Welcome to the server.In-Game Name: misiu293
How old are you? 24
Where are you from (City, State or Country)? Poland
What are you looking for in this server: friendly community and the mods
How active are you? 5 times a week
Do you agree to the rules (if so, how many rules are listed above)? i agree and there are 7
In-Game Name: Krabula
How old are you? 29
Where are you from (City, State or Country)? Finland
What are you looking for in this server. I do want to explore new versions of modpacks/minecraft with this server where my friend did invite(well told me to apply) me.
How active are you? 1-4hrs/day
Do you agree to the rules (if so, how many rules are listed above)? Yes I do agree and 7.
Welcome to the server... enjoy our server.[DOUBLEPOST=1407323984][/DOUBLEPOST]In-Game Name: iPPoeoeoeoeoe
How old are you? 22
Where are you from (City, State or Country)? Norway
What are you looking for in this server: A mature community, newest mod updates, experienced players and the possibility to have a laugh every once in a while.
How active are you? Being a full time student, everything from 20 hours a week to 0-5 hours a week, depending on work load.
Do you agree to the rules (if so, how many rules are listed above)? I agree to the seven rules of ForgeLabs
I dont think is a bug... and i kinda like it, makes the game harder... ask brizzle in the modpack thread if u want to. (and irl, electrolize H2O is a very inefficient process too)guys i think we have a bug or somethings is configured wrong.
the electrolytic separator requires 1600 rf/tick. i'm pretty sure something is wrong. in previous versions required like 20 or 40 rf/tick.
The world got restored... see if is everything ok.aobozu someone cheated some nukes and nuked my base and mini base.
and also i got a picture with phantomrider dying from radiation, while he was supposed to build the workshop and had acces to creative
if we dont get a rollback(just 3-4 hours from now) me and mini will leave the server, other players said this too. I lost everything including the ae.
In-Game Name: BloodJam
How old are you? I'm 18
Where are you from (City, State or Country)? Rome, Italy
What are you looking for in this server: To play along with others and test out mods
How active are you? Not so active, i don't play regularly but when i play, i do it for 3 hours or so
Do you agree to the rules (if so, how many rules are listed above)? I certainly agree!
In-Game Name: John000708
How old are you? 14
Where are you from (City, State or Country)? Greece, Larisa
What are you looking for in this server: I am looking for good friendly and mature people and play with all these latest released mods!
How active are you? In holidays for 4-5 hours every day but on school period of 1-2 hours every day
Do you agree to the rules (if so, how many rules are listed above)? I agree! There are 7 rules listed above!
Welcome to the server... enjoy it.In-Game Name: nomnom54
How old are you? 13
Where are you from (City, State or Country)? Texas
What are you looking for in this server? Just a nice, caring and social environment for me to learn the latest and greatest mods!
How active are you? I am extremely active, I'll most likely get on daily.
Do you agree to the rules (if so, how many rules are listed above)? I do indeed agree with the 7 rules stated above.
Welcome... to download the pack, follow the modpack thread... u just have to paste a code in the privatepacks button in the ftb launcher.In-Game Name:ScrollsKing
How old are you?14
Where are you from (City, State or Country)?Ireland , Sligo
What are you looking for in this serverI really want to play a 1.7.10 , and i seen it on forge craft and really want to replicate it
How active are you?4+ hours/day 7 days a a week
Do you agree to the rules (if so, how many rules are listed above)? Yes , 7
Also were do i download the pack?
is it 1.1.1 i launch if so i always crash?Welcome... to download the pack, follow the modpack thread... u just have to paste a code in the privatepacks button in the ftb launcher.
is 7GBS enoughyeah... it should work... did u tryed adding more ram in the launcher config?
Try to get help in the modpack thread too...