Off World Trading Company[Business][Tiers][HQM][Automation]

  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The year is 2560 galactic ecomony is blooming. It is time for you to make your mark in history. To help your race become the largest galactic enterprise. Choose from multiple races each with their own unique advantages. Using your races skills and environment of planet you must find a way to make your stand against all the opposing empires. Choose how your business interacts with those around it will you create allies or foes. Choose your race carefully as some planets lack certain resources forcing you to buy resources from other planets which can make things expensive. Start from scratch with only using the resources given to develop a factory of your own. Build and expand your factory. Buy machines to turn your raw materials into valuable merchandise. Automate functions to make production more efficient. Create construction supplies and tools all the way to weapons of destruction and war.

A bit of info on pack:
This is a survival modpack which requires you to use the skills you have and apply them to the planet/race you choose. Create massive factories and automate production more and more as you move through the tiers. Buy/sell valuable merchandise. Expand your empire making maximum profits and make the most effictive factories. In begging tiers most reasources will be cheap and easy to get hold of but as you move up the tiers and your business expands some needed reasources will be harder to find forcing you to do some shady deals.

Want to help with pack?
Great! If you would like to help out please contact me on the forums and i will add you to the ftb group or on skype/steam or any type of chat group you prefer.

Want to try out pack?
Pack is not nearly complete there is still alot of work to be done. If you would like to be notified when pack is done just send me a message on the forums.

Have any questions?
Either comment down below or PM me on the forums

This post will remain open unless stated it is closed or when it is ready to go public. Other than that dont worry about date as we will be working on this for awhile to make sure we achieve maximum results and a all round great experience of a business MC modpack for players to enjoy SP or CO-OP. All those who want to help can join in at any time.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I would like to help :D but unfortunately I don't use Skype and I wouldn't be able to help with coding..or whatever you probably needed. I can be good with giving you ideas for the pack though :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
More will be revealed as the pack gets developed ;). I'll aim to post regular updates here showing our progress, though if you want to see more you can join our group message chat, which will be updated with even more updates and previews. I won't say quite what our plans are for races and planets just yet - but we have some interesting stuff in the works. Particularly we want the player to be able to customise their experience a bit - by choosing a race and a planet you can do just that.

As for inspiration, I can't speak for Insane but I can't say I've seen Mineco, sorry :(. The main inspiration was really golem factory, which kinda pioneered the whole genre - and I had a hint of civ: BE for inspiration when we worked out the choice system for races and planets.


Id love to help and can chat through steam acount name:momo4819

Emanuel Olinasde

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey! Read the pack description, has some potential! Add me on Skype, I can help with Tweaking/Balancing (MineTweaker or just Config Files for the mods) and Quest/Lore Writing (If you have HQM or anything Lore-related)

Skype : Goodforces (Ayaalis is my nickname)

Looking forward to working with you!,


Popular Member
Mar 3, 2015
Good luck with development, I'll definitely try this out when it's released.

Sent from my Barrel of Fun using Tapatalk


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2012
Sup nerds

So with your pack, have you got any ideas written down, any mindmaps, etc? I find they really help convey ideas to other people as well as yourself. Another thing which you should sort out that I didn't is quests and rewards, and making sure they're balanced with each other.

One of the things people may want to know about are the different races. How do they differ, and how are you implimenting it?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So with your pack, have you got any ideas written down, any mindmaps, etc? I find they really help convey ideas to other people as well as yourself. Another thing which you should sort out that I didn't is quests and rewards, and making sure they're balanced with each other.
We most definitely have been planning out the pack, if anyone is working on similar projects then I highly recommend googledocs for team development. More specifically a site called is great for drawing flowcharts and the like. These sites are extremely useful for working in teams and I can’t recommend them enough. After spending a long time drawing out the shape of the pack we’re now going into the nitty gritty of the quests, rewards and exact procssing & recipes of how you will manufacture your items.

One of the things people may want to know about are the different races. How do they differ, and how are you implimenting it?
So this is a feature that has changed many times over the course of development, and may likely change again. However at the current time our plan is to produce multiple maps that the pack can be played on, which the player can choose before they begin. Each map will be built around a different planet (and a race that would live on that planet), with different build styles along with a couple different gameplay mechanics (though the gameplay will be largely the same). This adds some replayability to the pack but more than anything means you’ll get a different experience than your friend who is playing the pack, or that youtuber you’re watching. In order to release the pack in a reasonable amount of time we will most likely produce one map for the testing stages of the pack (which will probably be closed beta :(, sorry but we want it to be perfect when we release!), along with a second joining the pool when the main pack is publically released. After that, well we’ll see if we want to add any more.

