Number of downloads for the Modpack

Jason McRay

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is there a way to see number of downloads (and runs) for specific modpacks?

Me and my team are spending our free time to make our modpack as balanced and trying to fix stuff etc... and it would be really helpfull and motivated if we were also able to see how many ppl have actually downloaded the modpack. i noticed the Technic Launcher has this feature in their administration, so I am just wondering if there is some way to see those numbers in FTB launcher as well..



Forum Addict
Team Member
Third Party Pack Admin
Nov 6, 2012
No. FTB does gather statistics on pack downloads and runs, but I have not been given access to this data.

I have been considering implementing a workaround by adding a tracking mod to each pack that opts in, but I have not had time yet.
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