Whitelist Server NoodlePowered | FTB Unleashed 1.1.7 | Friendly | Community | Mature | Dedicated 24/7 | Hats & More!

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Seeing as you seemingly passed over a few applicants (mine included). Are we to assume that we didn't make the cut?
1) Your Minecraft Username: Triviuhh
2) Your age: 16
3) Tell us about yourself (More than one sentence): I'm 16, my name is Joe and I'm from California. I do independent studies (like homeschool, but I have a teacher) so I have a lot of time to play. I almost ALWAYS play with my friend Lirux, who is also applying for a whitelist spot. I stream feed the beast quite often as well. I've played FTB for a little over a year (tekkit too, 6 months from that, that was before Feed The Beast). I'm mature, I'm somewhat shy when it comes to raidcalls and such, I rarely talk, but if I feel comfortable around people I can talk quite a bit.
4) Have you ever griefed before? Never
5) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.)? I used xray once in single player.
6) What is your timezone? PST (California)
7) How often do you play? All the time.
8) Why we should trust you? (More than one sentence): I've never once had a problem with cheating in a multiplayer environment. I'm trustworthy. I've never stolen before. I'm also not annoying.
Thank you for your consideration.
1) Your Minecraft Username: Lirux
2) Your age: 16
3) Tell us about yourself (More than one sentence): I am an average guy, looking for a nice, laid back Unleashed server with a nice, friendly community. I've been playing Minecraft ever since beta 1.7.3. I've been playing Feed the Beast for about a year now. I love to draw, and game. I am a very outgoing person, and I love making new friends, and learning new things. I am a very creative person, and I am from Sacramento, California.
4) Have you ever griefed before? No, I have not griefed before. I have owned a vanilla minecraft server that has been griefed, and it angered me very much. Greifing is not anything that I enjoy doing. It makes people upset, and they lose what they build, or created.
5) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.)? I have used a client that allowed me to talk to other people while playing single player, but I don't think that is cheating.
6) What is your timezone? PST
7) How often do you play? I play FtB every day.
8) Why we should trust you? (More than one sentence): Well, I always try my best to be the most friendly/ helpful person I can. I do not steal/grief/complain, or insult people. If people respect me, I will respect them back. I am usually one to give, not get, so I tend to help whenever I can. I don't usually seek attention, nor do I brag about things. Anyways, I hope to see you soon! ;)
1) Your Minecraft Username: Mexiemeal
2) Your age: 32
3) Tell us about yourself (More than one sentence): name is Nic. been gaming for quit a while. I don't have much time for playing other games. But I use all my time gaming towards Minecraft and doing yt videos. Been playing Minecraft for quit a while. Forget when I started. Been playing with mods before FTB. Find mod playing more enjoyable than vanilla. Though I do go through times when vanilla is my thing. But not often. ;)
4) Have you ever griefed before? no
5) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.)? no, what is nodus?
6) What is your timezone? CST
7) How often do you play? Everyday, m-f after work. weekend. Whenever I have free time(not chasing my child around the house)
8) Why we should trust you? (More than one sentence): Because I'm old and wise? ;P No. I respect people and the rules people have set. Nothing else bothers me when people act stupid and do stupid things to ruin someone else gaming experience.
1) Your Minecraft Username: Efendi23
2) Your age: 20
3) Tell us about yourself (More than one sentence): My name is Edmund and I'm a college student. I've been playing Feed the Beast since its onset and for a long time was on a small server with long-time friends from a vanilla server. However we drifted away from the earlier iterations of Feed the Beast before the new packs came out, and due to real-life commitments, I more or less stopped playing for this summer. I really enjoy the community experience of Minecraft and am looking for a solid group of people to play with. I wish I could say I know the new mods well, but I've only barely dabbled in them, but I'm looking forward to learning with other people.
4) Have you ever griefed before? No. I don't really find griefing very fun; the only time I've ever blown up anything was at the end of a map's lifespan.
5) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.)? When I first heard about x-ray packs, I loaded one up to see what it was about and didn't really see what the fuss was about. I've never heard of Nodus.
6) What is your timezone? EST
7) How often do you play? Depending on the day and my schedule, at least 2-3 hours if not more.
8) Why we should trust you? (More than one sentence): I've been playing Minecraft since 2010 and the thing that really keeps me playing is the communal aspect. I want other people to trust me and I want to be able to trust them not to waste my time - there's nothing I hate more than feeling like I've spent a long time for nothing and I'd never want to make others feel that way.
1) Your Minecraft Username: Denster91
2) Your age: 14, turning 15 in less than a month.
3) Tell us about yourself (More than one sentence): My name is Denis, and I'm currently a sophomore in high school. I've been playing Minecraft for over 2 years now, and modded Minecraft for a bit over a year. I started played Tekkit with my friend the summer of 2012, and I've been hooked on mods ever since. When FTB came out I switched over to that. I've recently been looking for a good, active community where everybody knows each other, and where I can enjoy playing FTB more than I can in SSP.

