Whitelist Server OkamiCraft|DW20 modpack| 20 tps Stable... >18, last reset(11/13/2014)

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In-Game Name: Morathos
How old are you? 40
Where are you from (City, State or Country)? Texas
What are you looking for in this server: Looking for a fairly active server with a friendly community.
How active are you? Usually i could play at 4-6 hr intervals, unless something in irl comes up.
Do you agree to the rules (if so, how many rules are listed above)? I do agree to your 7 rules listed.
In-Game Name: problemlow
How old are you?: 19
Where are you from (City, State or Country)? I'm from and live in Scotland
What are you looking for in this server?: To play in a helpful nice community and to build a ridiculous automated base/AE system.
How active are you?: On a typical day I would play on the server for about 4-12 hours depending how I'm feeling.
Do you agree to the rules (if so, how many rules are listed above)? 7 rules I agree with all of them.
In-Game Name: Morathos
How old are you? 40
Where are you from (City, State or Country)? Texas
What are you looking for in this server: Looking for a fairly active server with a friendly community.
How active are you? Usually i could play at 4-6 hr intervals, unless something in irl comes up.
Do you agree to the rules (if so, how many rules are listed above)? I do agree to your 7 rules listed.
In-Game Name: Wallmourne
How old are you? 21 yo
Where are you from (City, State or Country)? Im from Brazil
What are you looking for in this server? A good community with good players ^^
How active are you? 1~4 hours a day, but sometimes im too busy to play. If theres no connection error (lags), maybe i play more.
Do you agree to the rules (if so, how many rules are listed above)? Of Course ^^
Hey Aobozu, thanks for the add but after trying this out for a bit I don't think ill be able to play on your server. For some reason I have horrible connection to your server, and I have tried everything on my end to resolve it with no luck. I have tried killing all other programs running in the background on my system and still have the same problem. I have even gone as far as trying to connect through a VPN and still get the same results.

I also ran a ping test to the server IP and get a really low ping time:

Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=62ms TTL=48
Reply from bytes=32 time=62ms TTL=48
Reply from bytes=32 time=62ms TTL=48
Reply from bytes=32 time=62ms TTL=48
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 62ms, Maximum = 62ms, Average = 62ms

So I am not sure as to the cause of this problem, but so far it is only when I try to connect to this server. If you have any other suggestions I am open to hear them.
In-Game Name: Wallmourne
How old are you? 21 yo
Where are you from (City, State or Country)? Im from Brazil
What are you looking for in this server? A good community with good players ^^
How active are you? 1~4 hours a day, but sometimes im too busy to play. If theres no connection error (lags), maybe i play more.
Do you agree to the rules (if so, how many rules are listed above)? Of Course ^^
Welcome(bem vindo)
Hey Aobozu, thanks for the add but after trying this out for a bit I don't think ill be able to play on your server. For some reason I have horrible connection to your server, and I have tried everything on my end to resolve it with no luck. I have tried killing all other programs running in the background on my system and still have the same problem. I have even gone as far as trying to connect through a VPN and still get the same results.

I also ran a ping test to the server IP and get a really low ping time:

Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=62ms TTL=48
Reply from bytes=32 time=62ms TTL=48
Reply from bytes=32 time=62ms TTL=48
Reply from bytes=32 time=62ms TTL=48
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 62ms, Maximum = 62ms, Average = 62ms

So I am not sure as to the cause of this problem, but so far it is only when I try to connect to this server. If you have any other suggestions I am open to hear them.
And... thats weird. Are u using java 7 or 8? And whats happening? U re having blocklag?
Yep severe block lag and I randomly get disconnected with the message "Timed out". I don't understand what is causing this problem, as I have played on servers based in the UK with no problem at all.

As I play the game I do show a steady 60-75 fps, and as I run around in the world. Everything appears to render fairly quickly, there are occasional world holes which disappear when i log off/on.

