2. Well, I placed a piece of TNT behind my friends door on a LAN server so.. Not sure we were trolling each other, i know the time and place for that so, no need to worry, also done some raiding on a factions server dancraft (it is allowed) so ya!
3. I used nodus on a server I hosted to see how well NC+ dealt with it, also on a server that used it for the radar and rear view, also a server owners course when you were taught how to detect it! It was a really cool course!
4. Um, I think UTC 7:00 it's the mountain time (us and Canada) sorry, I'm not quite sure,
5. At least 3-4 hours a day, If not more ( I'm addicted to this mod pack

6. Well, I am very kind, pretty well knowledged about FTB and overall a not bad builder, my strongest suit would be exterior design, I am very loyal, also my ban record is clean, and intend to keep it that way, for a long time, I love being on multiplayer servers, especially smaller ones, I'm a little MIC shy, but after a while ill start to talk more and more, I KNOW when to shut up, and when it's ok to keep going, also I have a lot of staff experience on other servers, so if there's just me and someone's else who is being bad, I can deal with them, well, as much as possible without breaking any rules, I know I said I was good with FTB and I am, but I'm not the best, and I think that this would be a great learning opportunity, as I'm assuming there's not 100 people online, so if I need help, it's easier, it's also easier to give help to

if you need anymore info, just PM me and I will give you what you need, and I hopefully look forward to seeing on the server soon!

P.S I am gone this weekend to help the people who's houses where
Destroyed because of the flooding, then I have my national life guarding course from mon to fri from 9-2, but will be on after that, like after the 2 o'clock time, so ya!

talk to you later!