Whitelist Server Nuclear Alliance [FTB Ultimate] [Whitelist] [Survival] [Essentials]

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Thank you for explaining this davie. Yes, it is true nobody wants to lose their stuff, but Mindcrack should be able to fit perfectly with the Ultimate Pack, only a few trees were generated (that provide rubber in Forge). THIS is not an argument. This is davie explaining the parts of the server that I failed to see, compared to a vague response from Hyo.
And yes, owners do have the final word, though people always want to know why. You couldn't explain their decisions, which is perfectly logical, but you did try your best.

This, folks, is a good admin. Get them while you can.[DOUBLEPOST=1362947706][/DOUBLEPOST]
Read davie's post to see how an admin should have handled something like this :).
davie is basicly repeating everything we've all said in a nicer way i really dont care if you like me its not my postion to be liked and idc if im liked or w/e i follow what im suppost to do thats it you can enjoy clean and happy text but in the end your still going to be the one causing an arguement more so when you keep trying to annoy or piss me off which the earlier post was a good poke at that
davie is basicly repeating everything we've all said in a nicer way i really dont care if you like me its not my postion to be liked and idc if im liked or w/e i follow what im suppost to do thats it you can enjoy clean and happy text but in the end your still going to be the one causing an arguement more so when you keep trying to annoy or piss me off which the earlier post was a good poke at that
Oh, you're an admin. And there was a huge difference in how you guys conveyed info. I'll leave that for you to discover.
You're an admin, it IS your position to be liked, if people don't like the admins, the server can have 100 g of ram and 85 cores, people won't go on it.
Oh, watch out, you're arguing with me about causing an argument. As admins, you are role-models. You should be able to act mature, stay calm in heated situations (though this is a very lax situation where I can't see why you're getting mad).
I would like to see where I am trying to annoy you, quote the exact words please? If I were trying to annoy you, I'd probably say something like:
"I don't think this is an argument, because arguments usually have good points and punctuation."
But I didn't say that ;)
Oh, you're an admin. And there was a huge difference in how you guys conveyed info. I'll leave that for you to discover.
You're an admin, it IS your position to be liked, if people don't like the admins, the server can have 100 g of ram and 85 cores, people won't go on it.
Oh, watch out, you're arguing with me about causing an argument. As admins, you are role-models. You should be able to act mature, stay calm in heated situations (though this is a very lax situation where I can't see why you're getting mad).
I would like to see where I am trying to annoy you, quote the exact words please? If I were trying to annoy you, I'd probably say something like:
"I don't think this is an argument, because arguments usually have good points and punctuation."
But I didn't say that ;)
unfortunately you fail to realize im not mad im just unable to see your point as for how i type idc what you think to begin with im not going to be saying anything about you nor have i being liked isnt in my care nor goal here its to make sure nothing goes wrong and to keep the server going i have no problem enforcing rules or handing out punishment that is deserved and idk why you even care you basicly quit playing on the server so your say already is void to me but whatever as for what i said i said your poking me its like saying your trying to start something you might not mean to but with your earlier post and picking apart my post as you did to me is a poke and i dont like it much i can say the same thing as davie did but it wouldnt get very far with alot of people some need to get a kick in the ass so to speak rather your one of those or not i care not i can be fun to talk to or simply a huge pain depending on how people wish to respond to me as it stands your coming off as poking my nerves and its getting old i can see why you like daves post but really your not helping nor contributing to anything atm if you would please just drop it and walk away it would be easier for both of us if you did
unfortunately you fail to realize im not mad im just unable to see your point as for how i type idc what you think to begin with im not going to be saying anything about you nor have i being liked isnt in my care nor goal here its to make sure nothing goes wrong and to keep the server going i have no problem enforcing rules or handing out punishment that is deserved and idk why you even care you basicly quit playing on the server so your say already is void to me but whatever as for what i said i said your poking me its like saying your trying to start something you might not mean to but with your earlier post and picking apart my post as you did to me is a poke and i dont like it much i can say the same thing as davie did but it wouldnt get very far with alot of people some need to get a kick in the ass so to speak rather your one of those or not i care not i can be fun to talk to or simply a huge pain depending on how people wish to respond to me as it stands your coming off as poking my nerves and its getting old i can see why you like daves post but really your not helping nor contributing to anything atm if you would please just drop it and walk away it would be easier for both of us if you did
Yeah I'm bored now, this whole "bigger person" "high road" thing is getting boring and I don't want to say anything that would get me in trouble, but davie's post actually gave me info. You just ...well...didn't.

Just remember, being liked IS a big thing as far as admins go, so if you're going to be blunt and tough and rude people's stay here may be cut short.
Just be nice. It wouldn't kill you to put a period or two in your sentences but that doesn't even matter, it's all about being polite and courteous to the customer. Even though people don't pay here, they're still your customers. If they respect you, would it kill you to give a little back?
Yeah I'm bored now, this whole "bigger person" "high road" thing is getting boring and I don't want to say anything that would get me in trouble, but davie's post actually gave me info. You just ...well...didn't.