4) Have you ever griefed before? I tried it a long time ago, and really didn't find it to be much fun.
5) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.)? Nope.
6) What is your timezone? CST
7) How often do you play? In the very beginning it can be a bit difficult for me to start playing due to how boring I find beginning game to be, but once I get started its hard to stop :P I'll probably be on every day.
8) Why we should trust you? (More than one sentence): I'm the type of person that respects others, as long as they respect me. I don't find it any fun to waste time on getting resources, only to start destroying everyone's things, not only ruining their play experience but also ruining mine. I also enjoy helping other people, such as explaining to someone how a machine works or giving them some resources to help them get started. In addition, I've been a staff member on the MCSG network for about 6 months. Quite a bit of responsibility comes with a community that big, so you can trust me not to mess up.
@Triviuhh @Lirux @Mexiemeal @Efendi23 @Denster91
Your applications have been put under review.

@Digaroo @The_Seadweller @zeylan @jusjoe99 @opt_user @Rambotoast @mistahsnorro @Sjon_het_schaap
Your application results have been sent out via Private Message on the FTB Forums.

We still have slots open! Apply if you haven't already!
@Triviuhh @Lirux @Mexiemeal @Efendi23 @Denster91
Your applications have been put under review.

@Digaroo @The_Seadweller @zeylan @jusjoe99 @opt_user @Rambotoast @mistahsnorro @Sjon_het_schaap
Your application results have been sent out via Private Message on the FTB Forums.

We still have slots open! Apply if you haven't already!

Thanks @IBeRamen, how long does the review bit take?
Your Minecraft Username:
Your age:
Tell us about yourself (More than one sentence):
I'm a student from Belgium and currently (untill januari) I'm unable to attend classes, long and weird story, but that's how it is, so I have a lot of free time on my hands, been using it to go to the gym every 2 days, but the curse of boredom has hit me and I think FTB Unleashed with a community to play it with will be a good way to circumvent this. I've always been into games and recently got into Minecraft again, I got it back in Alpha days, and I have the instant addiction, played it till I found my first diamonds but then found out that, there wasn't much more the game offered to me. But recently a friend of mine told me about how there are very advanced mods out there. So I got the FTB launcher and tried out Unleashed, but quickly found out that it's not as entertaining alone, and playing it in SSP is also weird since the game pauses if you tab out and such, so I started my search for an online community.
Besides Minecraft I currently also play DOTA2, League of Legends (with friends) and Starcraft 2.
Have you ever griefed before?
Well I don't see a point in lying, back in 2010, after picking up the game and introducing it to my friends, I hosted my own local MC server for them all to play on, and we ended up griefing eachother while laughing our asses off on skype. But actual griefing on a public server, no.
Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.)?
Never heard of those, but I can deduce what they are from their names, and no, never used it, besides maybe the X-Ray that comes with Minecraft when a chunk doesn't load. ;)
What is your timezone?
How often do you play?
I intend to logon atleast daily or once every 2 days, and I play for long periods, usually 4+ hours.
Why we should trust you? (More than one sentence):
Well this is a pretty hard question to answer, I have no idea how to answer this. Would you trust yourself? I trust myself, so do you trust that I trust myself like you trust yourself? So then trust in me that I'm as trustworthy as you are.
But I have no interest in destroying other user's things all I want is to just chat and be able to answer and ask questions and not feel so alone in this big randomly generated world that we know as Minecraft.
1) Your Minecraft Username: HellBorn87BC
2) Your age: 26
3) Tell us about yourself (More than one sentence): My name is John and i'm from Romania. I play FTB with friends on local servers and it's usually fun but now i am looking to expand to a world with more people have fun and build stuff. I've been playing minecraft for about a year and i really like the complexity of the ftb packs. I hope you will consider giving me a chance to play on your server.
4) Have you ever griefed before? No i never have. I use to play with friends on local servers only.
5) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.)? no
6) What is your timezone? GMT+2
7) How often do you play? AROUND 3 TO 8 HOURS/DAY
8) Why we should trust you? (More than one sentence): Trust usually comes in time but i can say that i am a fair person and i'm not looking to spoil other people's gameplay.
Your Minecraft Username:
Your age:
Tell us about yourself (More than one sentence):
I'm a student from Belgium and currently (untill januari) I'm unable to attend classes, long and weird story, but that's how it is, so I have a lot of free time on my hands, been using it to go to the gym every 2 days, but the curse of boredom has hit me and I think FTB Unleashed with a community to play it with will be a good way to circumvent this. I've always been into games and recently got into Minecraft again, I got it back in Alpha days, and I have the instant addiction, played it till I found my first diamonds but then found out that, there wasn't much more the game offered to me. But recently a friend of mine told me about how there are very advanced mods out there. So I got the FTB launcher and tried out Unleashed, but quickly found out that it's not as entertaining alone, and playing it in SSP is also weird since the game pauses if you tab out and such, so I started my search for an online community.
Besides Minecraft I currently also play DOTA2, League of Legends (with friends) and Starcraft 2.
Have you ever griefed before?
Well I don't see a point in lying, back in 2010, after picking up the game and introducing it to my friends, I hosted my own local MC server for them all to play on, and we ended up griefing eachother while laughing our asses off on skype. But actual griefing on a public server, no.
Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.)?
Never heard of those, but I can deduce what they are from their names, and no, never used it, besides maybe the X-Ray that comes with Minecraft when a chunk doesn't load. ;)
What is your timezone?
How often do you play?
I intend to logon atleast daily or once every 2 days, and I play for long periods, usually 4+ hours.
Why we should trust you? (More than one sentence):
Well this is a pretty hard question to answer, I have no idea how to answer this. Would you trust yourself? I trust myself, so do you trust that I trust myself like you trust yourself? So then trust in me that I'm as trustworthy as you are.
But I have no interest in destroying other user's things all I want is to just chat and be able to answer and ask questions and not feel so alone in this big randomly generated world that we know as Minecraft.

