Whitelist Server New Server|Dw20 V5.1.0|White list|24/7

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
hello and welcome to my new server. this server is hosted by Creeperhost and has a 2 core possessor and 4Gb RAM
it will not lag and hardly ever crashed based on a 2 month closed beta.

Server IP: newcraft.atl16.creeperhost.net

  • No Griefing of any kind as determined by the op
  • do not act immature i.e. asking for things, or to be promoted
  • promotions will be based on who deserves it
  • No digging in the over world, there will be a mining age or two in order to save the landscape
  • language to a minimum and no vulgar conversation along with no spamming the chat box
  • No hacks or x-ray we will be able to tell
  • Op has the final say
  • MC Username:
  • Age:
  • Any knowledge of the mods in this pack, if yes which ones:
  • Are you mature:
  • Have you ever been ban before, if so for what:
  • Do you understand the rules:
  • What do you Plan to do on this server:
I will be accepting applications until i deem necessary. please don't apply and then never get on the server. we are looking for dedicated players who enjoy having fun.
MC Username: xGillas
Age: 14
Any knowledge of the mods in this pack, if yes which ones: lots
Are you mature: yea
Have you ever been ban before, if so for what:no
Do you understand the rules: yes
What do you Plan to do on this server: build a my own house with lots of automatics systems
  • MC Username: Noblestone
  • Age:21
  • Any knowledge of the mods in this pack, if yes which ones:Yes majorty of magic ones and some tech
  • Are you mature:i cant really say on what scale do you need me to be?I let you choose Op have final saying.
  • Have you ever been ban before, if so for what:Yes to test plugins with admins from other severs
  • Do you understand the rules:yes
  • What do you Plan to do on this server:To work on making good base and maybe be part of a video or two
  • MC Username: RyuMarksmen
  • Age: 22
  • Any knowledge of the mods in this pack, if yes which ones: IC, BC, somewhat of thaumcraft3, everything about old Mystcraft (confused currently on the new book creation interface).
  • Are you mature: Yes. Atleast I believe so.
  • Have you ever been ban before, if so for what: Never
  • Do you understand the rules: Yes, Don't cheat, don't greif, don't be a jerk, and don't dig holes in the overworld (would like more clarification on this, does this just mean don't be making giant holes or quarrys, or can you explore caves or make branch mines?)
  • What do you Plan to do on this server: Make an epic base that can sustain very well, further my understanding of thuamcraft, and perhaps invite friends if allowed.
  • MC Username:alas11
  • Age:14
  • Any knowledge of the mods in this pack, if yes which ones:i have basic knowledge of most mods and a patchy knowledge of more advanced stuff no experience of railcraft
  • Are you mature:yes when it comes to multiplayer i am highly mature and take matters seriously but i do like a laugh
  • Have you ever been ban before, if so for what:no i hve never been banned before
  • Do you understand the rules:yes i understand and aggree to them
  • What do you Plan to do on this server: i plan too be helpful and learn i am up to being a helper/employee of another player
  • MC Username: ObitOn
  • Age: 16
  • Any knowledge of the mods in this pack, if yes which ones: IC2,BC,RP,outdated foresty
  • Are you mature: yes
  • Have you ever been ban before, if so for what: nope
  • Do you understand the rules: good rules so i agree
  • What do you Plan to do on this server: pfff, build some stuff and mostly trying to get as much automatisation as possible
  • MC Username: CameraFan
  • Age: 13
  • Any knowledge of the mods in this pack, if yes which ones: Generally all except Factorization.
  • Are you mature: I consider myself to be.
  • Have you ever been ban before, if so for what: I think once, because I was using /me and mcbans thought that was spamming 'h'
  • Do you understand the rules: Yes.
  • What do you Plan to do on this server: BEES
  • MC Username:whyistheskyblue
  • Age:14
  • Any knowledge of the mods in this pack, if yes which ones: extensive knowledge of all mods in pack
  • Are you mature:yes i am
  • Have you ever been ban before, if so for what:no
  • Do you understand the rules:yep
  • What do you Plan to do on this server:i plan to do some MC challenges like the tree spirit challenge
  • MC Username:xenondeathstrike
  • Age:16
  • Any knowledge of the mods in this pack, if yes which ones:Ive played since Ftb was first realesed to i have a very good understanding of the mods
  • Are you mature:yes
  • Have you ever been ban before, if so for what:never been banned
  • Do you understand the rules:yes i do
  • What do you Plan to do on this server:Beez, and a lot of community stuff maybe a railway if i allowd :D
  • MC Username: mirosa25
  • Age: 14
  • Any knowledge of the mods in this pack, if yes which ones: Yes . Pretty much all of them besides computer craft .
  • Are you mature: In my opinion yes.
  • Have you ever been ban before, if so for what: Yes only once . It was because I had a issue with an admin but he got mad that I was making a point so he banned me . All I ask is that you give my a chance to prove myself .
  • Do you understand the rules: Yes
  • What do you Plan to do on this server: Make new and or better friends and work on some automations .
  • MC Username: Frankiejoh
  • Age: 16
  • Any knowledge of the mods in this pack, if yes which ones: Yes i have played with most of the mods i don't know most technical things though.
  • Are you mature: I am very mature i admin for a few servers, with very mature staff.
  • Have you ever been ban before, if so for what: Yes, I found an Enderportal frame placed not knowing it was a creative only item.
  • Do you understand the rules: Yes
  • What do you Plan to do on this server: I plan on making friends exploring the mods and maybe achieve new heights.
  • MC Username: tsquared2
  • Age:16
  • Any knowledge of the mods in this pack, if yes which ones: I have basic knowledge of most of the mods, and some advance knowledge one IC2(like most) or others
  • Are you mature: I am, but i can be a little immature sometimes, but thats mostly after playing a while
  • Have you ever been ban before, if so for what: Yes, because an admin and me had an argument over how they were abusing their power
  • Do you understand the rules: Yes, there pretty reasonable
  • What do you Plan to do on this server: I hope to learn more about some mods, and have fun
Whitelist application:
  • MC Username: jollysis98
  • Age: 14
  • Any knowledge of the mods in this pack, if yes which ones: I have played with the FTB modpack since the release, and I have played a lot with the mods before that. I have a good experience with all the mods. I have played Minecraft since beta 1.4.
  • Are you mature: I am a friendly and mature player. I hate griefing and I hope to not be griefed.
  • Have you ever been ban before, if so for what: No. (I got the user from a friend who stopped playing, I dont think he got banned)
  • Do you understand the rules: I understand and accept the rules.
  • What do you Plan to do on this server: I want to have fun playing on a server with hopefully other mature players. I hope we can make a little community, where we can trust eachother and have fun togheter. :)
P.S.: Where is the server hosted/located?

