Iam building a jail Map based off of a sort of map in call of duty by the name of mob of the dead basically there is a group of up to 10 players and 1 is chosen as Brutus... each player spawns in a respective jail cell and has unique items and materials. There is a 30 second grace period where Brutus has to wait in his spawn chamber and each Inmate must combine there items in a specific crafting area provided they have the necessary materials. There are lots of hidden passages and secret items Including the wardens hand gun. The warden will try and hunt you down whilst you try to evade him also trying to locate and unlock the 3 hidden keys in the map overall its a fun gamemode that has hours of fun and work put into it PS I also just added the cafeteria in which a challenge will be given and The Main source of food For the inmates All i need is a willing server owner to allow me to beta test a few games on and they Will get credit for what they have done so contact me either on here or on skype: tehxylo