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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"build a giant robot from your favorite anime (any but Tech mods would be best IC2/RP2/MFFS/GT)"

I was thinking gaichuu.

Looking at a pic of one again, I don't think I have the skill and patience to build one.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"build a giant robot from your favorite anime (any but Tech mods would be best IC2/RP2/MFFS/GT)"

I was thinking gaichuu.

Looking at a pic of one again, I don't think I have the skill and patience to build one.

I already have somewhat it doesn't have to be a mech but I still think it's cool I really need to transfer that test world to my new computer



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I had a thing to add, Create a fully working Space Station Have it have a crafting wing, agricultural wing maybe with livestock. Bonus points for twilight forest creatures as the livestock. Security sector oversees the entire station and bonus points for having a computercraft or AE hub in security sector. double bonus if it has a functional jail with prisoners. Cargo wing that holds all of the excess cargo, bonus for AE or other sorting system.

Gimply Goose

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No chests! Store all your items on your person at all times using backpacks, ender pouches, and whatever else you can think of!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Make an automatically resupplied (ender) chest that holds everything you can trade to villagers. Then you can use it to get all the trades unlocked on every type of a villager. Some mod added villagers might be a bit harsh for this *cough* Forestry *cough*.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The only energy-generating device you may have is your power suit. If you need energy for your base, take your armor off and drain it into your system. In some cases, this means you'll have a backup energy storage that can be activated to power your base for a few minutes. In other cases, it means your base won't be online until you take off your armor.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The only energy-generating device you may have is your power suit. If you need energy for your base, take your armor off and drain it into your system. In some cases, this means you'll have a backup energy storage that can be activated to power your base for a few minutes. In other cases, it means your base won't be online until you take off your armor.
That one sounds fun, actually.

I was going to use Big Reactors to build a max size Multiblock Reactor with the hope to have it power my base and 64 Matter Fabricators plus machines to make enough scrap bits to run this monster.
Since there doesn't seem to be need for a more advanced control then the ones on the top, that more or less meant it could be using up to 41400 fuel rod blocks, each with a capacity for 4 fuel/waste, totally a maximum theoretical fuel storage of 165600 uranium, which would output(at full power, anyway), "a number which I can't find anywhere" EU/t.

Would over heat like crazy, yeah, but isn't that half the fun? If Dwarf Fortress has taught me anything, it's "Losing is Fun!", or rather "If you're gonna lose, make it awesome!".
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Have every mob (except the huge bosses) in tubes. Have a button that allows you to kill them instantly. Must be replaced instantly after death by (your crazy idea here) through the top of the tube. bonus points for optional ways to kill them.(any)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Create a space station! Must be able to live in it without oxygen gear and without going back down to earth. Must have its own power system. Bonus points if you use the new cargo ships to automatically transport ore form a quarry on earth/the moon/mars. (Galacticraft)
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
(Tips for building things)

There are many considerations:

[1] Space: Space is the #1 most important key. Even if you're working in the outdoors (i.e. have unlimited space) your design will still take up space and the design should account for that. If your factory is too large, it might become to tedious to find errors/tweek your system. In my case, where I have limited room, space becomes an even bigger problem. It is more of an issue of trying to design a system that its space meets its purpose. If your system is needed to attach to other system, you may want to locate it in a central location such that it is easily accessible. Space includes (1) the efficiency in which it takes up space as per design (design it in a way that it isn't wasteful of space) and (2) is externally and internally accessible, such that you can access the innards should you need to make small changes and to allow for easy integration to outside systems.

Compact Design:

Underground Base:

[2] Cost: This should be obvious, but optimizing a design such that it would give the "best bang for buck" is more involved than you might think. Depending on how you acquire resources the value of a given resource may vary. Including the time-varied acquisition of the resource as per your strategy (quarry, turtles, etc.). Examples of such considerations would include whether you wish to integrate your AE system into the system you are considering. AE materials aren't excessively valuable, but require time to accumulate. Projects that utilize a high volume of iridium should be optimized such that they utilize the blocks using these resources to its maximum. This also means designing the system such that you can achieve such optimization through testing/tweeking. Synonym: Non-Wasteful.

Very Efficient Utilization of Lasers:

[3] Integration: A very important aspect of a system is whether it can be successfully integrated into your base. This goes back to accessibility as well. If it is located in a poor location, getting resources to that system might be cumbersome/expensive. Having items floating in transport pipes should be minimized for any case, as to keep the load on your computer as low as possible. If your system doesn't really provide much to enhance other parts of your base, its existence would need to be justified that much more. Usually I build my systems to synergize with one another. Synonym: Versatile/Purposeful.

[4] Scaling: A system should be able to grow as your needs grow. Whether it be increasing your energy production or your item processing, your systems should be designed in such a way that it can be expanded. This means leaving extra space or incorporating the ability to change your system such that it is more efficient. The best way to achieve this is to modulate your system. Every time you wish to expand your system you build another module. You know exactly the resources required to build each module and exactly its output. This is extremely useful in the process of design. Synonym: Upgradable.

Version 1.0 Lava Gen Module: (40 Combustion Engine -> 4 Magma Crucible)

(These are side-by-side modules of the first picture, two layers)

Version 2.0 Lava Gen Module: (4 - 36HP Boiler -> 72 Industrial Steam Engines -> 20 Magma Crucible)







These are a few of the things I might consider when building a system. Main key points are its accessibility, upgrade-ability and its cost. Space is more of an issue for me because my base is inside of a mountain.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
(Tips for building things)

Dude are you going to copy and paste this into every thread you can vaguely find an excuse to paste it? I understand you want to show off your work but really this is like the exact same post you have put in other threads. Might I suggest instead of coping and pasting your whole post with images and all.. Just maybe a link back to your original thread post since it is just a copy paste anyways and not an actual replay to the threads op?[DOUBLEPOST=1386988726][/DOUBLEPOST]
The only energy-generating device you may have is your power suit. If you need energy for your base, take your armor off and drain it into your system. In some cases, this means you'll have a backup energy storage that can be activated to power your base for a few minutes. In other cases, it means your base won't be online until you take off your armor.

