Mystcraft is extremely OP to a game breaking degree.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
it takes, on average, 500 worlds to get a dense ore world.
The odds of getting only one corruption, VERY low. The odds of that corruption being something you could survive, very VERY low.

You gambled, and hit the jackpot, this does not mean that the entire lotto is broken.
500? lol naaa we got it on 90 worlds, we dont use it much cuz basically we are not interested in hording the mats and besides caving is cool :)



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, I consider CC even more OP. A mining turtle is easily obtainable and with my custom branch mining program I had 40 diamonds and lots, lots of other resources within 30 minutes which I spend doing something entirely else. With Mystraft at least you'll need to hop through dozens and dozens of world before you can find a dense ore one.

Actually, Mystcraft is a life saver for me because it gives me relatively easy access to a desert biome. The next one in my overworld is miles away. It took me less tiem to find diamonds than to find a cactus ^^


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Many mods can be used in a game-breaking, OP way. If you're playing singleplayer it's your problem to control yourself or to cheat to hell. If you're playing on a server the server owner decides what's allowed and what's not (banned items) removing some "OP" items, or allowing people to use them. In other words, mystcraft is on the FTB pack, but using it or not it's up to you or up to the server owner. There's no need for this debate.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Mystcraft were on my personal mod pack many, many time, and I never found a dense ores world without cheating.

The very first Mystcraft Age I made (back in 1.2.5) had dense ores. This was only back when I was testing it out and I couldn't get it to play nice with my other mods though : /

Evil Hamster

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So far there's two type of arguments in this thread:

1) The power of Mystcraft dense ores is comparable to other mining methods from other mod packs.

Rebuttal: Show me a method that can net 665 diamonds in 20 minutes. This is categorically different than other mining methods.

2) "you don't have to use it"

The stated opinion of the FtB team is to have game balance. This is why they don't have Timber! or a similar mod that automatically chops down trees if the bottom block is broken, as well as other mods that are unbalanced. If you are arguing that FtB shouldn't be balanced, take it up with the FtB team, who you are arguing against. I enjoy this mod pack a great deal, and made this post to point out what I see as a huge exploit to try to help.

Wow, you just COMPLETELY ignored the third point. You used creative mode to give yourself a full notebook. In which case you could just save yourself the 20 minutes spent mining and just use creative mode to give yourself all those diamonds.

Essentially you're arguing that creative mode is OP.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
As an aside on the "power scale" that the OP felt like including, I ran the numbers and my old (modest) EE2 flower factory would've produced 8000 diamonds in 20 minutes. I can probably assemble a flower factory on par with a modest 660 diamonds/20 mins much faster from the tree-punching stage than you can find a Dense Ores symbol and create an age stable enough to farm reliably (and if you indicate "I creative'd in the notebook" and/or "I turn instability off", you yourself are using ops to "cheat" it and you might as well spawn in those diamonds. This is not to dismiss or denigrate people who use the Creative Notebook either: on my successive server iterations we've discovered all the symbols twice over the current way, so future server iterations will use the Creative book until the new discovery mechanics are in, at which point I'll take the toy away and we'll discover them that way; my server's CPU, memory, and I/O appreciates not discovering all the symbols each time so I err that way).

So it's definitely not on the EE2 scale of "overpowered", if that's what people are worried about. =P

Edit: N.B. this is using SMP EE2 numbers. SSP would've been 32000 diamonds in the same period.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think all mods are too OP

We should stop using them and convert to vanilla MC :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
For those wondering: I got the Dense Ores symbol legitimately after around 50 worlds. The secret to getting 500 diamonds in 20 minutes is to use use one copy of the symbol non-stacked; you can find a viable world after only a few tries, and with one symbol it is dense enough to get such returns. Another big thing is the synergy with the other symbols I used; ravines and caves allow for lots of easy access to layers below diamond level that is easy to find.

Keep in mind that even if it takes 500 tries to find dense ores, it will take around three hours. On multiplayer things are skewed because it only takes one player to find dense ores to throw the whole balance of rare resources out of whack.

Wow, you just COMPLETELY ignored the third point. You used creative mode to give yourself a full notebook. In which case you could just save yourself the 20 minutes spent mining and just use creative mode to give yourself all those diamonds.

Essentially you're arguing that creative mode is OP.

I ignored this point because it is false :) I did this on my legit world. Proof: Notice that I am missing symbols in this part of the book; creative book gives you all the symbols.

Actually, Mystcraft is a life saver for me because it gives me relatively easy access to a desert biome. The next one in my overworld is miles away. It took me less tiem to find diamonds than to find a cactus ^^

Mystcraft is a great mod and well worth inclusion in FtB; it has valid synsergy with other mods, most especially for your noted reason for simpler access to biome-dependent resources required by mods. In the end, it expands ways to play, mine, and spelunk, which is a good thing.

As a conclusion, I would like to note that the issue of balance and symbol discovery mechanics is noted by the creator by the mod ( , and planned to be addressed. XCompWiz admits that the discovery system in the version we are using is broken. The point of this thread is to not criticize what I think is a great mod, but to show a potential problem. In this effort, this thread has been successful. In the end it does not matter what I or anyone else who has posted thinks, what matters is what the FtB team thinks regarding their mod pack. They really know what they are doing :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've been reading this post laughing a bit. I just installed FTB, first Age I ever travel to had dense ores and no decay. XD

High five Mr. DaemonBlue


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My friend got a dense ores world with only hunger rain as the byproduct of instability ON HIS FIRST ATTEMPT. I don't think mystcraft is OP I just thing Dense Ores are there for i always turn it off simple.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It's not the mod to blame if it's OP, you are not forced to use it in your games. If you get OP results, it's because you LOOKED FOR THEM.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It's not the mod to blame if it's OP, you are not forced to use it in your games. If you get OP results, it's because you LOOKED FOR THEM.

Do yourself a favor: the next time you post in a thread, make sure to read the thread to avoid making useless comments ;)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thanks for the cheap assumption. I take that you monitor my Internet activity. :D

It's useless only if you miss the whole point.
Complain about a mod being OP has no point, if the whole problem resides on how a user make use of it.
EE was considered OP , and it was. But i've never complained about it. I just AVOIDED to use it. I used just the tablet for transmuting and burning things, never used condenser because it made producing EMC too easy.

Dense ore is not an easy modifier. You might get lucky and get it easily , but no one pointed a gun in your head , forcing you to put that modifier to your age.
You think "dense ore" breaks the game? Simply don't use it in your Mystcraft Ages.

Problem Solved.
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