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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This is why I've been using Steve's Carts for farming, so I can save my fertilizer for use in fermenters for biomass production.

Then again, I'm still playing on a world generated before the Forestry update, so I don't have a whole lot of apatite. I suppose I could create a Mystcraft Age filled with mountains if I ever start running low.
checkerboard biomes with extreme hills and extreme hills edge. Apatite for DAYS.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I like it. And the new farms. They seem to be very efficient in terms of material consumption. They also seem to have higher outputs.

If you want full automation and have the mindcrack pack, there is an alternate recipe for fertilizer that uses sand and salt peter I think. ;)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It's kind of insane. I usually give up on mining it all because it takes so damn long, probably twice the size of a large coal vein. Make veins a little more common, and a little less large.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
checkerboard biomes with extreme hills and extreme hills edge. Apatite for DAYS.

A single vein will last you for days as it is now. literally days of continuous running of a single farm.
one apatite ore-block yields from 1 to 5 apatite, + whatever extra you get from fortune if you have that.
each piece of apatite you combine with 2 sand gives 8 fertilizer. or if you use ash instead of sand it yields 16 fertilizer.... (making peat farms and peat fired engines a little more efficient than before, because you can double your apatite output with them).

for instance. a peat farm uses 10mU (milliUnits?) of fertilizer per peat made. each fertilizer represents 2000mU. so 1 fertlilizer yields 200 peat. you should be able to get 2 ash per 3 peat. (200/3)*2= 133 ash.
that was from a single fertilizer, so after making the first 8 by combining one apatite gem with 2 sand you should be set to get 16 per apatite gem after that.