My personal issue with IC2 and similar mods

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Jul 29, 2019
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That is not the mod punishing you, it is you punishing yourself.
This is utter bullcrap. We're not talking about a scientific or engineering project going insane, as in "Let's throw away all mindwork prior to building a real life nuclear reactor and see if it will blow up or not!" - we're talking about a game. A game has to fulfill one goal in the first, second and third place: It has to be entertaining. As such, IC2 (and subsequently, GregTech) fail Neko303 largely. This does not make the game/mods good or bad. As the thread title states, it's written about a personal issue. Not a general issue. It is merely his/her opinion. As such, it is fine as it is. This thread simply states, that Neko303 does not like the way how IC2/GT 'play' the game, or interprete the ruleset.Some, like, say, SonOfABirch, like to be kicked in the jewels whenever something is done wrong. Other people don't. SoaB probably would vote "Hell, yes!" to a "should Redstone explode in your face if set up the wrong way?", while Neko303 probably would go with the "God, no!" option. ^^

Objectively and provably: not a good solution. If it were, no one would complain about GregTeech.
People complain about GregTech because there are 10 kinds of binary people out there: Those that know what configs are for and those that don't. ;)


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Jul 29, 2019
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Weird, I actually remember more problems with BC explosions than with IC2 explosions when I first started. You may be confusing the Gregtech explosions with IC2. From what I remember of just pure IC2 exploding from back in the days of Tekkit, machines that exploded didn't actually harm anything nearby. They'd just disappear on their own. It's only with the addition of Gregtech to the packs that I've heard people complaining of chain reaction explosions taking out their entire base from IC2 machines.

While I've lost so very many quarries from combustion engine explosions back in the day. Worst is when I put the storage for the quarry output right next to the quarry. Bad news bears :(


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Weird, I actually remember more problems with BC explosions than with IC2 explosions when I first started. You may be confusing the Gregtech explosions with IC2. From what I remember of just pure IC2 exploding from back in the days of Tekkit, machines that exploded didn't actually harm anything nearby. They'd just disappear on their own. It's only with the addition of Gregtech to the packs that I've heard people complaining of chain reaction explosions taking out their entire base from IC2 machines.

While I've lost so very many quarries from combustion engine explosions back in the day. Worst is when I put the storage for the quarry output right next to the quarry. Bad news bears :(

I've never lost an engine to anything in BC except for before the time I knew how aqueous accumulators worked. But I lost tons of stuff when I first started Tekkit, so much so that I decided I'd spawn myself whatever exploded. (including all my stuff from a random creeper, usually not a problem for me but I got stuck in some zoom mode so I had to watch...ZOOMED IN...all my stuff disappearing while I could do nothing). But I had lots of trouble with IC2 stuff, and it wasn't like I understood EE2 so I didn't have an infinite amount of materials to back me up either.


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Jul 29, 2019
A game has to fulfill one goal in the first, second and third place: It has to be entertaining.
Yes but not everyone seeks the same type of entertainment. The best example that comes to mind is Dwarf Fortress. A large portion of that game revolves around what is commonly termed "Hidden Fun Stuff". One of the most common things a new player will do is flood their fortress due to a simple mistake.

To those who dislike this mentality, use Creative to experiment around with the mods before you put them into practical use.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This is the main problem I have with IC2 and GT; it discourages experimentation and trial&error, and depending on the Wiki to get all your info is almost a requirement.
I think this is why Thaumcraft is my most favorite mod in FTB. It almost requires no wiki whatsoever, and the player gradually learns the mechanics and progresses through the mod all on his/her own.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'd like to point out that "Incompatable wires" as you put it, aren't supposed to connect. Bundled cables aren't an aesthetic feature, they're for easier seperation of your redstone wiring.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'd like to point out that "Incompatable wires" as you put it, aren't supposed to connect. Bundled cables aren't an aesthetic feature, they're for easier seperation of your redstone wiring.
100V (normal) and 10kV blue alloy wires don't connect.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think this is why Thaumcraft is my most favorite mod in FTB. It almost requires no wiki whatsoever, and the player gradually learns the mechanics and progresses through the mod all on his/her own.

Thaumcraft used to be one of my favourites too, even if I never got to fully utilize it before I got bored... I've probably researched the "tech"-tree over thirty times (too many hardcore worlds / MC updates / modupdates / ++). Now I just avoid thaumcraft like the plague, I've done the research - I want to play around with it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yes but not everyone seeks the same type of entertainment. The best example that comes to mind is Dwarf Fortress. A large portion of that game revolves around what is commonly termed "Hidden Fun Stuff". One of the most common things a new player will do is flood their fortress due to a simple mistake.

I understand FUN(Only !!!FUN!!! if caused by magma). However there are two important differences between DF and MC regarding this.

1. Fun is an expectation of the DF player. Fortresses without Fun are eventually abandoned due to boredom. Minecraft players expect to abandon a world due to boredom, and often ragequit because of fun.

2. The first is somewhat subjective. However the more important fact is that Dwarf Fortress has created an art out of destruction. Detailed reports, a bird's eye view, and the ability to pause step-by-step make the collapse of a fort as satisfying as the process of building it up. Watching a GT chain explosion may be entertaining once if you happen to be right at ground zero. However its over in a couple seconds and you really just experienced the sense of confusion that comes in close proximity to explosions.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Post I agree with

I was in the process of revising my thoughts when I came across this post. One of the more frustrating aspects of playing modded Minecraft can be quantified using two words "extensive research". When I sit down to enjoy a relaxing game of anything, the last thing that comes to mind is having to sift through page after page of poorly documented hogwash. Because of this, I will spend several hours in full trial and error mode attempting to stitch together some complex build. Most of my friends refuse to play modded Minecraft for more then a few minutes once they get past setting up a few simple machines. Some of these friends work full time jobs, so I fully understand why the prospect of unwinding by winding themselves up does not appeal to them.

Also, the industrial centrifuge. Seriously, what's in that damn thing. If you've never accidentally detonated one of these bad boys, don't. The rest of you know full well what I'm talking about.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I used to love IC2 and fully accepted the explosions and the lossy wrench. But now that minecraft joules is useful (thanks to thermal expansion) and universal electricity exists I am slowly becoming less inclined to use the mod at all in spite of my warmest wishes towards it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I once had an explosion with my GT implosion compressor that chain exploded everything since my whole base was connected and full of GT. I swear that the explosion was as big as a nuke and to make it worse, I had a lot of lava in my base as decoration which made the hole look like pure armaggedon. . I had to restore a backup.

Me and my friends laughed so hard...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I once had an explosion with my GT implosion compressor that chain exploded everything since my whole base was connected and full of GT. I swear that the explosion was as big as a nuke and to make it worse, I had a lot of lava in my base as decoration which made the hole look like pure armaggedon. . I had to restore a backup.

Me and my friends laughed so hard...

What would have happened if you did not have an up to dated backup ?, I reckon the tears would not be of joy, moral of the story back ups daily.