Need some Tesseract help

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So I'm trying to use tesseracts to power a pump and also take lava from the pump at the same time. It's not working though and I cant even connect pipes to the tesseract to transport the lava. Here's picture of my overworld and nether setups. What am I doing wrong? Or what could I do better? Thanks


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Could you tell us the version of minecraft you are using? Because thermal expansion has changed a little between versions. If you are using 1.6 if I recall correctly tesseracts only take RF so if you have any type of universal cables I suggest you connect those to the tesseract or make a system that can convert EU to RF. Secondly try using liquiducts instead of buildcraft pipes since the tesseract and the liquiduct are in the same mod.
If you have any more questions about or like this I would suggest going here:


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It's the current Monster mod pack. I put an engine next to the pump and it's working now but i would like to still transfer energy via the tesserect so that the pump will basically power itself.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Tessaracts cannot convert between EU and MJ. In fact, Tessaracts can't accommodate either power type at all, they use RF. You will need to convert the EU to RF (I see Engineers Toolbox installed and I hear that can do it but I haven't tried it myself, Power Converters can do it as well) THEN hook the RF feed into the tessaract at the power source end. At the pump end you will need an RF capable conduit (a leadstone energy conduit is more than enough for this task) between the Tessaract and the pump. Finally Buildcraft Pipes DO NOT connect to Thermal Expansion blocks. You will need to use a compatible liquid transport like the Fluid conduits as well.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It's the current Monster mod pack. I put an engine next to the pump and it's working now but i would like to still transfer energy via the tesserect so that the pump will basically power itself.
Could you tell us the version of minecraft you are using? Because thermal expansion has changed a little between versions. If you are using 1.6 if I recall correctly tesseracts only take RF so if you have any type of universal cables I suggest you connect those to the tesseract or make a system that can convert EU to RF. Secondly try using liquiducts instead of buildcraft pipes since the tesseract and the liquiduct are in the same mod.
If you have any more questions about or like this I would suggest going here:

If you want the pump to power everything just use the lava you are getting from the pump and put it in the tesseract, then pump that into lava generators from Ic2 for Ic2 related machines and magmatic dynamos for Thermal Expansion related machines. And again, you probably will need to use liquiducts.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Here's some pics to make my point clearer:

This is the pump side. Notice the energy conduit running over top the tessaract and the pump and the fluidduct between the two? Those are required. The pump will not output directly to a tessaract and using RF energy on a MJ device requires the use of a RF transporting conduit of some sort. Monster has a few that will work, TE conduits, Ender IO energy conduits to name my personal choices.


This is the tank side. Between the MFSU and the tessaract is a Power Converter set of blocks. The one on the left side is an EU EV consumer which is taking the energy from the MFSU. The one on the lower right of the three is the Energy Bridge. The one on top of the Energy Bridge is a RF Producer. Each Power converter system requires each type of block. The Consumer for the power source, the Producer for the destination and a Bridge between the two. Right clicking the Bridge will bring up the information on the setup. Running from the RF Producer to the tessaract is Ender IO energy conduits which are a native RF transmitting conduit so it can sent to the tessaract without a problem.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is there just another way to teleport MJ/ EU energy? I miss the good old days when tesserects could teleport any type of energy...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So is there any way to teleport MJ? I'm trying to power a quarry long distance

TE and Ender IO Conduits convert RF in to MJ. RF to MJ is easy it's just not doable the other way around. In other words you can power your quarry with RF, you just need a conduit in between.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So is there any way to teleport MJ? I'm trying to power a quarry long distance

For the setup you have with an EU power base what I showed is the easiest method and it will be the same setup if you use an MJ power base as well, just a MJ consumer instead of an EU consumer. To transport MJ over long distances will require a conversion to RF at the source, running the RF through the tessaract and using a conduit at the destination between the tessaract and MJ device. The only mods that would allow MJ teleport are out of date in 1.6.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In 1.7, this is possible with MJ, as it no longer exists. Everything but IC^2 and it's addons have moved to RF
To expand on this...

If you have EU installed, the energy node auto converts from eu to rf to mj and back so it makes a very cheap and easy power conversion tool especially when coupled to a tesseract. (though maybe not conversion to eu...have to double check on that)