Multi-Farm Orchard configuration

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So i've started to construct my first multi-farm for an apple orchard. I've updated forestry to it's latest version as I heard apples weren't supported in the current FTB release.

Now for my problem. When I insert the circuit board to configure the farm for "Orchard" it only turns the top (north) segment into cherries (which I assume means orchard), but I can't seem to get the other 3 parts to change. How do I go about turning the entire farm into an orchard?



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You need a copper tube in each slot on the circuit board for every side you want as an orchard. For four orchards, your circuit board will need four copper tubes. I'm guessing that you only put one in, if only one side is coming up as an orchard.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That seems to have done it.

1 more question though, do these new farms work faster with more power? i'm currently supplying the farm, which is the largest version, with 2mj/t from an electric engine. Am I missing out on much performance or is this enough?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yes, they need power for every "operation" (planting, gathering, etc). Different sizes and different types of farms will perform various number of operations over time, but generally 10-12 MJ/t is what you should be aiming for with a max-size farm. For an orchard, this will also depend on the fruit-bearing rate of your trees. You can use a MJ reader (added by TE) to see if your power network is saturated.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Note that the multiblock farms behave differently than the old forestry farms.

The old farms consumed a constant stream of MJ, scanning every single block in their range one by one for work to do, until they found something, and then performed the task on said block. The more MJ you gave them, the faster this block scanning happened, but since plants need time to grow, the largest part of your power input was wasted.

The new farms only consume resources (water, fertilizer and power) when they are actually processing something (chopping down a tree for example). While idle-scanning, they only use something like 1 MJ every couple seconds; the same thing a Railcraft rolling machine does when constantly powered but sitting idle.

Therefore the best idea is to buffer the MJ output of your engine. Instead of connecting the engine to the gearbox, connect a redstone energy cell to the gearbox and connect the engine to the cell. That way you can use a small engine to slowly build up energy in the cell while the farm idles, and let it consume energy in maximum-speed bursts whenever it finds something to do.

You can also simply use conduits if energy cells are too expensive; but a conduit will only buffer 1000 MJ. Should be easily enough for farms that only replace one block at a time, but for tree farms specifically it might not be enough since they have to chop down trees made of many blocks at once. Granted, the farm itself also has a small internal buffer, so together with the conduit it might be enough for small trees like common apple oaks. Would likely vary a lot due to the random nature of growth, though. Two trees growing in quick succession will deplete the buffer, while no tree growths for a while will saturate the conduit and waste the engine's output. Still less wastage and more buffer than directly connecting the engine, though.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Watch your fertilizer supply too, the orchard seems to be using 10x more than the other farms I have (wheat, bog earth and arboretum).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
According to the wiki, it shouldn't. It's at the same value as peat bogs and wheat farms per block, and a third of tree farms. The only way it could consume so much more was if it was performing many more actions, and thus having a much higher output than the other farm types.

Try doublechecking it if it isn't a bug.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah but it harvests a ton quicker than the other farms and uses fertilizer when it's harvesting, so imagine those other farms sped up 10x and you're there.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
you also need more then a basic circuit board. You need the best one to put four tubes on it with the soldering iron. Its called an Intricate Circuit Board.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
so ruffly on the same topic. i know orchards dont harvest the actual wood of the tree. so placing all the saplings down like with the managed tree farm does is kind of a waste of saplings. does any one know the best layout for orchards and apple trees? like how many blocks around the tree do i need for max fruit production?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I can't log into the game right now or I'd take a picture and get an actual count lurpy, but on a large multi-farm orchard I think I have 18 or so trees. I converted it from a normal arboretum so it was full of saplings and then I just let them grow naturally until there were no holes between leaves. Then I just punched out the remaining saplings and sent them to my fermenter. I think I can squeeze in a couple more trees, but I have my doubts it will really produce more apples. Trees are funky, not like reeds where you can actually plot out the most efficient planting, which btw is a lot better now with the xychorium soil.

Edit: Heh, I was able to log in from work without it crashing. 2 fps ftl though. I have 16 trees. They could be better spaced.


Please ignore the experimental design choices and unfinished stuff. Just started thinking about materials at 2 a.m. The sand and humus are leftover from it being an arboretum a couple days ago.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
that does look like it covers everything. :D thanks for the pics. i have searched far and wide on the internet for optimal orchard setups and have been finding nothing. i started experimenting on my own but i was always having gaps with no leaves. and no leaves equals no apples from that space. im using the apples to supply my fermentor then i use 4 stills to make bio fuel. and i use that bio fuel in a couple bio gas engines that make power for my treefarm/orchard, squeezer, and the bio gas production and still have enough fuel leftover for 2 36hp boilers at full heat. and i am thinking of adding more bio gas engines because i still have a surplus of bio gas but that might not be to bad of a thing.

thanks for you help berry. :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You're quite welcome. I'm doing the same thing. It seems the squeezer doesn't push out the juice as fast as I'd like for sapling consumption in the fermenter, however I don't think the one orchard (plus some from the arboretum) can keep up with two squeezers and two may be too many apples. As a stop-gap I'm sending excess saplings from the storage feeding the fermenter with apple juice into two other fermenters with water. This isn't as efficient as I'd like though. However I guess if I keep expanding, then efficiency doesn't matter. Right now I have way more biomass than I'm using (with 28 biogas engines) to power 6 magma crucibles which I can barely keep fed with netherrack that are still slow producing lava.

Since I have a ton of wood saved up now, my plan is to move into a solid fuel steam boiler, and I may just make a second one liquid fueled with biofuel and scrap the whole biomass>lava>thermal gen/eu thing. I think I may need several stills to convert the biomass fast enough. Hah, then I'll probably run into the problem of not producing enough biomass. Oye... I realize now what feed the beast means :p