Thanks for reading! :D
  • MC Username: Miner1337
  • Age:14
  • Any knowledge of the mods in this pack, if yes which ones:Yes im just switching over from Mindcrack im veyy farmiller with FTB
  • Are you mature: Very
  • Have you ever been ban before, if so for what:Nope
  • Do you understand the rules:Yes
  • What do you Plan to do on this server: Hopefuly Start a base with my friends Wakafanykai123 & lavastage If they get accepted
  • MC Username: lavastage
  • Age: 14
  • Any knowledge of the mods in this pack, if yes which ones: i know alot about the mods and i am switching over from the mindcrack modpack, for instance, i know just about everything about thaumcraft 3
  • Are you mature: yes
  • Have you ever been ban before, if so for what: i have not been banned
  • Do you understand the rules: yes
  • What do you Plan to do on this server: advance in tech, build with friends (miner and waka) build shared res room. you know, the usual.
  • MC Username: Wakafanykai123
  • Age: 13
  • Any knowledge of the mods in this pack, if yes which ones: Yea, I've had lots of experience with many of the mods, I used to play on the Mindcrack pack quite a bit until quite recently and then me and my friends decided to switch to DW20.
  • Are you mature: Of course I am!
  • Have you ever been ban before, if so for what: I was banned for accidentally building on another person's abandoned base.
  • Do you understand the rules: Yes indeed!
  • What do you Plan to do on this server: I plan to play with my buds lava and miner and build a huge base and get all thaumy :3
  • MC Username:Legend270
  • Age:16
  • Any knowledge of the mods in this pack, if yes which ones: well I have played around with thaumcraft a bit and redpower
  • Are you mature: Yes
  • Have you ever been ban before, if so for what:Never
  • Do you understand the rules:Yep
  • What do you Plan to do on this server: Play with other people who enjoy ftb and have fun building, exploring, and learning new things
  • MC Username: Legend270
  • Age:16
  • Any knowledge of the mods in this pack, if yes which ones: well I have played around with thaumcraft a bit and redpower
  • Are you mature: Yes
  • Have you ever been ban before, if so for what:Never
  • Do you understand the rules:Yep
  • What do you Plan to do on this server: Play with other people who enjoy ftb and have fun building, exploring, and learning new things

