I am planning to overclock so i think i will need something like a tower, so that the cooling will fit.
how extreme do you plan on overclocking? if your answer isn't "phase change cooling" it's wrong. being honest, you're not going to get much in the way of real world results from overclocking that cpu. if you're overclocking nowadays, you've basically just resigned yourself to the pursuit of big numbers on flavorofthemonth_benchmark_software. and if you're looking for big numbers, you're either running LN2 or phase change.
for your sanity, i'd just stick with air cooling if you have central air in your house. if you do, you can get very far on air cooling, and you don't even need one of those omfgubarhuge heatsinks to get good returns. i run a noctua in my rig, and i have the case i recommended.
keep in mind ambient temperature is king when air cooling. don't get swept up in the water cooled hype; yeah it's cool, yeah it cools, but it's a pain. been there, done that, will never go back.
if you don't have a/c, i still don't have much sympathy.
i had an amd barton 2500+ running at 2.1ghz on air cooling with no a/c back in the day. in the middle of summer. uphill both ways in the snow barefoot. whipper snapper.