Whitelist Server [NoodlePowered][FTB Ultimate][Whitelist][Growing Community][Dedicated Machine 24/7][Mature]

  • This section is now closed. Server owners can remake their threads in the new server section here. If you are looking for a server you can use both this section and the new section for the time being.
  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1) Your Minecraft Username: Tech_Done_Right

2) Have you ever griefed before? no

3) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.) no

4) What is your timezone? EDT -04:00

5) How often do you play? 2-3 hours a day

6) Why we should trust you? I am looking for a close-nit community to share with and hopefully learn with, to make a better server and a better gaming experience


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1) Your Minecraft Username: Tech_Done_Right

2) Have you ever griefed before? no

3) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.) no

4) What is your timezone? EDT -04:00

5) How often do you play? 2-3 hours a day

6) Why we should trust you? I am looking for a close-nit community to share with and hopefully learn with, to make a better server and a better gaming experience


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1) Your Minecraft Username: Akasha96

2) Have you ever griefed before? yeah, a friend just as a joke ;D

3) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.): do these even exist? :S

4) What is your timezone? GMT+1

5) How often do you play? several hours a day, but more during the weekends :d

6) Why we should trust you? hmm, yeah I don't know if it's save to fully trust someone over the internet anyway... So it's hard to tell ;(


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1) The_Veggydude

2) Nope. I hate when someone does it to me so I don't do it to others.

3) No I have not. I find it to be to much trouble for getting a few ores and stuff.

4) GMT +1

5) Almost every day

6) I've never been banned before and I don't intend to start now. I wouldn't want to miss the opportunity to play on a server like this


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1) Your Minecraft Username:bluebull12

2) Have you ever griefed before:Yes On A Griefing Server xD but i dont griefe on non griefe servers/Unfair.

3) Have you ever used unfair mods:Yes Xray texterpack To Find A Dungon On My SingelPlayer World.

4) What is your timezone:Est.

5) How often do you play:i play minecraft when ever i have the time on my hands

6) Why we should trust you:Because i Love Playing Multi player and i am a trustworthy player that loves to help the commonalty.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1) Your Minecraft Username: cobra12345

2) Have you ever griefed before? Never

3) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.): I think it is pintless to cheat. If you want to cheat, go singleplayer

4) What is your timezone? +2 Finland

5) How often do you play? Daily, couple of hours per day

6) Why we should trust you? I haven't ever been banned and I won't see reason, why you shouldn't trust me. I just wanna play and have fun.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1) Your Minecraft Username: Hazdrubal_barca

2) Have you ever griefed before? No

3) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.). No

4) What is your timezone? EST (GMT -5)

5) How often do you play? Daily

6) Why we should trust you? Not been banned ever.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1) Your Minecraft Username: jjjet42

2) Have you ever griefed before? No

3) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.) No, but i do add Optifine to any modpack i play.

4) What is your timezone? Arizona

5) How often do you play? Depends on IRL schedule, but usually a few hours every day.

6) Why we should trust you? I've been whitelisted on many servers and never had any problems. http://www.mcbans.com/player/jjjet42

I'm only looking into a new server to play on after my current one was disbanded. After I'm whitelisted I will make a decision whether I want to stay.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
All whitelist applications from #25 - #28 are being reviewed. We are still accepting applications! Apply if you haven't!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1) Your Minecraft Username: boesshawn

2) Have you ever griefed before? nope, i tend to quit servers that have uncontrolled griefing

3) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.) nope, no point

4) What is your timezone? GMT -6, Central Time

5) How often do you play? a few hours a day depending on when i get home from work

6) Why we should trust you? i'm an older than most players but fairly new to minecraft. I am easy going and friendly. don't have the time to relax and argue over pointless stuff... so i just want to play and relax and learn more about the game and how to design things better.

Absolute -1

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1) Your Minecraft Username: IcyOblivion

2) Have you ever griefed before?: Yes; I've been playing Minecraft since 1.6 beta, so I've been involved in almost every negative aspect of it XD; though I've hardly ever done it on a server that didn't allow it, I understand this server's stance on the griefing and won't be doing it.

3) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.): Again yes; we've all had dark days in Minecraft, and hacked clients/mods are one of them; and again again, I understand this server's policy and want be doing it here.

4) What is your timezone?: U.S. Central (CST -6)

5) How often do you play?: Vanilla - Everyday both SSP and SMP; FTB - SSP as often as everyone 2-3 days and SMP As much as Possible (this is INCREDIBLE hard consider the market for good servers is small)

6) Why we should trust you?: Not going to say I have a sparkling clean past with this game, I don't think most of us do...but I want to find an FTB server that has fun through each and every aspect, and what better server than one that give you access to all it has to offer? It's also because of those reasons that I'll treat this place with respect and abide by the rules.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1) Your Minecraft Username: waffleman96

2) Have you ever griefed before? No, never.

3) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.) No, never.

4) What is your timezone? GMT - 5 (EST).

5) How often do you play? Usually daily.

6) Why we should trust you? My only intention is to have a pleasant time playing FTB on a suitable server. I am quite friendly, jubilant, scientific, and have been playing Minecraft for almost three years. I have a squeaky clean record, due to having an utmost respect for other players and their creations.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1) Your Minecraft Username: Wuvluv

2) Have you ever griefed before? nope

3) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.) no

4) What is your timezone? eastern

5) How often do you play? every day

6) Why we should trust you? i'm an adult who enjoys programming, video gaming and web design. I've ran my own servers in the past and have experience with the insanity that is running a minecraft server, because of this and because of my enjoyment of community and building towards a goal I have no reason to try and mess with anybodies stuff.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1) Your Minecraft Username: Luvwuv

2) Have you ever griefed before? No

3) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.) No

4) What is your timezone? Eastern Time Zone

5) How often do you play? Daily, depending on if school is in. I generally play a lot over the weekends and a few hours a day during the weekdays.

6) Why we should trust you? I have never been banned and I am an adult who is attending college. I generally play with my fiance (wuvluv) on his private server, but I would like to interact with other players to try something new. I would never take another player's items and I expect to be treated the same.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1) Your Minecraft Username: Lister79

2) Have you ever griefed before? No

3) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.): Not in SMP

4) What is your timezone? GMT + 1

5) How often do you play? Depends on crazy shifts at work, but mostly every day.

6) Why we should trust you? I am a mature (old some might say) but humorous person and I want to find a good way to share this game (and get to know) other people. I am willing to help, and also to learn from other players. Yes, this doesn't answer the question but eh it's a tricky one!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1) Your Minecraft Username: eighty6

2) Have you ever griefed before? no

3) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.) no

4) What is your timezone? EST

5) How often do you play? a few hours a day

6) Why we should trust you? I'm 26 - dont have the luxury of time to spend ruining peoples work


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1) Your Minecraft Username: lazy92

2) Have you ever griefed before? Nope.

3) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.) Nope.

4) What is your timezone? GMT +1

5) How often do you play? If I find a server I like, I play A LOT.

6) Why we should trust you? No bans. Really all I can say.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1) Your Minecraft Username: Jowajon

2) Have you ever griefed before? No one but myself ;)

3) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.) Never

4) What is your timezone? Central

5) How often do you play? 0-15 hours a day. Normally 4-6 hours

6) Why we should trust you? Odd question. I don't trust anyone until I get to know them. If you get to knew me, I am sure it'll be clear why you should trust me.