Need help with Big Reactor turbines

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Too Much Free Time
Nov 11, 2013
Ok, I got some success to report. My original passive reactor did about 42000 RF/tick. I switched it to active and checked what the steam output was with a nullifier at the end and it came at 8000 mb/tick. That means that I should be able to power about 4 turbines with that amount of steam (given the maximum of 2000 mb/tick per turbine).

So I build two turbines already. 7x7x16 in dimension. 4 coils of enderium blocks and 80 rotor blades. I used tesseracts to pump steam into them and water out into the reactor. I used transfer node for the initial input of water into the bigreactor.

Each turbine gives about 20900 RF/tick so that means that my two turbines are about as good now as my original passive reactor. Both turbines are set at 1800 mb/tick steam input which seems to give the best result. So that means I'm not even using half of the steam so I should be able to add two more turbines to this setup. I will try this soon.

Thanks for all the advice!
You really should use the spreadsheet I linked to you once already when designing your turbines:

With 4 Enderium coils you only need 70 blades, using 1732mB/t of steam @1800 RPM.
If you have more steam to spare you should step it up to a:
9 coils, 80 blades, 1953mB/t @900 RPM or,
5 coils, 88 blades, 2165mB/t @1800 RPM

Deviating from the 900 or 1800 RPM is going to wreck your efficiency.
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Mod Developer
May 13, 2014
You really should use the spreadsheet I linked to you once already when designing your turbines:

With 4 Enderium coils you only need 70 blades, using 1732mB/t of steam @1800 RPM.
If you have more steam to spare you should step it up to a:
9 coils, 80 blades, 1953mB/t @900 RPM or,
5 coils, 88 blades, 2165mB/t @1800 RPM

Deviating from the 900 or 1800 RPM is going to wreck your efficiency.

I can't do the 9/5 coil version as that would make it longer then 16 and my turbines are horizontal (and thus limited to 16 length). I can't put them vertical due to space constraints where I'm building.

And anyway, they work fine now so I'm going to leave it at that. The next two turbines I will reduce the number of blades to 70 then.



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You should only use 80 blades and 2000mb/t, both are maximum useful values for them (blades above 80 will only lower the efficiency, and steam limit is a hard cap). It is also calculated 37 enderium blocks as coil (1 coil is partial) fills that up, to run almost exactly at 1800 RPM. Each blade can be 7 blocks long, for 9x9x14 size turbine.

Actually that makes 7 long blades, where length of each blade is:
7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 5
Last (or first) blade shorter than the rest.

Then, until you build a ton of turbines to support your reactor, you can use control rods to turn down the yellorium consumption. It will be producing 2000 mB/t propably even if you set control rods to 70-80%.


Mod Developer
May 13, 2014
I'm using 80 blades per turbine at the moment and indeed. I have turned down the control rods to 70% right now (but only using two turbines for the moment).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You should only use 80 blades and 2000mb/t, both are maximum useful values for them (blades above 80 will only lower the efficiency, and steam limit is a hard cap). It is also calculated 37 enderium blocks as coil (1 coil is partial) fills that up, to run almost exactly at 1800 RPM. Each blade can be 7 blocks long, for 9x9x14 size turbine.

Actually that makes 7 long blades, where length of each blade is:
7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 5
Last (or first) blade shorter than the rest.

Then, until you build a ton of turbines to support your reactor, you can use control rods to turn down the yellorium consumption. It will be producing 2000 mB/t propably even if you set control rods to 70-80%.
It won't lower efficiency having more blades, its' only having more than 25mb of steam per blade that decreases efficiency

I've got an 80 blade turbine consuming 1734mb of steam/t and it still says 100% efficiency


Too Much Free Time
Nov 11, 2013
It won't lower efficiency having more blades, its' only having more than 25mb of steam per blade that decreases efficiency

I've got an 80 blade turbine consuming 1734mb of steam/t and it still says 100% efficiency
No it is just a waste of space and resources. You could remove 10 blades of that turbine, which would probably reduce its outer dimensions by 1-2 blocks.


Mod Developer
May 13, 2014
Ok, made a third turbine. This time with 72 blades instead of 80 and it performs just as well so rhn was right.

I now have 60000 RF/tick with three turbines using 1800mb/tick steam. And my reactor is still capable of producing 5400 mb/tick steam with all control rods set to 90%! So this is indeed very efficient. I'm now going to add the fourth turbine and see if I can keep the control rods at 90%. I suspect I might have to go to 80 or 70. We'll see.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It doesn't sound as efficient to me. So you get
20000 RF from 1800mB of steam
Then: 20000 / 1800 * 2000 = 22222 RF you would get with 2000 mB of steam with that ratio.