  • MC Username: tsquared2
  • Age:16
  • Any knowledge of the mods in this pack, if yes which ones: I have basic knowledge of most of the mods, and some advance knowledge one IC2(like most) or others
  • Are you mature: I am, but i can be a little immature sometimes, but thats mostly after playing a while
  • Have you ever been ban before, if so for what: Yes, because an admin and me had an argument over how they were abusing their power
  • Do you understand the rules: Yes, there pretty reasonable
  • What do you Plan to do on this server: I hope to learn more about some mods, and have fun

  • MC Username: Frankiejoh
  • Age: 16
  • Any knowledge of the mods in this pack, if yes which ones: Yes i have played with most of the mods i don't know most technical things though.
  • Are you mature: I am very mature i admin for a few servers, with very mature staff.
  • Have you ever been ban before, if so for what: Yes, I found an Enderportal frame placed not knowing it was a creative only item.
  • Do you understand the rules: Yes
  • What do you Plan to do on this server: I plan on making friends exploring the mods and maybe achieve new heights.

  • MC Username: RyuMarksmen
  • Age: 22
  • Any knowledge of the mods in this pack, if yes which ones: IC, BC, somewhat of thaumcraft3, everything about old Mystcraft (confused currently on the new book creation interface).
  • Are you mature: Yes. Atleast I believe so.
  • Have you ever been ban before, if so for what: Never
  • Do you understand the rules: Yes, Don't cheat, don't greif, don't be a jerk, and don't dig holes in the overworld (would like more clarification on this, does this just mean don't be making giant holes or quarrys, or can you explore caves or make branch mines?)
  • What do you Plan to do on this server: Make an epic base that can sustain very well, further my understanding of thuamcraft, and perhaps invite friends if allowed.

  • MC Username: Noblestone
  • Age:21
  • Any knowledge of the mods in this pack, if yes which ones:Yes majorty of magic ones and some tech
  • Are you mature:i cant really say on what scale do you need me to be?I let you choose Op have final saying.
  • Have you ever been ban before, if so for what:Yes to test plugins with admins from other severs
  • Do you understand the rules:yes
  • What do you Plan to do on this server:To work on making good base and maybe be part of a video or two

  • MC Username: ObitOn
  • Age: 16
  • Any knowledge of the mods in this pack, if yes which ones: IC2,BC,RP,outdated foresty
  • Are you mature: yes
  • Have you ever been ban before, if so for what: nope
  • Do you understand the rules: good rules so i agree
  • What do you Plan to do on this server: pfff, build some stuff and mostly trying to get as much automatisation as possible

all whitelisted
  • MC Username: Arjun623
  • Age: 17
  • Any knowledge of the mods in this pack, if yes which ones:I have played several months of both the Mindcrack and Direwolf packs and am proficient in most of the mods.
  • Are you mature:I would say so.
  • Have you ever been ban before, if so for what: I haven't been banned before
  • Do you understand the rules: I do.
  • What do you Plan to do on this server: Build both functional and pleasing aesthetic structures
  • MC Username: Arjun623
  • Age: 17
  • Any knowledge of the mods in this pack, if yes which ones:I have played several months of both the Mindcrack and Direwolf packs and am proficient in most of the mods.
  • Are you mature:I would say so.
  • Have you ever been ban before, if so for what: I haven't been banned before
  • Do you understand the rules: I do.
  • What do you Plan to do on this server: Build both functional and pleasing aesthetic structures
