Whitelist Server [NoodlePowered][Mindcrack v8.3.2][Whitelist][Growing Community][Mature Players][Dedicated 24/7]

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1) Your Minecraft Username:
2) Have you ever griefed before?
3) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.)
4) What is your timezone?
European +1
5) How often do you play?
usaly 1-3 hours a day but when im bored. maybe all day(3-6hrs)

6) Why we should trust you?
I am polite and trustworthy and I woud love to play on your server!

sry for bad english at some words :)
1) Your Minecraft Username: Squishez

2) Have you ever griefed before? No

3) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.) I've used X-ray before but not as a cheat form, the Server I admined on had a series of
thefts of anything from ores to hard to obtain beacons shortly after recruiting a large number of people. When it became apparent that whoever was doing it was only doing it when no one was online and was never gonna tell the truth I and another admin used Xray to catch the thief, which we did, then afterwards we deleted the texture pack.

4) What is your timezone? US Mountain Time

5) How often do you play? A lot. Hundreds of hours since buying the game in Alpha and in FTB I've gone about 20+ hours a week pretty easily

6) Why we should trust you? I am 24 years old and having been playing video games for a long time, nothing makes a game less enjoyable then worrying about someone ruining it for you. As I stated above I have been an admin for quite a while and have never had to much issue earning trust. Hopefully the statement about using X-ray wont deter you to much, I've never even liked using creative mode as an admin when working on public projects/ redstone arena's so the idea of using something as cheap as X-ray for survival just makes the game boring and useless, I used it for that short time to find the thief so everyone else on the server didn't have to worry about having things stolen. I'm a mature player who enjoys Minecraft and am looking for a reliable community to play with. Thank you in advance for any consideration.
1) Your Minecraft Username: GageAgent

2) Have you ever griefed before? Never Griefed before much rather admire peoples work then destroy or take from it.

3) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.) No I stick to the default or the john smith pack

4) What is your timezone? ET

5) How often do you play? Looking to play more than i do now. I feel like a server would get me to play more then i do with the single player because of the social interaction with other players.

6) Why we should trust you? Because im looking for a fun grief free server and i just want to have a good time. To put a funny spin on it as Scarface would say "All I got in this world is my balls and my word and I don't break either of 'em for nobody!" hahaha
1) Your Minecraft Username:
2) Have you ever griefed before?
Nope, never... I don't expect anyone to do it to me either and I don't believe in requiring anti-grief mechanisms.. would rather just play with nice people.
3) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.)
No. Don't use dupes etc. either, and I usually try and make the game more difficult for myself if possible (never nether-pumped for power... never quarried or mining turtled and do quite a bit of manual crafting).
4) What is your timezone?
GMT+10, but I'm around various times on the weekend. Whenever I'm not sleeping ;)
5) How often do you play?
If I'm working on something specific, probably every day. Depends on what else I have going on in my week and my other commitments etc.
6) Why we should trust you?
I'm as trustworthy as they come :)
I try to respect the environment as much as possible and keep the landscape unmodified.. also like to make my base as server friendly as possible (no timers, or walls of macerators/furnaces, no buildcraft where possible, no lava pumping). I put a lot of time into that - it's not necessary but I find it fun and it reduces my footprint on the server to almost 0 :D
I'm also friendly and happy to explain or teach people about specific mods if they are interested. I never rage and just enjoy a friendly group of players.
1) Your Minecraft Username: mooo312

2) Have you ever griefed before?: no

3) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.): No

4) What is your timezone? Pacific Standard Time

5) How often do you play? I try to play every day but football starting up every other day

6) Why we should trust you?: I just want to play with people but i like to be isolated so i am not going to grief
1) Your Minecraft Username: Krayz

2) Have you ever griefed before? No

3) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.) No

4) What is your timezone? GMT

5) How often do you play? All the time LOL. Mostly odd hours for me, like really early or really late or something in between. It depends when I'm awake I live in the UK.

6) Why we should trust you? You have no reason not to trust me LOL.... I'm not the sort of person to grief or whatever. I just want to get on and build some cool shit. Well try to anyway LOL.

I'm also a big castle lover. LOL Well I love building them anyway. So like, if there's room for a castle on top of a crazy snow/ice mountain I'll probably be up there building my base.

If you want to know anything else just send me a PM... =)
1) Your Minecraft Username: oooNICEooo

2) Have you ever griefed before? never

3) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.) no

4) What is your timezone? central

5) How often do you play? 4-6

6) Why we should trust you? haven't given you a reason not too. and im a adult.
1) Your Minecraft Username: Partisanturbine

2) Have you ever griefed before? Nope.

3) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.) I don't even know where to find them.

4) What is your timezone? EST

5) How often do you play? About two hours a day.