Just remember, being liked IS a big thing as far as admins go, so if you're going to be blunt and tough and rude people's stay here may be cut short.
Just be nice. It wouldn't kill you to put a period or two in your sentences but that doesn't even matter, it's all about being polite and courteous to the customer. Even though people don't pay here, they're still your customers. If they respect you, would it kill you to give a little back?
you arnt paying any respect to me from the looks of it so far so why should i give you any? thats the real thing here to me i was being blunt and tough cause you didnt seem to want nice and whatever if you expect to get nice comments from your first post in the state i saw it it wasnt ment to be nice or contrustive in all honesty that moment i decided to be a pain to you but not that it matters to much in the all and all im nice to some people on the server as well as anyone elsc who pays me the same if you dont show respect you wont get any either so asking for it when you didnt give it isnt going to get anywhere
Yeah I'm bored now, this whole "bigger person" "high road" thing is getting boring and I don't want to say anything that would get me in trouble, but davie's post actually gave me info. You just ...well...didn't.

Just remember, being liked IS a big thing as far as admins go, so if you're going to be blunt and tough and rude people's stay here may be cut short.
Just be nice. It wouldn't kill you to put a period or two in your sentences but that doesn't even matter, it's all about being polite and courteous to the customer. Even though people don't pay here, they're still your customers. If they respect you, would it kill you to give a little back?

Look Jump, in all honesty, you have no reason getting involved here. You walked away and only now show up to get involved in a situation that doesn't concern you at all. Why start something when your not originally part of the problem? If your so high on being polite and such, then don't start a problem when there isn't one and don't get involved in matters that don't concern you. We're not trying to be ignorant about anything but when someone starts trash talking us for no reason or starts causing problems, we're gonna raise our voices and put a stop to it, the same as anyone else would do.
okey guys this is no place for discussion about the stuff like this we made this post for the apps to the server so if you both want to argue against each other then be kind and do it in a private chat.
Yea we got the most working we are mostly just testing it now. We don't want the players on the server to experience any issues with it, so just be patient and it will be back as soon as possible. We will post when we get more news about it hopefully we get everything working tonight or tomorrow.
So a few things that are incorrect or misinformed about Syk's statement.

1. The server we're using CAN'T use more than one core, its impossible due to the limitation of the hardware. We've spoken to the host about this and theres no way we're able to right now.

2. If we're young then what the heck is old? None of us are well under 18, we're all mature adults who are trying to create a community where everyone can have some level of enjoyment. This isn't a job at some law firm, we're entitled to laugh, joke and have fun, its a game after all.

3. The only reason Syk only had fun "most" of the time is cuz we've had a few issues when updating versions where the world had to be reset due to changes in world generation code or other changes which caused the world to become unstable. This time was a choice by the server owners and was talked about for most of the day before we came to a solid decision. Our former member here didn't agree with our decision so he rage quit after wasting efforts trying to argue about a topic that wasn't open for debate.

Nothing I have said is incorrect and what I have said is based entirely upon my experiences, first hand knowledge would in-fact preclude me from being "misinformed". You may be older then 18 Soul by your maturity is not, apparently, a reflection of your age.
Yea we got the most working we are mostly just testing it now. We don't want the players on the server to experience any issues with it, so just be patient and it will be back as soon as possible. We will post when we get more news about it hopefully we get everything working tonight or tomorrow.
sweet excited
Age: 23.
Whitelist link: http://whitelist.mcf.li/check/result/d0439125a8a6d576676c0c98fc51e803331cdcd6
Why do you want to join the server: I want to have a nice place to play, with a good community, no lagg or having so many restricted items, I'm looking for a good server to have a fun time.
Will you be active: Yes, unless school tells me to do some homework or to study for tests, but still I plan on being active.
UPDATE: Figured I'd fill everyone in a bit. Servers still in lockdown as of this post. It was crashing constantly as new chunks were being generated all yesterday. Even though it stopped for a while, I'm still investigating the issue. Aside from that, everything installed smoothly, Bukkit is running along with the few plugins we usually use. On behalf of the administration I thank you all for your patience.
UPDATE: Figured I'd fill everyone in a bit. Servers still in lockdown as of this post. It was crashing constantly as new chunks were being generated all yesterday. Even though it stopped for a while, I'm still investigating the issue. Aside from that, everything installed smoothly, Bukkit is running along with the few plugins we usually use. On behalf of the administration I thank you all for your patience.
Can't wait to play :D
UPDATE: All updates are complete, the server is coming back online now and open for business. All players will now spawn in at the Terran Command Center provided by our very own overlord, Shade_In_Blou
Is it possible to get a general list of any mod features that were disabled on the server just to get an idea of what is changed from the defaults? I'm sure mystcraft age creation is disabled for players, and the banned items removed. Any other changes would be nice to have, just as a general list for reference, so we know not to try to head towards crafting certain mod items or whatever.

Thanks. :)
Is it possible to get a general list of any mod features that were disabled on the server just to get an idea of what is changed from the defaults? I'm sure mystcraft age creation is disabled for players, and the banned items removed. Any other changes would be nice to have, just as a general list for reference, so we know not to try to head towards crafting certain mod items or whatever.

Thanks. :)

Just off the top of my head, without checking the files, we currently have the melee turtle, wood/clay golems, destruction catalyst, Mystcraft world creation, portable hole and all chunk loaders disabled. Mighta missed something since I'm not looking into the banned item list but these are the ones that stand out most in my mind.
UPDATE: We've had to remove Bukkit from the server due to it creating massive amounts of lag and constantly disconnecting the server. I've restored the former Essentials we were running and the server is stable once again.
Lol and when I came on the server on Saturday I spent a good 4 hours finding a place to live. And now I get to start over again! I am not complaining, I am actually celebrating because the old world was annoying. Never used ultimate so this is going to be a whole new adventure for me! :D