I know it helps at least somewhat, but I don't know how well they stack.
I've just used Charged, turned my volume off, and built my quarry completely underground. Scorched Earth degrades stone and possibly metal, even underground. In a world with 64 Scorched, I kept running into individual gravel squares while mining.
In 1.4.7 and 1.5.2 I was using the same approach.
Exteme Hills Biome (for the emeralds)
Dense Ore x1
Charged x3
Scorched Surface x3
Eternal Rain (to extinct any fire that could be cause by lightning)
all the other necessary pages, like lighting, time, celestials etc.
Then the quarry also under ground (mostly starting at level 55). It would still give some additional debuffs, but it was most of the time something like Hunger, which doesn't have an effect under ground. THe worlds were mostly stable (as in no meteors and no corrosions), so I was running quarries for days there.