I'm playing on a rather large server, and I was terribly embarrassed to discover that something at my base is causing a consistent TPS drop (by 2-5 pts) when I load the chunks it is in! I'd appreciate any help or advice on how I could pinpoint the source, as I pride myself on being a "clean" player: I have no RedPower Timers, no loops in BC piping or RP tubes, no spawners running while I'm not there... none of the "usual suspects."
I'll list as many likely culprits as I can think of below, and can post screenshots if that would help. Again, I truly, truly appreciate any help or insights you can provide!
I'll list as many likely culprits as I can think of below, and can post screenshots if that would help. Again, I truly, truly appreciate any help or insights you can provide!
EDIT: The (surprising) culprits have been identified, and highlighted in red below. See this post, below, for more information (and a plea for help/advice!)
- A super-overcharged Aura Node: A single experiment with Rejuvenating Bees, described here (with pictures; it's worth seeing!) resulted in an 8000/450 overcharged Pure Node. It's totally isolated (no interaction with other nodes), is now at 3500/600 thanks to Crystal Capacitors and people coming to repair their tools, and Wisps haven't been a BIG problem because of a number of Pure Queens. But I'm not sure if ThaumCraft was really meant to handle that sort of overcharge.
- A tightly-packed AE network: Many blocks are adjacent to each other, and my wiring could kindly be described as "tangled"... so if loops in AE systems cause lag, this may be the problem. I've heard Molecular Assemblers can (or used to) be a problem, but my cube isn't especially large (5x5x3).
- Looping Redstone Energy Conduits: I've never been very careful with these, as I never thought they caused lag, but after finding out I was dropping TPS I've started to wonder.
- Boiler + 18 Industrial Steam Engines: I can't imagine this is the problem, but it's my main power source.
- Hybrid Solar + Energy Bridge Supplementing MJ: Maybe interactions between the EU -> MJ conversion, then going into those looping Redstone Energy Conduits?
- Wrath Lamps: I've always heard fishy things about wrath lamps and ghost blocks, and I have a number of them scattered about.
- Hundreds of Magic Flowers (Cinderpearl, Shimmerleaf): I've innoculated all my bees with Magic Flowers, for aesthetics and to stop them pollinating trees. Since my bees are also innoculated with maximum flowering and territory, these flowers are literally everywhere around my base.
- Routers + Machine Filters: They're my item-of-choice for processing ores via TE machines and bee produce via Centrifuges/Squeezers, so I use quite a few of them.
- Turtles: I try to maintain a decent pace with long sleep() intervals, but if there are issues with these I'd love to hear about them.
- Interacting Forestry Multifarms: I have an Orchard multifarm below and slightly to the south of an Arboretum multifarm, both max size. The Orchard would strip apples from trees growing in the Arboretum, until I erected a massive stone wall in the overlapping areas. Could this interaction be causing it? I've cut power to both with no change, but I don't know if the farms continue to do block checks while power is cut (and I don't want to knock out a block, since that causes issues with multiblock structures constantly checking for completion)
- A very full Indexer: My main "thing" is beekeeping, and I pump my drones into a single Indexer attached to a Storage Bus. They don't stack in the Indexer (though they do stack in my AE interface). Bees all have longest life, so I'm keeping the drones down, but they're good for trading