Here are my system specs:

CPU: 3770k Intel i7
Ram: 16 GB 1600Mhz Corsair Dominator
GPU: MSI GeForce 660 Ti 2gb Power Edition
SSD: 120Gb HDD: 3x1TB Seagate
OS: Windows 8.1
Java: version: 7 Update: 67 64bit
Internet Connection: 24mb down 5mb up

I have also set my JVM arguments to allow 256 MB PermGen, and I am also allocating 3gb of ram. I have also installed FastCraft 1.9 which has made 1.7.10 much more playable. Which is coded by IC2 developer Player, it simply improves client side performance and resolves a lot of the world gen lag and random freezes. But the results are the same both with FastCraft and without, so I highly doubt that is the cause. I just reinstalled the pack as well this morning to see if maybe by some odd chance that would resolve anything. Same issues exist, mainly block lag.

Also since this is the first time I've tried to play with this pack, one thing I've noticed is if I craft a regular wooden axe I am unable to chop down trees. Same goes with pick axes, I also tested this in single player and same thing happens. I don't know if this the way it was intended but I thought I'd share that as well.
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In-Game Name: XxXpheniox
How old are you?: 21
Where are you from (City, State or Country)?: Florida, United States of America
What are you looking for in this server: Somewhere small with a comprehensible staff where I can build freely. (Well as freely as the server permits without lag issues) I typically hunt for Whitelist servers since you need an app to get in and most of the time they have the bare minimum of mods and items banned. And as a side note, I've been told I'm rather blunt. If it comes off as dickish please alert me and I'll adjust accordingly. Luckily I don't talk too much so you may or may not experience it.
How active are you? Depends on the month since I'm a college student. I'd say I spend about 1-5 hours on Weekdays and 3-15 hours on weekends. Wide ranges, I'm aware.
Do you agree to the rules (if so, how many rules are listed above)? - Of course. (There are 6 rules. 7 if you count enjoy.)
the server is very laggy, i dont know why, passed 4 days (minecraft days) and still raining, the vanilla's furnace is slow (maybe is a mod) but the sad thing is that when i break a livingstone (botania), they give a cobblestone and took some time to haverst something, i need to break the same block 3 or 4 time to drop, i dont know if its my connection (25mb down, and 5 up) or is the server, maybe is someone that is making the server laggy, can the admin find out with opis?[DOUBLEPOST=1414120583][/DOUBLEPOST]
Yep severe block lag and I randomly get disconnected with the message "Timed out". I don't understand what is causing this problem, as I have played on servers based in the UK with no problem at all.

As I play the game I do show a steady 60-75 fps, and as I run around in the world. Everything appears to render fairly quickly, there are occasional world holes which disappear when i log off/on.

Here are my system specs:

CPU: 3770k Intel i7
Ram: 16 GB 1600Mhz Corsair Dominator
GPU: MSI GeForce 660 Ti 2gb Power Edition
SSD: 120Gb HDD: 3x1TB Seagate
OS: Windows 8.1
Java: version: 7 Update: 67 64bit
Internet Connection: 24mb down 5mb up

I have also set my JVM arguments to allow 256 MB PermGen, and I am also allocating 3gb of ram. I have also installed FastCraft 1.9 which has made 1.7.10 much more playable. Which is coded by IC2 developer Player, it simply improves client side performance and resolves a lot of the world gen lag and random freezes. But the results are the same both with FastCraft and without, so I highly doubt that is the cause. I just reinstalled the pack as well this morning to see if maybe by some odd chance that would resolve anything. Same issues exist, mainly block lag.

Also since this is the first time I've tried to play with this pack, one thing I've noticed is if I craft a regular wooden axe I am unable to chop down trees. Same goes with pick axes, I also tested this in single player and same thing happens. I don't know if this the way it was intended but I thought I'd share that as well.
you cant mine or chop with regular tools, is a thinkers construct thingy, you need to make at least a flint tool, but there a huge block lag, i will try to reinstall the pack[DOUBLEPOST=1414122102][/DOUBLEPOST]Reinstalling the pack helped, but still have the problem of block laggy and the livingstone problem
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Yeah I'm now learning about this pack a little bit more now, and understand the changes iguana tweaks introduced. But I started playing on another server based in Germany, and I am having no problems at all now. Shame as I wanted to play on a server that was based in the US as I am. The pack itself appears to be very buggy, as certain things cause crashes. Like shift clicking into a smeltery or viewing recipes in NEI. But i can deal with all those minor bugs, its just the overall block lag I had here which made it more frustrating than fun for me.

