New Forestry 2.0 Farm Blocks aare a PITA

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
the cost of the old blocks was high enough, now the new blocks are even worse. nearly a full stack of tin and copper just to build a basic 3x3x4. plus the circuits etc. the rubber farm is even more insane to manage.

without much data out there and NEI not showing most of the recipes, how are we supposed to work this stuff?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Consider the power that you gain with farm, nuff said!
Infinite logs, wheat, rubber and so on shouldent come at a low cost.

Remember that you will never again need to chop down a tree!


Too Much Free Time
Dec 8, 2012
Lost as always
Personally, I'm a huge fan of the new system. Now you'll only *really* want two farms: one managed and one manual. Managed for things like your basic tree farm, manual for things that you want to rather leave in place and just harvest over time... things like a rubber tree farm or an orchard or a gourd farm. 5 x 5 x 3 = 75 blocks for the largest version. Not *too* bad, although that does eat up your tin and copper reserves quite heavily. That just means you need a y40 branch mine instead of a y12.

Aqueous Accumulator underneath with a valve to solve all your water needs. If you build it flush with the surface, you can hook up your piping and wiring underground and have it look all very nice.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yes replaced my Tree Farm last night with it.. Much more compact, and the piping and stuff is much easier and cutstom. The whole thing is now underground.. With just the trees on the top..

Much much better... And for what these give you they should cost a lot.. But still compared to a freaking Gravi Suit... which I have been working on for just about a week.... This is nothing.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Unless you want to farm reeds.

If you want to farm reeds use a smart straw golem and a wood golem.
They work perfectly and cost 0 power.

As far as resource and power costs go, golems are superior for wheat, potatoes, carrots, pumpkins, melons, reeds and netherwart.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The only aspect of these new multiblock farms that kind of turns me away is the fact that they require fertilizer from apatite. I prefer being able to construct a closed loop since farms normally serve as a basis for power generation.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well with the new apatite generation where people are claiming 20+ stacks of apatite from a single vein, obtaining enough fertilizer for constant running shouldn't be hard depending on how fast you use it. I would just treat it like a fuel based BC power system almost. I will probably only use this for rubber farms, orchards, and crops. I use steve's carts for basic tree farms.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've switched over to Steve's carts for trees and for wheat. It's just a matter of personal preference, right now I don't see orchard or crop farms providing enough benefit for me to actually want to use it. I try to avoid situations where you have an overabundance of something (this case apatite) until you actually start trying to do something with it. So far now, Forestry is just Bees for me.

The Heresiarch

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A full stack of tin and copper isn't that much IMO (32 ore blocks each + processing). You need way more than a full stack of copper for even a very basic nuclear breeder, for instance.


Too Much Free Time
Dec 8, 2012
Lost as always
A full stack of tin and copper isn't that much IMO (32 ore blocks each + processing). You need way more than a full stack of copper for even a very basic nuclear breeder, for instance.
Each microblock takes up 2x copper and 1x tin tube (you get 4x tin tubes out of 5x tin and 2x redstone, plus the glass and the power). So you're looking at (for the 5x5x3) 75*2=150 copper and around 100 tin. So more than a full stack of each, but still not too bad.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I didn't think the new farms would be very good and then I started testing them. Testing the new farm (4x5) with oaks vs the old farms with oaks. I had to give the new farm 4 mj to cut at the same speed as the old farm which ran at 2mj. The new farm produced over twice as many saplings and by the time i got four apples with the old farm I had three stacks with the new. it makes it possible to use apple juice in the fermenter . The tree farm is much better to me but not sure about the other types.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I didn't think the new farms would be very good and then I started testing them. Testing the new farm (4x5) with oaks vs the old farms with oaks. I had to give the new farm 4 mj to cut at the same speed as the old farm which ran at 2mj. The new farm produced over twice as many saplings and by the time i got four apples with the old farm I had three stacks with the new. it makes it possible to use apple juice in the fermenter . The tree farm is much better to me but not sure about the other types.
Unsure, but i think i read about a forestry bug where the new multiblocks were basically duping each apple 3 times. so you get 4 instead of one.

Wouldn't count on getting that many forever, it'll probably be fixed.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I figured it was intended since they turn the oak saplings into apple oak saplings. Either way i guess i will wait on ripping out my four tree farms to see for sure.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I haven't tried the farms yet but how would one compare biofuel production in new vs old farms. As far as I can tell new farms would be both smaller and slower. Right now I have 11 floors of cactus farms which give me about 100 buckets of biofuel every 10 mins or so (that's 100 buckets extra after powering max steam engine and 30 combustion engines for quarries)

If these farms don't work out I'm gonna have some fun with controlled demolition of that building and going old school vanilla cactus farms which probably would be even more efficient.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I figured it was intended since they turn the oak saplings into apple oak saplings. Either way i guess i will wait on ripping out my four tree farms to see for sure.
I belive in Direwolf20's spotlight he mentioned that it changed all saplings it uses into forestry saplings, i believe it's so you cant bonemeal it.