The usual design with 80 blades and using 2000 mB of steam makes over 24000 RF/t, so that is actually more efficient in practise. I'm guessing the "efficiency" that reactor UI tells you is not accounting for everything.


Mod Developer
May 13, 2014
It doesn't sound as efficient to me. So you get
20000 RF from 1800mB of steam
Then: 20000 / 1800 * 2000 = 22222 RF you would get with 2000 mB of steam with that ratio.

The usual design with 80 blades and using 2000 mB of steam makes over 24000 RF/t, so that is actually more efficient in practise. I'm guessing the "efficiency" that reactor UI tells you is not accounting for everything.

If I let the steam input of a 80 blade turbine go up to 2000 mb/tick my RF/tick actually goes down. The optimal RF/tick I had with 1800 mb/tick steam (talking about the 80 blade turbine).

Each turbine is now stable at about 20900 RF/tick.


Mod Developer
May 13, 2014
Ok, I added the fourth turbine and as suspected I had to change the control rods to 80%. At 90% the reactor didn't produce enough steam but at 80% it produces 7200mb/tick which is good for the four turbines. I now have about 83000 RF/tick which is double what my passive reactor did so I'm pretty happy. I still have 800mb/tick to spare so I could possibly increase RF production even more but I will stop here. I know how it works now and that's what I finally wanted. For people who are interested. Here is an album with screenshots. It also includes a few screenshots of the GUI's:

Thanks for all the help!

BTW: with regards to RF/t production. This was done with the bigreactor config set to the default 1 ratio. I believe monster uses 1.22 so be careful when comparing with that.
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Too Much Free Time
Nov 11, 2013
Ok, I added the fourth turbine and as suspected I had to change the control rods to 80%. At 90% the reactor didn't produce enough steam but at 80% it produces 7200mb/tick which is good for the four turbines. I now have about 83000 RF/tick which is double what my passive reactor did so I'm pretty happy. I still have 800mb/tick to spare so I could possibly increase RF production even more but I will stop here. I know how it works now and that's what I finally wanted. For people who are interested. Here is an album with screenshots. It also includes a few screenshots of the GUI's:

Thanks for all the help!

BTW: with regards to RF/t production. This was done with the bigreactor config set to the default 1 ratio. I believe monster uses 1.22 so be careful when comparing with that.
You could use this new efficiency and high control rod setting to clean up the interior design of your reactor to a more efficient design. For example make sure you have a "jacket" layer of cooling fluids all around the outer edge. You are in the situation now that you dont need so many fuel rods, so use the new space inside to increase cooling efficiency etc.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If I let the steam input of a 80 blade turbine go up to 2000 mb/tick my RF/tick actually goes down. The optimal RF/tick I had with 1800 mb/tick steam (talking about the 80 blade turbine).

Each turbine is now stable at about 20900 RF/tick.

For the 24k RF/t turbine you need 80 blades and 37 enderium blocks in the coil. I think you mentioned earlier you have fewer coil blocks than that, so that is why you find 1800 steam a tick the most efficient with your setup. If you have 80 blades and give them the full 2k steam a tick, but don't have enough coil blocks the blades will spin too fast and remove power as you move away from the 1800 RPM sweetspot.

I don't think you can fit the 80 blades, 37 block design, which is usually done in a 9x9x14.
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Mod Developer
May 13, 2014
For the 24k RF/t turbine you need 80 blades and 37 enderium blocks in the coil. I think you mentioned earlier you have fewer coil blocks than that, so that is why you find 1800 steam a tick the most efficient with your setup. If you have 80 blades and give them the full 2k steam a tick, but don't have enough coil blocks the blades will spin too fast and remove power as you move away from the 1800 RPM sweetspot.

I don't think you can fit the 80 blades, 37 block design, which is usually done in a 9x9x14.

Yes, I'm not going to try to do this in this world. I would have to change my base too much to do this and I'm more then happy with the result I have now. Time to move on to actually using that power :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
BTW, you don't have to make complete "coils". The optimal setup with Enderium is right around 4.5 coils with 80 blades. 2000mB/t of steam should spin right around 1800rpm and produce around 25k RF/t on default settings.

For the half coil, just use 4 or 5 blocks.
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Too Much Free Time
Nov 11, 2013
BTW, you don't have to make complete "coils". The optimal setup with Enderium is right around 4.5 coils with 80 blades. 2000mB/t of steam should spin right around 1800rpm and produce around 25k RF/t on default settings.

For the half coil, just use 4 or 5 blocks.
But but but.... it looks so....

*OCPD kicking in*

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019

I think it's safe to say most of us are OCD. Playing MC enough to spend time on MC forums kind of requires an OCD personality in the 1st place.