Thanks for the add, but i'm going to continue on the other server i joined today. If that lag issue can be identified and addressed, I would love to come back and give it another go. But it's all good take care guys & have fun. :)
Whitelist Application Format:
In-Game Name:Arctery_x
How old are you? 18
Where are you from (City, State or Country)? Hong Kong
What are you looking for in this server Looking for a nice community and sharing experience of different mods
How active are you? play when i free, maybe 1-2hr a day
Do you agree to the rules (if so, how many rules are listed above)?
Agree, 7 rules are listed above
i think i found the reason of the lag, i used OPIS to locate the Forced Chunks (chunk loaders), and some peoples are using chicken bones's chunks, the problem is that they are using a large range, someone is using a large sphere shape chunk loader and another is using a square shape chunkloader with 289 chunks (17*17 and that is alot), i recommend to disable the chicken bones chunks and only enable the railcraft anchor (using fuel), and yet to limit the chunkloading area per user
Well... today i will do some tweaks on the server...[DOUBLEPOST=1414262277][/DOUBLEPOST]
the server is very laggy, i dont know why, passed 4 days (minecraft days) and still raining, the vanilla's furnace is slow (maybe is a mod) but the sad thing is that when i break a livingstone (botania), they give a cobblestone and took some time to haverst something, i need to break the same block 3 or 4 time to drop, i dont know if its my connection (25mb down, and 5 up) or is the server, maybe is someone that is making the server laggy, can the admin find out with opis?[DOUBLEPOST=1414120583][/DOUBLEPOST]
you cant mine or chop with regular tools, is a thinkers construct thingy, you need to make at least a flint tool, but there a huge block lag, i will try to reinstall the pack[DOUBLEPOST=1414122102][/DOUBLEPOST]Reinstalling the pack helped, but still have the problem of block laggy and the livingstone problem

Server lag is Solved...

Server updated for the 2.0.14 version of the mechanicaltitan modpack...

