My coal coke/steam plant, using cactus coke,MFR, AE and Extra Utilities


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Here is my plant for coal coke and MJ.

It all starts with cactus, using an auto farm design. cactus breaks because of the fence next to it, the cactus fall down and land in my hopper which leads to a diamond chest.

The diamond chest has a Transfer node which transfers cactus to the 4 ovens on the right only.

Those 4 ovens have transfer node's taking the cactus charcoal out and moving it to the 4 coke ovens next to them.
The 4 coke ovens then turn the cactus charcoal into cactus coke, a transfer node takes the cactus coke and moves it into a cyclic assembler, crafting one coal coke from 8 cactus coke.

The cyclic assembler is powered by a MFR tree farm. Using AE, items from the harvester are reused. (saplings)
Wood is cooked to charcoal and sent to my steel boiler, producing steam and powering the assembler 24/7, also my quarries!
Extra charcoal goes to an enderchest which is attached to my ME network.

After the first day of this running, i've gathered 1.3k coal coke. and 63k charcoal!

All credit for the this idea goes to Saice V
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