6) Why we should trust you? I don't believe I've given you a reason not to.
1) Your Minecraft Username: WarRobot

2) Have you ever griefed before? no never

3) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.) no

4) What is your timezone?GMT+8

5) How often do you play?7 hours or less

6) Why we should trust you? because im always friendly to a server and i never grief that is why im joining this server
1) Your Minecraft Username: Ichirou27x

2) Have you ever griefed before: No

3) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.): No

4) What is your timezone: EST

5) How often do you play: Whenever i can get on ill be on. Ill be on more often after final exams.

6) Why we should trust you: I enjoy open communities and try to help people in everyway i can.
1) Your Minecraft Username:

2) Have you ever griefed before?
No, never. I understand why some people have to go out of their way to annoy others, but my brain isn't wired like that.

3) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.)
No. I once used an x-ray machine (piston + dynamite) to find unlit caves to increase the spawn rate of my mob farm as the mere thought of manually searching for every little cave in the vicinity made me cringe. Apart from this "episode" I always play legit, cheating my way to success does not satisfy me.

4) What is your timezone?
UTC+01/+02 (Germany)

5) How often do you play?
Usually daily, except for the weekend. Expect some fluctuation over time :~)

6) Why should we trust you?
I can't answer that question, but I can give a few hints: I am a very sensitive guy and I need harmony in my life to function. However, I'm a bit of a loner and pretty shy, so I can't always be as helpful and forcoming as I'd like. Still, I can't feel good when others feel bad. If the shit hits the fan people can count on me to help them out.
1) Your Minecraft Username:Matty_Farr

2) Have you ever griefed before?:Nope Never.

3) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.): No I wouldnt I feel using XRay textures, mods etc ruin the experience of games

4) What is your timezone? GMT

5) How often do you play? If i got accepted i would be playing around 2-5 hours a day. This will be most days as I have finished my final year of school and have the summer to do whatever i feel like doing

6) Why we should trust you? because I am a respectable player that will do whatever I can to help others. Also I have never been banned. Check That Here:https://fishbans.com/u/matty_farr
1) Your Minecraft Username: HH_Monk

2) Have you ever griefed before? No griefing is a sign of disrespect i wouldn't go round a friends house (real life) and trash it the same apply s for minecraft

3) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.) Never. Would ruin my gaming experience taking all the fun away

4) What is your timezone? GMT

5) How often do you play? As much as i can i work full time and am married but still manage about 30-40 hours a week. and when im off work ill play all day

6) Why we should trust you? I'm an adult that understands respect all to well. and knows not to breach peoples trust. I play the game to have fun with others, Not to terrorize people. Im always willing to help others as well as build my own projects. Most of all am looking to have some good chats and laughs and gain friendships. Look Forward to hearing from you.
1) Your Minecraft Username: HH_Monk

2) Have you ever griefed before? No griefing is a sign of disrespect i wouldn't go round a friends house (real life) and trash it the same apply s for minecraft

3) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.) Never. Would ruin my gaming experience taking all the fun away

4) What is your timezone? GMT

5) How often do you play? As much as i can i work full time and am married but still manage about 30-40 hours a week. and when im off work ill play all day

6) Why we should trust you? I'm an adult that understands respect all to well. and knows not to breach peoples trust. I play the game to have fun with others, Not to terrorize people. Im always willing to help others as well as build my own projects. Most of all am looking to have some good chats and laughs and gain friendships. Look Forward to hearing from you.

You have been approved - Please check your Skype (hh-monk)
1) Your Minecraft Username: _Kronza_

2) Have you ever griefed before? No, but, I have been greifed recently which is why I'm looking for a new server! :)

3) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.) I used Zombe's mod on a server that I owned so that I could fly faster, but other than that, no.

4) What is your timezone? Minnesota, United States, so CST.

5) How often do you play? I try to play daily.

6) Why we should trust you? I believe you should trust me as I am a lot more mature than a lot of the people you may find around the FTB forums, you can trust me as on Sythe.org I have over 800 CONFIRMED vouches saying that a trade was legit, which is a big deal. I also believe you should trust me as when I had a Minecraft server I was very fair and never just banned anyone for 'being stupid', there always had to be a reason, if you need anymore reasons, let me on your server and watch me. :)
1) Your Minecraft Username:Charliej2000

2) Have you ever griefed before?:I have never griefed before and I never intend too.

3) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.):I have never used any of those things because I believe they ruin the whole game.

4) What is your timezone?:Eastern time

5) How often do you play?:I can usually plat around 2-3 hours a day.

6) Why we should trust you?:I think you should trust me because I love to play FTB and would never do anything to get me kicked off the server. You can also trust me because I have a youtube channel and I would not want to get my reputation spread around saying it was bad. I also believe Minecraft should be a place of fun and adventure,not sadness and emissary. I have never been banned and I never intend too. I hope I can join in all the fun and adventure with you all.