In-Game Name: Azon_PL
How old are you? 24
Where are you from (City, State or Country)? Poland
What are you looking for in this server Some players for other countries, try new mods that I don't use yet
How active are you? Depends of weather (sic), 1-2 hours per day, somtimes more, sometimes less
Do you agree to the rules (if so, how many rules are listed above)? Yep (but I'm not sure what itens are...), 7
How old are you? 24
Where are you from (City, State or Country)? Poland
What are you looking for in this server Some players for other countries, try new mods that I don't use yet
How active are you? Depends of weather (sic), 1-2 hours per day, somtimes more, sometimes less
Do you agree to the rules (if so, how many rules are listed above)? Yep (but I'm not sure what itens are...), 7