1) Your Minecraft Username: HellBorn87BC
2) Your age: 26
3) Tell us about yourself (More than one sentence): My name is John and i'm from Romania. I play FTB with friends on local servers and it's usually fun but now i am looking to expand to a world with more people have fun and build stuff. I've been playing minecraft for about a year and i really like the complexity of the ftb packs. I hope you will consider giving me a chance to play on your server.
4) Have you ever griefed before? No i never have. I use to play with friends on local servers only.
5) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.)? no
6) What is your timezone? GMT+2
7) How often do you play? AROUND 3 TO 8 HOURS/DAY
8) Why we should trust you? (More than one sentence): Trust usually comes in time but i can say that i am a fair person and i'm not looking to spoil other people's gameplay.

Added to review. We will get back with you tomorrow!

If you haven't applied already we still have spots open!
1) Your Minecraft Username:
Brad Durst
2) Your age:
3) Tell us about yourself (More than one sentence):
I usually play League of Legends, but I enjoy playing FTB with my friends. My friend invited me to this server and told me to apply, so here I am! I moved out and I live with just my brother and it's cool and stuff. Yeah. I enjoy making new friends and am open to any new features this server has to offer.
4) Have you ever griefed before?
Griefing is a really dumb thing to do and I know that's what a griefer would say, but really. Why would you ever grief, ever? I don't even... No I haven't ever griefed.
5) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.)?
Have never heard of cheating in Minecraft.. Why would you cheat in an uncompetitive game... lol.
6) What is your timezone?
Pacific Time Zone

7) How often do you play?
Mostly every day for a good 3-4 hours.
8) Why we should trust you? (More than one sentence):
It's hard to trust someone on the internet, it really is. It's even harder to trust someone when you are trying to run a server with an exceptional community and handpicking your community. I just hope you will give me a chance like you did with everyone else, I'd really like to play with my friend :P.
1) Your Minecraft Username:
2) Your age:
3) Tell us about yourself (More than one sentence):
iam a helpful player that will go out en help pll and wont swear that mutch
4) Have you ever griefed before?
no i hate thate only jokes whit a 3x3 when the andmin and the player who build it agreed
5) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.)?
no i wrilly dont know how thay work
6) What is your timezone?
netherlands gmt+1
7) How often do you play?
1-5 hours a day
8) Why we should trust you? (More than one sentence):
i am helpfule i whant to build a nice place whit ore whitout ppl and i will work whit evry1 as i need to i never grieft and will never do that becouse its weak