Cauldron is working again...
Plugins are working again...[DOUBLEPOST=1414263075][/DOUBLEPOST]
In-Game Name: XxXpheniox
How old are you?: 21
Where are you from (City, State or Country)?: Florida, United States of America
What are you looking for in this server: Somewhere small with a comprehensible staff where I can build freely. (Well as freely as the server permits without lag issues) I typically hunt for Whitelist servers since you need an app to get in and most of the time they have the bare minimum of mods and items banned. And as a side note, I've been told I'm rather blunt. If it comes off as dickish please alert me and I'll adjust accordingly. Luckily I don't talk too much so you may or may not experience it.
How active are you? Depends on the month since I'm a college student. I'd say I spend about 1-5 hours on Weekdays and 3-15 hours on weekends. Wide ranges, I'm aware.
Do you agree to the rules (if so, how many rules are listed above)? - Of course. (There are 6 rules. 7 if you count enjoy.)
Whitelist Application Format:
In-Game Name:Arctery_x
How old are you? 18
Where are you from (City, State or Country)? Hong Kong
What are you looking for in this server Looking for a nice community and sharing experience of different mods
How active are you? play when i free, maybe 1-2hr a day
Do you agree to the rules (if so, how many rules are listed above)?
Agree, 7 rules are listed above
Welcome to the server. enjoy it.[DOUBLEPOST=1414273928][/DOUBLEPOST]TPS graph re-added to the server and this thread.
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Hey Abozu, I just tried out the server and all the problems I was having before are gone. Great job on resolving those issues, not sure exactly what you had to do but what ever it was its great now. Thanks! I'll definitely be playing on your server now.
Hey Abozu, I just tried out the server and all the problems I was having before are gone. Great job on resolving those issues, not sure exactly what you had to do but what ever it was its great now. Thanks! I'll definitely be playing on your server now.
Ya, i ve solverd part of the problems... some stuff still needs some tweaks.
In-Game Name: Ace5000
How old are you? 19
Where are you from (City, State or Country)? Kingman, AZ
What are you looking for in this server: I am looking for a stable server where I can allow any insane ideas that sprout in my mind to come to fruition, and this server seems to be perfect for this. I'm hoping to be able to settle down and mesh well into the community as time progresses.
How active are you? Depending on the day, but usually anywhere from 2-10 hours a day
Do you agree to the rules (if so, how many rules are listed above)? I agree with all 7 of the rules.
In-Game Name: HeavyTurtle
How old are you? 15
Where are you from (City, State or Country)? California
What are you looking for in this server: A well-formed community in which I can feed my insatiable hunger for modded Minecraft.
How active are you? Nearly every day, between two and eight hours.
Do you agree to the rules (if so, how many rules are listed above)? Yes. Seven.
In-Game Name: Drag0nothutch
How old are you? 19
Where are you from (City, State or Country)? Kingman, Arizona US
What are you looking for in this server: I am looking to build some crazy fun stuff with my friends (two previous applicants) and help them reach their goals and hopefully meet some equally dedicated people in the process.
How active are you? Daily if life permits and if it does I'll pack as many hours in as I can.
Do you agree to the rules (if so, how many rules are listed above)? Yes and seven.
Whitelist Application Format:
In-Game Name: Superhero1217
How old are you? 15
Where are you from (City, State or Country)? I am from United States and live in New Jersey.
What are you looking for in this server? I am looking for a fun community i can interact with and enjoy instead of being alone in a single player world.
How active are you? I am active ALWAYS on weekends depending on my schedule, usually at night 4-8pm Eastern time, and weekdays occasionally will play 6-8pm Eastern time.
Do you agree to the rules (if so, how many rules are listed above)? Yes, i do agree to the rules, and there is 7 rules listed.
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In-Game Name: Ace5000
How old are you? 19
Where are you from (City, State or Country)? Kingman, AZ
What are you looking for in this server: I am looking for a stable server where I can allow any insane ideas that sprout in my mind to come to fruition, and this server seems to be perfect for this. I'm hoping to be able to settle down and mesh well into the community as time progresses.
How active are you? Depending on the day, but usually anywhere from 2-10 hours a day
Do you agree to the rules (if so, how many rules are listed above)? I agree with all 7 of the rules.
In-Game Name: HeavyTurtle
How old are you? 15
Where are you from (City, State or Country)? California
What are you looking for in this server: A well-formed community in which I can feed my insatiable hunger for modded Minecraft.
How active are you? Nearly every day, between two and eight hours.
Do you agree to the rules (if so, how many rules are listed above)? Yes. Seven.
In-Game Name: Drag0nothutch
How old are you? 19
Where are you from (City, State or Country)? Kingman, Arizona US
What are you looking for in this server: I am looking to build some crazy fun stuff with my friends (two previous applicants) and help them reach their goals and hopefully meet some equally dedicated people in the process.
How active are you? Daily if life permits and if it does I'll pack as many hours in as I can.
Do you agree to the rules (if so, how many rules are listed above)? Yes and seven.
Whitelist Application Format:
In-Game Name: Superhero1217
How old are you? 15
Where are you from (City, State or Country)? I am from United States and live in New Jersey.
What are you looking for in this server? I am looking for a fun community i can interact with and enjoy instead of being alone in a single player world.
How active are you? I am active ALWAYS on weekends depending on my schedule, usually at night 4-8pm Eastern time, and weekdays occasionally will play 6-8pm Eastern time.
Do you agree to the rules (if so, how many rules are listed above)? Yes, i do agree to the rules, and there is 7 rules listed.
Welcome to the server!