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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok so I am a total noob when it comes to mystcraft. I want, primarily, 3 ages. One for mining, one for oil, and one that is the most beautiful age ever becasue I know you can make amazing ages.(the last one is just to run around and admire the beauty) For Mining, I do want Dense Ores(yes I am aware of the instability) and also I've heard a lot of people use Flat, but I dont know what it does. And if you could provide the exact order for the pages, that'd be great. Oil, I want Oil sands, and Im not good at making this pretty so for the beauty one, you people decide on that.

Gimply Goose

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Different modpacks use different versions and the pages can be different depending on the version. It would be hard to know how to write the age without knowing which version of mystcraft you are playing.

Also it is not exactly easy to find a dense ores page or even all the specific pages you need to make an age exactly how you want it to be. Are you gathering the pages yourself or spawning them in?