enableMultiplayer = true
#Enables a 5 minute timeout on the `ftbteamislands create` command
creationTimeout = true
clearInvWhenTeamLeft = true
targetIslandLevel = "Minecraft
enableSingleplayer = true
enableMyIslandCommand = true
#Auto-teleports player to their island once they join a team.
autoTeleportToIsland = true
#The lobby island spawned automatically on servers.
#Must be resource location and within the structures folder of data
lobbyStructureFile = "ftbteamislands:default_lobby"
#The default island.
#Must be resource location and within the structures folder of data
defaultIslands = "ftbteamislands:island"
#Radius of the chunks to automatically claim if FTB Chunks is installed.
#-1 = disabled
#0 = 1x1
#1 = 3x3
#4 = 9x9
#Range: -1 ~ 100
autoClaimChunkRadius = 2
#Distance put between new islands in regions, 1 being a single region
#Range: 3 ~ 100
distanceBetweenIslandsInRegions = 9
#The default islands spawning Y offset
#Range: > -2147483648
defaultIslandResourceYOffset = -18
#Allow selection of the island type, if set to false, then islands will be randomized.
selectIslands = true
#Height at which the islands will generate.
#-1 = auto, on top of highest block in world
#Range: -1 ~ 255
height = 117