Actually that is vary doable with MPS the amount of power those can hold is crazy. And there are a few ways to having the basically create near unlimited power for little to nothing. I'm looking at you kinetic generators and a portal gun.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Create a space station! Must be able to live in it without oxygen gear and without going back down to earth. Must have its own power system. Bonus points if you use the new cargo ships to automatically transport ore form a quarry on earth/the moon/mars. (Galacticraft)
Keep in mind: You cannot sleep at a space station, found that out the hard way... Though you can still use beds for decor!

Also, solar power works in space :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yolo: Build all the doors in your base with redstone yolo doors that blow up when opened and regenerates when closed.
here is a link to how to build.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Keep in mind: You cannot sleep at a space station, found that out the hard way... Though you can still use beds for decor!

Also, solar power works in space :D
You can you just have to use these cryogenic chambers from the mars addon. I think it just skips a couple of in game hours but im not sure.
Sorry i tried to put a pic up but it failed.



Too Much Free Time
Nov 11, 2013
Dude are you going to copy and paste this into every thread you can vaguely find an excuse to paste it? I understand you want to show off your work but really this is like the exact same post you have put in other threads. Might I suggest instead of coping and pasting your whole post with images and all.. Just maybe a link back to your original thread post since it is just a copy paste anyways and not an actual replay to the threads op?
Pls don't make fun. I know it isn't that good, but I wanted to give people ideas!
Yeah I have seen this like 6-7 times now and it is indeed the exact same post. A lot of people(including me) have given you feedback on how to improve the post, but you are still copying the same exact thing all over where it often doesn't even belong.

If you want to show off your build, then make a post(just one!) in the showroom section of the forum. And spend your time adding new stuff it instead of reposting the same worn out post over and over.

If you want to give people ideas, then post some ideas instead of showing a lot of pictures of some quite basic designs(that can be found on every wiki). Quit those old pictures and write out what you suggest. People who don't already understand what is going on on those pictures aren't going to understand it after seeing them. The giant jumble of stuff and the Sphax texture pack will make sure of that.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Dude are you going to copy and paste this into every thread you can vaguely find an excuse to paste it? I understand you want to show off your work but really this is like the exact same post you have put in other threads. Might I suggest instead of coping and pasting your whole post with images and all.. Just maybe a link back to your original thread post since it is just a copy paste anyways and not an actual replay to the threads op?

you just said what I've been wanting to say for a while now... I've seen that post come up a few too many times now...
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Do not post the same thing multiple times.
Internet bullies =(.[DOUBLEPOST=1387021813][/DOUBLEPOST](Tips for building things)

There are many considerations:

[1] Space: Space is the #1 most important key. Even if you're working in the outdoors (i.e. have unlimited space) your design will still take up space and the design should account for that. If your factory is too large, it might become to tedious to find errors/tweek your system. In my case, where I have limited room, space becomes an even bigger problem. It is more of an issue of trying to design a system that its space meets its purpose. If your system is needed to attach to other system, you may want to locate it in a central location such that it is easily accessible. Space includes (1) the efficiency in which it takes up space as per design (design it in a way that it isn't wasteful of space) and (2) is externally and internally accessible, such that you can access the innards should you need to make small changes and to allow for easy integration to outside systems.

Compact Design:

Underground Base:

[2] Cost: This should be obvious, but optimizing a design such that it would give the "best bang for buck" is more involved than you might think. Depending on how you acquire resources the value of a given resource may vary. Including the time-varied acquisition of the resource as per your strategy (quarry, turtles, etc.). Examples of such considerations would include whether you wish to integrate your AE system into the system you are considering. AE materials aren't excessively valuable, but require time to accumulate. Projects that utilize a high volume of iridium should be optimized such that they utilize the blocks using these resources to its maximum. This also means designing the system such that you can achieve such optimization through testing/tweeking. Synonym: Non-Wasteful.

Very Efficient Utilization of Lasers:

[3] Integration: A very important aspect of a system is whether it can be successfully integrated into your base. This goes back to accessibility as well. If it is located in a poor location, getting resources to that system might be cumbersome/expensive. Having items floating in transport pipes should be minimized for any case, as to keep the load on your computer as low as possible. If your system doesn't really provide much to enhance other parts of your base, its existence would need to be justified that much more. Usually I build my systems to synergize with one another. Synonym: Versatile/Purposeful.

[4] Scaling: A system should be able to grow as your needs grow. Whether it be increasing your energy production or your item processing, your systems should be designed in such a way that it can be expanded. This means leaving extra space or incorporating the ability to change your system such that it is more efficient. The best way to achieve this is to modulate your system. Every time you wish to expand your system you build another module. You know exactly the resources required to build each module and exactly its output. This is extremely useful in the process of design. Synonym: Upgradable.

Version 1.0 Lava Gen Module: (40 Combustion Engine -> 4 Magma Crucible)

(These are side-by-side modules of the first picture, two layers)

Version 2.0 Lava Gen Module: (4 - 36HP Boiler -> 72 Industrial Steam Engines -> 20 Magma Crucible)







These are a few of the things I might consider when building a system. Main key points are its accessibility, upgrade-ability and its cost. Space is more of an issue for me because my base is inside of a mountain.

I mean its not that bad is it? I edited it for grammar if that's the problem.
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