New Launcher design | We need you!

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Maybe make it so that you can change the size of the launcher so it can go full screen? EDIT: Ninja'd
And give each modpack a different icon (like MindCrack, Voxel, Voltz, Bronie, etc, instead of the default "FTB"), so that in the future, you could allow change of the scroll down list into grid mode (and back, of course). And it's useful for a quick "pick and go".
Packs you didn't download could be greyed out and the ones you did download could be in full color, and the most recent mod pack you used could automatically go to the top? So if I use MindCrack, make it go above the Direwolf20 if I use it. But if someone uses Voltz, they don't have to scroll down, and it would go Voltz, Direwolf20, MindCrack. But if they use Voxel, it'd go Voxel, Voltz, Direwolf20, MindCrack.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The new launcher should have a way to set window size to what the normal minecraft is set as, not everyone wants to or can play at fullscreen.

An easier way to add additional mods to a pack, or at least more info provided on where to place them.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I would like to add a feature so when you edit a mod pack, it saves a 'Sub' version with those changes in it. for example i play on a server that uses the Direwolf20 V4 pack with Gregtech, but i dislike Gregtech and when i change between V5 and V4 of the Direwolf pack the launcher rebuilds my Minecraft folder losing all the configs and extra mods, like Gregtech.
what i propose is the ability to save changes to a modpack to a new 'Version' so when choosing with Direwolf20 pack to launch i would see something like this:
Direwolf20 V5
Direwolf20 V4
Direwolf20 V4 - custom "add name here"


Active Member
Jul 29, 2019
Make it sleeker. Maybe a more shiny black with shiny blues, greens and reds. By shiny I mean like when you start a mod pack it does that FTB awesome animation thing


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
personally when ever i use the launcher and open a mod pack i notice on my task manager that it is still running in the background (yes i have got the option that it will reopen when i exit (which i like)), is there a way to make it not use CPU?

another thing that i think would be awesome is if the launcher could be expandable as it feels almost to crowded and i wouldn't have to scroll down as much to see all the mod packs.

colour wise maybe replace the orange with something relative with the logo if that isn't to much to ask considering that the forums are orange to.

maybe get some sort of logos for the mod packs without them?

otherwise i don't mind the mod pack. the only thing i would really want is to change it so that it is expandable.

keep up the good work.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Let me just start off by saying that you guys are AMAZING! Okay so I know this is just a small suggestion but I agree with mostly everyone. There are minor tweaks that need to be handled that should be addressed. However, The biggest issue for me is that I want to see all the updates that are made from one version to the next. What new mods are added, which ones are updated and to what version are they updated. This will allow me to figure out what I need to look into so I can make proper and good tutorial for the packs. I think this will also bring some serious attention to new mods or mods that change rather frequently. It will let people know what mods they need to check out and start learning about.
Thanks for all your hard work and check me out on YouTube at Jedifightbad1


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I like the Voxel menu in some of the modpacks and i think it would make for an interesting launcher screen that would play music make a FTB soundtrack(ok got a little carried away) but i think that would be cool also if you could have like a recently played modpacks thing where the ones you play more frequently would appear first oh an if maybe you could make it if a ceratain modpack has an update you can see like a little +1 by the name so your like logging in and your like "oh coolio tech world had an update but im gonna say no cause i like it how it is..." any way and idk but if you could there is a couple of modpack you should make or think about including in the launcher like a Pureley RPG one those are cool has mods like tale of kingdoms and divine RPG..and idk if anyone here watches Slyfoxhound on youtube but his minecraft daily would make you have alot more downloads people are begging for a modpack of that
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Maybe something like the steam large icon design for the modpacks? Or a way to change the view of the modpacks.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This really isn't a design thing, but I would like to see a ability to put a shortcut for specific modpack on to our desktops or such. That would make it easier to people who use mostly the same modpacks, without needing to open the launcher.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I say do whatever you feel is right... as long as you don't go all metro like microsoft's layout. I don't like the metro layout as it is mainly for touchscreens and not really for computers

That aside, things I have seen here that I like are

1. Launcher Skins (maybe just differing colour palletes)
2. Resizable windows

Other Features that I might like

1. Ability to disable things like sticky-keys, windows key, alt-f4 while playing so that you don't close/leave the game
2. Support for HD Textures without Optifine
3. Crash Log analyser (I know this would be a bummer to code but if you have a crash then it will scan the crash log to see if there are any fixes, this means less posts on the modpack updates and more playtime)

apart from that keep up the good work, the launcher and the modpacks are great
P.S. for those who want the ultimate pack, there is a beta available if you go to private packs and type in ultimate


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1. Retina display mac support (text is currently fine, images are grainy)

2. FTB icon inside the mod pack info should be smaller. As is, it takes up almost half the screen on the default screen size.

3. A "Library" of available mod packs. You could browse this and select the ones that you would like to keep downloaded and up to date. This would seperate out similarly to how steam handles games. Games you have "purchased" (selected in this case) would show up in your library. This leads to #4

4. A virtual "store" to browse. This would include mod packs, and addons for the mod packs. This would allow easier ways to show maps and texture packs relevant to a specific mod pack. Currently if you go to maps, you see a list of all maps whether or not you have the related mod pack installed, or are looking for maps for that mod pack.

The store could list: Mod Packs, Maps, and Texture Packs

The Maps and Texture Packs would be nested under Mod Packs, so it is clear which ones they apply to, and it shows if you have the pack downloaded and asks you to download the pack first if you do not have it installed.

5. Options should not be a tab that is the same size as the rest of your navigation selections. It could be a gear box in one of the corners.

But none of this should cost money! So not store more like downloads?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Add a design folder and tab, for custom, where people can exchange themes. But the default one should be the one is right now


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
An easy way to compare mods of different packs, just eg. shift-click two packs and the launcher shows the mods that are different between those packs, because it takes time to watch the mods one by one 'that is, that's not, oh wait it is...'
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