Whitelist Server [NoodlePowered][FTB Ultimate][Whitelist][Growing Community][Dedicated Machine 24/7][Mature]

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1) Your Minecraft Username: kris9883

2) Have you ever griefed before? No

3) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.) No

4) What is your timezone? GMT-3

5) How often do you play? Almost everyday

6) Why we should trust you? I've never been banned from any servers. I've always played with my friend Herrtengil. We a fair players.
1) Your Minecraft Username: hidetzugu

2) Have you ever griefed before? No

3) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.) I've played tekkit... EE2 seems pretty unfair to me, apart from that: no

4) What is your timezone? GMT

5) How often do you play? if I'm responsible almost never.... so you'll see me in the server almost everyday several hours

6) Why we should trust you? I'm 26, I never had problems with any server, even briefly moderated for 1 (vanilla), I like a good environment so I try not to compromise one when I see it. I've played with mods (1st tekkit then mindcrack) enough to know what kind of stuff lags servers and how to avoid it
I'm not sure if i'm suposed to be whitelisted or not but since i can't connect and i applyd and you awsered that there where only 2 more places availeble i think i am.
But can you chek if my name is spelled correct its " ObitOn " thank you for reading
I'm not sure if i'm suposed to be whitelisted or not but since i can't connect and i applyd and you awsered that there where only 2 more places availeble i think i am.
But can you chek if my name is spelled correct its " ObitOn " thank you for reading

All applications have been reviewed. Our slots are now full. We will be expanding them soon. Feel free to drop a donation at http://noodlepowered.com/donationpage
Note: Our website is still a WIP thank you.
1) Your Minecraft Username: Whispie
2) Have you ever griefed before? Nope, not even a little bit.
3) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.) Never. Haven't even heard of Nodus
4) What is your timezone? Pacific United States
5) How often do you play? Every day
6) Why we should trust you? This is a loaded question. Really, it's a matter of mutual trust. For my end, I am a pretty friendly person, though I tend to just stay in my own builds and leave others alone. Someday I would like to work on projects with other people, and hope that this will be the place. I'm just trying to find a place to call home where I can meet friendly people. I am hoping this server won't be resetting or "upgrading" any time soon.
7) You are given ALL the items in FTB Ultimate to use for your own use. Do not abuse it. With great power comes great responsibility. Thank you. Don't worry, no ugly above-ground quarries from me.

Thank you for your time and consideration!
1) Your Minecraft Username: Whispie
2) Have you ever griefed before? Nope, not even a little bit.
3) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.) Never. Haven't even heard of Nodus
4) What is your timezone? Pacific United States
5) How often do you play? Every day
6) Why we should trust you? This is a loaded question. Really, it's a matter of mutual trust. For my end, I am a pretty friendly person, though I tend to just stay in my own builds and leave others alone. Someday I would like to work on projects with other people, and hope that this will be the place. I'm just trying to find a place to call home where I can meet friendly people. I am hoping this server won't be resetting or "upgrading" any time soon.
7) You are given ALL the items in FTB Ultimate to use for your own use. Do not abuse it. With great power comes great responsibility. Thank you. Don't worry, no ugly above-ground quarries from me.

Thank you for your time and consideration!

Please note that by upgrading we do mean Increasing our RAM for less lag and more slots. And certainly not will we be resetting our world.
1) Your Minecraft Username: Kodent

2) Have you ever griefed before? Nope

3) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.) No

4) What is your timezone? GMT-6 Central

5) How often do you play? Typically 5 hours a day

6) Why we should trust you? Never banned on any servers, I just don't cause any trouble. Tired of playing SP and want to play with a community so I can learn about mods a little more.
1) Your Minecraft Username:Strong_Armz

2) Have you ever griefed before?Never. Never understood why people like to ruin others hard work.

3) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.)Cheating kinda defeats the purpose. So no never.

4) What is your timezone?Mountain

5) How often do you play?Few hours Daily

6) Why we should trust you?I have never given anyone a reason not to. I'm just lookin to play some ftb ultimate with some chill people. I don't bother, and i don't mind helping if needed. I'm still new to FTB and just lookin for a place to make my home
1) Your Minecraft Username: sliver01

2) Have you ever griefed before? Only once after someone destroyed everything I owned.

3) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.) Only in single player

4) What is your timezone? Pacific Time U.S. Canada (I live in The United States)

5) How often do you play? Whenever I get the chance.

6) Why we should trust you? I don't like griefing and it sucks when people destroy others work. I will follow the given rules accordingly.[DOUBLEPOST=1375217937][/DOUBLEPOST]How are we supposed to get the server Ip adress?
1) Your Minecraft Username: Frankiejoh

2) Have you ever griefed before? No

3) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.) NO! Cheating ruins the game for yourself.

4) What is your timezone? EST

5) How often do you play? Alot, Its summer

6) Why we should trust you? Im very trustworthy ive admined on many servers but those servers ended.

Hope im accepted :D
1) Your Minecraft Username: Zishy

2) Have you ever griefed before? No

3) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.) No, i prefer the vanilla textures

4) What is your timezone? EU tz

5) How often do you play? Daily

6) Why we should trust you? Its up to you as you dont know me yet. im looking for a place to call home and i would love to give your server a shot (8
1) Your Minecraft Username:LittleExo_

2) Have you ever griefed before?:Not once.

3) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.):Nopee. Play legit!

4) What is your timezone?: Singapore GMT+8

5) How often do you play?:Right after I come back from school only if my com spoils.

6) Why we should trust you?:Its for you to trust me ! Its alrightt if you all can't trust me ;)

7) You are given ALL the items in FTB Ultimate to use for your own use. Do not abuse it. With great power comes great responsibility.
1) Your Minecraft Username:Realunk

2) Have you ever griefed before? Only on servers it has been allowed.

3) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.) Yes, on Singleplayer

4) What is your timezone? +2 UTC Finland

5) How often do you play? I dont know actually, ill play At least twice a week tho.

6) Why we should trust you? Well, I dont see a reason not to, i promise not to grief or hack.

2. Well, I placed a piece of TNT behind my friends door on a LAN server so.. Not sure we were trolling each other, i know the time and place for that so, no need to worry, also done some raiding on a factions server dancraft (it is allowed) so ya! :P

3. I used nodus on a server I hosted to see how well NC+ dealt with it, also on a server that used it for the radar and rear view, also a server owners course when you were taught how to detect it! It was a really cool course! :P

4. Um, I think UTC 7:00 it's the mountain time (us and Canada) sorry, I'm not quite sure,

5. At least 3-4 hours a day, If not more ( I'm addicted to this mod pack :P)

6. Well, I am very kind, pretty well knowledged about FTB and overall a not bad builder, my strongest suit would be exterior design, I am very loyal, also my ban record is clean, and intend to keep it that way, for a long time, I love being on multiplayer servers, especially smaller ones, I'm a little MIC shy, but after a while ill start to talk more and more, I KNOW when to shut up, and when it's ok to keep going, also I have a lot of staff experience on other servers, so if there's just me and someone's else who is being bad, I can deal with them, well, as much as possible without breaking any rules, I know I said I was good with FTB and I am, but I'm not the best, and I think that this would be a great learning opportunity, as I'm assuming there's not 100 people online, so if I need help, it's easier, it's also easier to give help to :P if you need anymore info, just PM me and I will give you what you need, and I hopefully look forward to seeing on the server soon! :) P.S I am gone this weekend to help the people who's houses where
Destroyed because of the flooding, then I have my national life guarding course from mon to fri from 9-2, but will be on after that, like after the 2 o'clock time, so ya! :P talk to you later!
1) Your Minecraft Username:vens1997

2) Have you ever griefed before? No!

3) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.) No!

4) What is your timezone? Gmt +02

5) How often do you play? Most of my Day/Night

6) Why we should trust you? Because I have had a server before I don't want to grief I just wana meet new people and Grow as a community!
Keep the applications coming guys! Our server will be increasing our players slots in the next couple of days! Stop by the donation page to help out - http://noodlepowered.com/donationpage
(Our website is a work in progress and please know that donating is completely OPTIONAL and IS NOT required to be able to play.)

1) Your Minecraft Username: Tak3551

2) Have you ever griefed before? Nope, I hate griefers its unfair and ruins the experience.

3) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.) I do not use mods.

4) What is your timezone?Eastern

5) How often do you play? Almost daily between work and other things

6) Why we should trust you? I have been a long time moderator for a minecraft server so hopefully that means something trustwise so has my friend Bunzthomas we are both hoping to get into your server and enjoy it.
1) Your Minecraft Username: Bunzthomas

2) Have you ever griefed before? no

3) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.) no

4) What is your timezone? EST

5) How often do you play? atleast 5 hours/day

6) Why we should trust you? me and tak3551 (currently applying) came from a vanilla minecraft server as mods on the server. we are both addicted to ftb and would be happy to be addicted to it on your server :)

7) You are given ALL the items in FTB Ultimate to use for your own use. Do not abuse it. With great power comes great responsibility.
1) Minecraft Username: amorlan598
2) Have you ever griefed: no, I find it is disrespectful to other peoples achievements
3) have you ever used unfair mods: no
4) what is your time zone: GMT+6
5) how much do you play: at least 1-2 hours a day some days even more
6) Why should we trust you: I'm a big team player, but know when to leave people alone. I'm always respectful to other people and their builds. I won't go around stealing stuff. I know the rules of the server and the general rules of respect for other server users. I'm a really good mod user with exceptional use of IC2, Gregtech, and Buildcraft. I have tons of experience with both servers and single player worlds. I have been a good addition to several servers and have been a moderator on 2 of them. I have managed to get the respect of my fellow server-users on every server I have ever been on.
1) Your Minecraft Username: Fireshocksaga

2) Have you ever griefed before? Nope.

3) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.) I have never and will never use any of these programs/mods.

4) What is your timezone? EST (GMT -5)

5) How often do you play? As often as humanly possible. I tend to play for long stretches. I've been playing Minecraft since 1.3 Beta and have enjoyed the game thoroughly since then.

6) Why we should trust you? I'm 28. I've been mod and admin on a number of servers. I don't cause problems and generally keep to myself and focus on my builds. I like building big and neat things. I don't like it when people mess with my creations and I extend that courtesy towards others.