Whitelist Server O.D.G Craft| Direwolf 20 1.7 | Mature 18+ | Non PVP | Small White-listed | Dedicated Server

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"Don't cry for us Feed The Beast.
The truth is we never left you.
All through our wild days.
Our mad existence
We kept our promise
Don't keep your distance"

Hiya Guys, HappyGamerMike here.

Well its been awhile, but us at O.D.G are returning home to Feed The Beast.

So let me tell you a little about our Minecraft server "O.D.G Craft". (Old Dog Games are an old group of mine that focused on just having fun in games) We are a small white listed mature server over on the Feed The Beast with limited space. And I do say mature and we're looking 18+ to join, However if you can prove to us that you are mature enough to play with us then your welcome to stay with us. The server of course is white listed with no banned items at the moment, However there are some items that we would like to compact down when using them like PneumatiCraft as big rig can cause lag on the server. Never hesitate to ask if you not sure.

Now on to the good bits about the server.

--Server Specs--

This server is hosted by CreeperHost on their "Enderdragon" Server Package:
- 4 thread Intel w/HT processor
- 8GB of RAM
- 60GB SSD
- Dedicated Server Platform

You will also need to be running "Direwolf 20 1.7.10" Modpack With the recommended version, on the FTB Launcher to play on the server.

The Current Server Admins are:
- HappyGamerMike (Myself)
- Simon1ace
- Flick_star
- LardVad3r


The boring part, however important to know, none the less. The rules are as any other white listed servers.

- No Griefing
- No stealing
- No PVP unless both parties agree to the terms of engagement

Any braking of these rules will result in kicks and eventually banning from the server, no if’s or but's, your gone. You have been warned. I'm also quickly going to touch upon the subject of pranking players as on our server hopefully were all going to get on like a house on fire, so eventually some pranking may happen. I'm not going to ban all pranking however there is a fine line between pranking and griefing. There for I would like to say if you going to prank someone, please keep it to mildly inconvenience them at most. We don't want any real unrest on the server.

--Joining us—

The Direwolf 20 1.7.10 O.D.G Craft Officially opens and Wednesday 5th November 2014 at 10:00 +0GMT

If you'd like to come and play with us, then we look forward to hearing from you. Simply fill out the form below. Once you become accepted, I will then send you a PM with all the relevant IP addresses of the Minecraft server and our Teamspeak 3 channel.

IGN (In Game Name): it's always nice to know

Age: like I said it primarily and 18+ server

A little about you and you Minecraft experience?: Us on the server are fans of Minecraft so love here of what other people have done in the past.

Do you have Teamspeak3: Not a big deal if you don't, However 90% of our player do prefer communicating using it.

Have you read and understood the rules?: just so we know you have.

--For Further Updates--

If anything is going on with the server I'll advertise on this thread.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN (In Game Name): Badsap
Age: 21
A little about you and you Minecraft experience?: I played ftb when it first launched and hosted myself a couple of servers too.

Do you have Teamspeak3: Yes most of the time I am on my own ts3 server but I can move to others :)

Have you read and understood the rules?: Ofcourse


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN (In Game Name): dennisegberts
Age: 28
A little about you and you Minecraft experience?: I played ftb for a few weeks now

Do you have Teamspeak3: Yes most of the time I am on my friend his ts3 server ;)

Have you read and understood the rules?: Ofcourse


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN (In Game Name): Riewe

Age: 29

A little about you and your Minecraft experience?: I have been playing modded Minecraft since Tekkit 1.2.5. I ran a FTB server for myself and my housemates for the past few years. However I have now moved out of that house and am looking for a new server to play on. I enjoy making nice buildings in Minecraft but I also have a good knowledge of most of the mods.

Do you have Teamspeak3: Yes I do.

Have you read and understood the rules?: Yes indeed. ^^


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN (In Game Name): 06koconnell

Age: 19

A little about you and you Minecraft experience?: I've played minecraft since beta 1.7.3 and i've played with mods for nearly as long, i always try to help others if they ask for it.

Do you have Teamspeak3: i do, but i may not be talking very often just listening

Have you read and understood the rules?: yes


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN (In Game Name): shadowquinn1974


A little about you and you Minecraft experience?: I am just an old man that loves this game, loves to meet new players, and is laid back as can be.

Do you have Teamspeak3: Yep have em all.

Have you read and understood the rules?: I did and yes I will follow them, but i may have to prank a few here and there.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: surferdevon

Age: 23

I have been playing minecraft since the nether update, and i have been playing modded for about 2 years now.

I do have teamspeak.

I have read and understand the rules.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN : Bematrix

Age: 21

A little about you and you Minecraft experience?: I'm a mechanical engineering student, who loves sports and likes to mess aroound with games like minecraft. I've been playing modded minecraft for quite a while now and I'm looking forward to join a new community with friendly people

Do you have Teamspeak3: Yup

Have you read and understood the rules?: Yes

Zoom Zee

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: Zarudny95

Age: 21

A little about you and you Minecraft experience?: I've been playing since the game came out in alpha, I have not tried Direwolf yet, but I know it's more fun with the more people you have.

