new gregtech fussion reacktor

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have heard about the new gregtech fussion reacktor but i cant find any informati on about it.
Does any body know how much power it outputs or what cells you need to put into it


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
0 fuision reactor

First one that comes up. Now if you excuse me that was so hard I have to go retire now =D
JK hope that helps.

The first one that comes up is about the old fusion design - so no, this doesn't help at all. (and it's spelled wrong)

To answer the question:

The main recipe is deuterium + tritium cells which produces 1 helium plasma cell. The process takes 128 ticks and the cell can be turned into 8192k EU in a plasma generator, so this gives you 64000 EU/t. (requires 31.25 plasma generators)
However the fusion process requires 4096 EU/t to keep the reactor heated up, so you effectively get 59904 EU/t.

Let's look at the fuel production:
You will need 1 tritium and 1 deuterium every 128 ticks = 6.4 seconds. 1 tritium needs 4 deuterium in a centrifuge and 1 deuterium needs 4 hydrogen cells in a centrifuge. Each process takes 150 seconds so you'll need a lot of centrifuges to keep up with the reactor!
How many?
144 !! :)
24 centrifuges for deuterium to tritium (150 seconds / 24 = 6.25 seconds) for which you'll need 24*4=96 centrifuges turning hydrogen into deuterium.
another 24 centrifuges turning hydrogen into deuterium for the reactor itself
120 centrifuges for hydrogen to deuterium and
24 centrifuges for deuterium to tritium

Now we also need to create all that hydrogen.
To make it short: you need 30 electrolyzers for that. (5*4 hydrogen / 6.4 seconds ~ 30*4 hydrogen /38 seconds)

so assuming you are not using overclocked machines:
144 centrifuges * 5 EU/t + 30 electrolyzers * 120 EU/t =4320 EU/t for fuel production.
This results in a total EU gain of 55584 EU/t. (a little bit more than that, because we have a very small fuel overproduction)
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hotblack desiato

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
thanks, that's all the calculation.

since the reactor gives superheated plasma, as a liquid, it can be sent around with liquid tesseract. so imagine that it is some super-steam.

the plasma generator is just one block, that works on demand (like all the liquid generators from GT)

this leads to incredibly small setups (2-3 blocks for the power supply) for outposts. they just receive plasma, burn it, and give large amounts of energy.

and since you can feed the thing with a bunch of aqueous accumulators, it's virtually free energy (once you got the stuff for the reactor).
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What's more, the plasma can be stored in giant rail/xycraft tanks to server as a VERY large power buffer.
Yea better any any Condensed Coal Coke blocks and if you really want eu storage just stick them in a wall of Quantum tanks! Too bad these reactor take soo much space, machines, power, and resources to make and yet less than 2x the power output?? Old was 32786eu/t and this is 64000eu/t.. Not worth the mats and efforts in my opinion as I know this is a nerf to them. USPs are the way to burn your iridium up instead of this not so powerful reactor. If you want to know how space efficient this reactor is really is just take the net energy gain and divide by all the space taken by by it and everything else (plasma gens, cables, ducts, transposers, machines, and etc). USPs are about 1 eu/t per cubic meter (512/2 about 256 eu/t day/night which then from bedrock to sky is 256 blocks so yea it's about 1 eu/t per block the solar is taking up).
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hotblack desiato

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
but take into consideration, that the recipes for the teslacoils got changed. so the machine is bigger, but costs more or less the same amount.

and by the way, such a self sustaining fusion reactor setup is much bigger than the reactor torus. those 144 centrifuges + supply pipes + energy supply take a lot of space... on the other hand... with tesseracts you can hide that machine quite well. for example a mystcraft age. you don't see it, you don't hear it... there is just a liquid tesseract that gives you superhot plasma.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
thanks for the info
Do you guys also know what happens to your old fussion reacktor when you update gregtech


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Wait, you need 144 centrifuges and 30 electrolyzers to keep a fusion plant running? That makes it totally unusable on a server, I can't justify the load that puts on the server for just a power source!
Shame, that seems like a serious design flaw.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Wait, you need 144 centrifuges and 30 electrolyzers to keep a fusion plant running? That makes it totally unusable on a server, I can't justify the load that puts on the server for just a power source!
Shame, that seems like a serious design flaw.
I know right?

I was cussing like a sailor when I found out that a fussion reactor is about as server resource intensive as solar flowers.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Wait, you need 144 centrifuges and 30 electrolyzers to keep a fusion plant running? That makes it totally unusable on a server, I can't justify the load that puts on the server for just a power source!
Shame, that seems like a serious design flaw.
a gregtech without serious design flaws? not in this universe


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Wait, you need 144 centrifuges and 30 electrolyzers to keep a fusion plant running? That makes it totally unusable on a server, I can't justify the load that puts on the server for just a power source!
Shame, that seems like a serious design flaw.

I believe that you can overclock the industrial centrifuges now though
Which means that you need significantly less


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I believe that you can overclock the industrial centrifuges now though
Which means that you need significantly less
And significantly more power. I'm going to do the math when I get home, but I'm fairly certain that you will only be left with a pittance for gained energy if you max everything out.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A single overclocker give you +50% speed and 4x energy consuption from what i've tested (stacking multiplicatively).
That means with 4 of them you get 5x the speed and 256x energy consumption.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A single overclocker give you +50% speed and 4x energy consuption from what i've tested (stacking multiplicatively).
That means with 4 of them you get 5x the speed and 256x energy consumption.
shouldn't those figures work out to be 16x the speed? 2^4, because you've done 4^4 for the cost but for speed only 1 + 4
hm.. which works out that you're better off having a bank of them.. >.>
for four times the energy cost, you can have 72 centrifuges
16x the energy 36 centrifuges
64x the energy, 18 centrifuges
or maxed out... at a whopping 9 centrifuges required.

Warning: values may vary slightly upon implementation.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It's 5x, since you get +50% speed, not +100%. 1.5^4=5.0625
Since single centrifuge use 5EU/t you'd need 1280EU/t for a single one.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A single overclocker give you +50% speed and 4x energy consuption from what i've tested (stacking multiplicatively).
That means with 4 of them you get 5x the speed and 256x energy consumption.

Well that makes sure the upgrades are pretty darn useless...

Regarding the fusion reactor: it's easy enough to automate so that it runs in bursts. Save up for example 100 Tri and Deut cells and push them into the reactor. Then wait untill you have 100 again.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Each overclocker cuts the processing time in half and doubles the energy required per process.* (so the EU/t goes up by a factor of 4)
Personally I'm using 3 overclockers in each of the centrifuges, which cuts down the required number of centrifuges to 18, which is quite reasonable for the server to handle. (Overclocking the electrolyzers would obviously be a bad idea.)
The total power consumption of the centrifuges goes up by a factor of 8 so my fuel production needs 5*144*8 EU/t + 120*30 Eu/t = 9360 EU/t so about double of the design with 144 centrifuges.
Thus my total energy gain with this system is about 50000 EU/t.

Of course USHPs would be more efficient considering the cost of the reactor, but let's be honest: a fusion reactor is just way cooler than simply having an array of 100 UHSP sitting in an eternal day mystcraft age. :)

*This is different to the vanilla ic2 overclocking.

Regarding the fusion reactor: it's easy enough to automate so that it runs in bursts. Save up for example 100 Tri and Deut cells and push them into the reactor. Then wait untill you have 100 again.
This would be very inefficient, because it takes 40 million EU to start the fusion process.