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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Aaaaand @yoy1zoz2mom3 just failed to meet the post standards as well.

Look, I can understand that you guys aren't as experienced as, for example, someone like me (7 years and proud of it! :3), but is it really THAT hard to not write a paragraph? Instead of leaving everything for all the viewers to assume, try to actually explain the motions of your character's body, the details of their actions and thoughts. Just don't do it in massive bulk - make sure all the details and stuff have a reason. Remember the rule for Chekov's Gun while you're adding all those little details and you should be just fine.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I honestly feel like the nagging instructor being the person who had to say that, but honestly, it's true. I mean, @xTordX I can understand yours because, you know, your phone was running out of battery, so at least it's justified. If you just did it because you were lazy, then that's probably the most self-destructive thing you can do. You're not making mistakes and learning from them, you're just outright not trying. And I know that might seem offensive, but really, that's what it usually is.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Seriously, though, who's James?
Let me explain...

You ever had a GM of DnD or another general tabletop game tell you, it's definitely an interesting or hard experience because there's so many people doing so many things all at the same time, and you have to respond to them all equally without making it seem unfair (don't focus on one during the entire time) so everybody can keep playing at the same time?

It's kind of like that. And if you don't expect mistakes to crop up, then that's a weird assumption.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think I am supposed to post this here:

Name: Daniel Cauthon

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Description: A young man, somewhere between his early and middle twenties with raven black hair and a slim build. His eyes are hazel and his face appears cheerful. He is rather pale as well and is never seen without a hat.

Talents: Games of luck, military tactics

Personality (one paragraph minimum): While managing to appear as a clown to many of the people around him, he is in reality cruel and very calculating. He is far more intelligent than he appears, often having to hold himself back physically from admonishing the actions of other people that he finds particularly foolish.

He does not have any code of honour and is ruthless towards his enemies in getting what he desires, that often being more wealth or attractive women. He is easily capable of making friends and then manipulating them to his advantage. However, he often likes to drop hints as to what his plans are to those around him as he often wishes for an adversary to stop him.

Backstory (one paragraph minimum): He was a strange child, often ignoring the company of others and reading the military books that his father gave him. He was an only child and his mother died of sickness shortly after he was born. However, one day a bounty hunter seeking fame and money broke into his home and killed his father who had terrorised the land before under the guise of a rouge mercenary before settling down. The bounty hunter then tried to kill young Daniel, however he managed to escape to a nearby city, plotting his revenge against the world that had taken all that he cared about from him.

Current occupation: The leader of The Band of the Black Swords, a large gang in London.

Extra: He does have a small conscience left, making him unable to kill women and children or even be indirectly responsible for their deaths.
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