Do you have Teamspeak3: Yes

Have you read and understood the rules?: Yes


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN (In Game Name): ivoryfire
Age: 22
A little about you and you Minecraft experience?: Well im single..... oh wait..... I know a lot about mods :) been playing since 1.3.2 modded
Do you have Teamspeak3: yes
Have you read and understood the rules?: yes

Andrew Pacifico

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN (In Game Name): drewchians22
Age: 19
A little about you and you Minecraft experience?: Been playing modded since tekkit in the early days, moved to ftb and never looked back. been binge playing dw20 1.7.10 and know a lot of the mods and the updates.
Do you have Teamspeak3: I think so, I have it downloaded if that is what you mean, never used it before
Have you read and understood the rules?: yes


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Me and my friend would like to be on your server, thank you.

IGN (In Game Name): flapjackluxs
Age: 20
A little about you and you Minecraft experience?: I've been playing regular Minecraft for about 3 years and modded minecraft for a few months. And i find it so much fun and can not wait to learn and do more. I am a college sophomore currently and i also play league of legends.
Do you have Teamspeak3: No but Im open to it
Have you read and understood the rules?: Yes

IGN (In Game Name): Zeosson
Age: 21
A little about you and you Minecraft experience?: Ive been playing minecraft since its alpha released and have played with modded minecraft like Tekkit and the like. Im a college junior.
Do you have Teamspeak3: Open to it

Have you read and understood the rules?: Yes


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN (I Got NEI): ArcoZyli

Age: 39

A little about you and you Minecraft experience?:

I've been playing Minecraft for just about 2 years now. I started out on a very cool small vanilla server and still go back just to see a few friends every now and then. I started playing modded Minecraft a few months ago and i can't get enough. Being that i thoroughly enjoyed making crazy automations in vanilla Minecraft which took up HUGE amounts of space, I'm like a kid at a lego factory. I've gravitated towards Direwolf's Let's Play and his mod pack for a few reasons. Mostly because i don't build things that are very pretty but they work great. I prefer tech stuff but if it has a function i can do some magic too.

I'm an easy going guy who understands what respect and maturity are. I like a good laugh and tend to just go with the flow of things.

Do you have Teamspeak3: Yes indeed, AND i have a mic too ;P

Have you read and understood the rules?: Read, understood and prepared to follow them as well.

Hope to hear from you soon



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN (In Game Name): zeca_maria
Age: 27
A little about you and you Minecraft experience?: I like to play with tech mods, and what I usually do is try to do is bundle together tech, good looking buildings and landscape.
Do you have Teamspeak3: I have, and I like to play while chatting with other players.
Have you read and understood the rules?: Yes.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN (In Game Name): Baradin

Age: 22

A little about you and you Minecraft experience?: I've been playing for minecraft since early alpha. I have a tendency to pick a mod and focus on it in these packs so I have a tendency to gravitate towards multiplayer in my continuing quest to find a community to play with.

Do you have Teamspeak3: I can and periodically do use it

Have you read and understood the rules?: Yes


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN (In Game Name): djcosmic2

Age: 23

A little about you and you Minecraft experience?: Recent college graduate. Been playing MC for about 11 months, mostly focusing on modded. mainly enjoy technical mods. In the past I have been on many servers, including one ran by myself. Unfortunately most shut down due to financial reasons (like mine) or loss of interest.

Do you have Teamspeak3: No, but I can easily get it

Have you read and understood the rules?: indeed I have


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: Efendi23
Age: 21
Background: I've played Minecraft since early beta. For a long time, I was on a mature server in vanilla Minecraft. When FTB was released, a few friends from the server and I played for several months before moving back to vanilla or (in my case) getting really busy. More recently I was mostly playing non-FTB packs and the quest mod maps while I waited for an official 1.7 release. I really like the experience that you get in multiplayer, especially the cooperation and the friendly competition to build the biggest, coolest, prettiest things.
Teamspeak3: Yes.
Read the Rules? No griefing, no stealing, no one-sided PVP. No nasty pranks. Sounds reasonable to me.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN (In Game Name): divinejrjr

Age: 17

A little about you and you Minecraft experience?: been on FTB for awhile and i used to be on your server(monster) but then i stopped playing because i got busy with life

Do you have Teamspeak3: of course

Have you read and understood the rules?: yup


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: Meatplow

Age: 34

A little about you and you Minecraft experience?: I first started playing Minecraft sometime around March of 2011. Stuck with that until FTB was made public and have been hooked ever since. I've logged countless hours since then but no matter how much I play there is always something new to learn which is what keeps me addicted. I prefer the MP aspect since SP gets boring without folks to chat with or bounce ideas off of which is why I'm posting here.

Do you have Teamspeak3: Not currently but it's just a quick download away.

Have you read and understood the rules?: Yes.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN (In Game Name): thorn1986 and Pinny88

Age: 28 and 26

A little about you and you Minecraft experience?: I bought minecraft on the official launch of 1.0, been playing it ever since.

Do you have Teamspeak3: yes i have most forms of VOiP software

Have you read and understood the rules?: Yes we have read and understand the rules
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