the most important thing that ever happened to me - but as the character does represent a fair bit of my own personality, he's bounded to not share it too easily. I'll not point out what it is, either - for well, obvious reasons.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
THE SHIPPING. Also, since no one caught this
|Simon's Apartment|

Does he really think that changes anything? Does he really think that experience won't haunt me for the rest of my life? And is that good or bad...And the joke was cute, in a nerdy sort of way

"It could be worse, but being in your situation wouldn't be worse and that doesn't make it better," I say as I get up and go to the bathroom to wash my face.

I splash the water to my face, and I can feel the difference in my state of mind. What now Glade? You're in a guys apartment who you barely know, you can't just leave can you? And what about the others? Where do they think we are?

I walk back into the main room determined to get back to the hospital. "Come on Simon, lets go see what the other two lovebirds are up to."
> implying we are lovebirds
> implying I (not Glade per say) set this up all along
> implying I play with peoples emotions
> implying I am evil


Phoenix Team Founder
Jun 11, 2013
The Immortal's Cemetery
|Christopher Watson|

Her smile, her laughter, it brought a familiar warm, fuzzy feeling into my stomach, which I couldn't quite label myself. It's not something you can describe with words, it's one of those things that to understand, only feeling it for yourself - hell, I, myself, had forgotten what it felt like, until just now. Her words hit me like a truck, I could almost feel my body moving backwards. "It's there now, the proof, she likes you, Watson. What now?" My inner self sighs. I tried speaking, but I ended up choking on my own words before I could actually say something, my smile faded just slightly.

-"I-I think... I do like you." -I starred at the floor- "I just, you don't... I shouldn't..." - I'm getting lost in my own words again. I finished the sentence with a sigh. I tried keeping my happy, comforting expression up, but it was getting harder, every second.
I couldn't stop questioning: "But, what in this says that it'll be different, exactly?" I mean, I know something does it, but I'm not sure what, and I'm not just one hundred percent sure if I can't trust it, considering the past events. Maybe it's her smile, or how similar we are, hell if I knew, but hell, do I mind. If the Christopher from one, two months ago heard this situation, he'd probably laugh, and then punch his future self in the face. ""It wasn't a tragedy, it was a lesson", remember?!", he'd say. My headache started again, and memories started flowing in. I kept staring at the floor and as the first tear left my left eye, I managed to clean it with my wrist. I tried to not let the other ones appear, I didn't want another set of tears to be shed tonight. I look at her, trying my max to share light smile once more.

-"I..." -I couldn't say anything. My mind was too busy processing other things too even allow me to speak. I tried my max to not let her get the wrong idea, but I couldn't, I didn't knew what to say. Another tear appeared on my eye, and without a single word to say, I did the only thing I could think of. Telling my traumatized side to go fuck itself, I made a serious expression, as if I had just decided something. Then, I proceeded to lean towards her, kissing her in the lips.​

I wrote and rewrote this like, three~four times. I was legitimately conflicted.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I really with GPuzzle/Wolf were online right now. They were about to enter the room as well. That'd amazingly awkward.
I'm going to say right now that that would be a legendary cockblock.

And I'm not scared of saying that cause we literally discussed Australians mating a while ago.
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Phoenix Team Founder
Jun 11, 2013
The Immortal's Cemetery
Also, I'm afraid I won't reply today. I only had two hours of sleep yesterday, and even with the insomnia I feel like I should at least try to least, ya' know, considering it's like (looks at watch), uhm, exactly 4 AM.

I leave you with this, my horrible, unfinished drawing of today:

(this took 5~6 to make, I don't even either)
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Aug 22, 2014
A place
We always tend to add a bit of ourselves to our characters, that's normal.

Name: Brock Blackwood - false

Age: 21 - false

Gender: Male - true

Sexuality: Hetero - can't remember what this means, I think true

Talents: Hunting - false,
stealth - true,
parkour - mostly false

Personality (one paragraph minimum): He never thinks through what he says before he says it. - true
He has a dark sense of humor, and overly uses sarcasm. - true
He usually instantly defends himself and insults anyone who insults him. - mostly true
However, he is very honest - false,
and usually helps anyone suffering, - mostly true
as he has himself. - mostly false
He becomes uncontrollably angry - true
at the death of friends, - false
becoming reckless, - true
and doing anything to avenge the fallen friend's death. - what do you think

Backstory (one paragraph minimum): When he was younger, his parents, who were bank owners, were shot in a robbery. He remembers the day vividly, and struggles with the memory in his dreams every night. After the day, he never hunted with a gun again, using instead a bow and knife. Isolated from society, he lived out his hunting life, with sudden bursts of anger occasionally at himself for never catching the murderers. That is, until now. - Totally false

Current occupation: Hunter - false

Extra: Becomes mentally unstable around, and at the mention of guns. - false
After a certain level of suffering, he becomes unreasonable and unable to emphasize with anyone else, but is not mentally affected by any suffering - kinda true, like when I'm ill, and all my friends are being douchebags and people are yelling at me to get stuff done and I'm injured, I start to not care about the world anymore.
(so can easily ignore people mentioning his parents) - ummm nothing happened to my parents