Hey! Read the pack description, has some potential! Add me on Skype, I can help with Tweaking/Balancing (MineTweaker or just Config Files for the mods) and Quest/Lore Writing (If you have HQM or anything Lore-related)
I added you on skype :). We mainly need help with quest writing so that’d be great if you could help with that. I’ve pretty much got minetweaker covered myself but any advice or help would be appreciated :).

Good luck with development, I'll definitely try this out when it's released.
Glad to hear your interest :). If you feel like being a tester in the beta, send me a message and I’ll add you to the testers group :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Sounds interesting, A lot like my type. I'll Definitely check this one out when/before its released. Good luck!
If you want me to help.
Skype: Walkastray007
I can help out on the questing and bring feedback on beta testing also!


Active Member
Mar 7, 2014
Zagreb, Croatia
I definitely want to help since I haven't played modded Minecraft for some time now... I'm not sure how can I help you other than testing the modpack but will see!
Skype: mariot7


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Emanuel, walkastray007, Braydongem, I added you to the testers PM group :). The pack definitely won't be finished for a while yet but I'll let you know through there when it is and you'll be able to test it, and we'll be sure to contact you if we need any more help on the pack.

For the past few days I've been pondering how power should work in the pack, as the player will need a way to power their machines. The way I see it there are three options, and I wouldn't mind a bit of feedback as to what people think of these:
  • The player could be given infinite power in the form of power sockets. The challenge will then come from managing the quality of cables required to get the right amount of power to the right places.
  • Alternatively, the player could be given infinite power and infinite RF cables. This is of course the simplest option and would make power one of the least challenging parts of the map.
  • Finally, the pack could use a more standard way of doing power, where the player has to set up generators and possibly provide fuel to actually produce their power, rather than being provided it for free.
I've been struggling to decide on the power system so any suggestions here are welcome :)


Active Member
Mar 7, 2014
Zagreb, Croatia
Emanuel, walkastray007, Braydongem, I added you to the testers PM group :). The pack definitely won't be finished for a while yet but I'll let you know through there when it is and you'll be able to test it, and we'll be sure to contact you if we need any more help on the pack.

For the past few days I've been pondering how power should work in the pack, as the player will need a way to power their machines. The way I see it there are three options, and I wouldn't mind a bit of feedback as to what people think of these:
  • The player could be given infinite power in the form of power sockets. The challenge will then come from managing the quality of cables required to get the right amount of power to the right places.
  • Alternatively, the player could be given infinite power and infinite RF cables. This is of course the simplest option and would make power one of the least challenging parts of the map.
  • Finally, the pack could use a more standard way of doing power, where the player has to set up generators and possibly provide fuel to actually produce their power, rather than being provided it for free.
I've been struggling to decide on the power system so any suggestions here are welcome :)

In my opinion the third option is the best to go with, but you decide... ;)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I agree, giving infinite power makes the pack too easy, besides its not hard at all to make power in most cases.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Emanuel, walkastray007, Braydongem, I added you to the testers PM group :). The pack definitely won't be finished for a while yet but I'll let you know through there when it is and you'll be able to test it, and we'll be sure to contact you if we need any more help on the pack.

For the past few days I've been pondering how power should work in the pack, as the player will need a way to power their machines. The way I see it there are three options, and I wouldn't mind a bit of feedback as to what people think of these:
  • The player could be given infinite power in the form of power sockets. The challenge will then come from managing the quality of cables required to get the right amount of power to the right places.
  • Alternatively, the player could be given infinite power and infinite RF cables. This is of course the simplest option and would make power one of the least challenging parts of the map.
  • Finally, the pack could use a more standard way of doing power, where the player has to set up generators and possibly provide fuel to actually produce their power, rather than being provided it for free.
I've been struggling to decide on the power system so any suggestions here are welcome :)

I like the 3rd idea best, but I have an idea of my own. What if you had each tier of power reliant on a quest where the player would receive a item to upgrade their power system. So have one item use for upgrading generators, one for cables, and one for power cells. Another part of this is repeatable quests to do after the power tier quest to receive more items to upgrade power. Also another set of quests to buy power to supplement power generation. Some thing like buy or make an empty power cell then turn it in with some other item(s) to receive a full power cell, then put it turn it back in for to refill. What do you think of this idea?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello i was wondering if i could be a pack tester or something or other so if you could send me a pack code or dowload my skype is danethepain14 and so is my minecraft and my steam is wisedane03


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Unfortunately both me and insane lost interest in the pack a while ago, and right now I don't plan to return to it, sorry :(. We'll make a post here if we do start work again though! :D