More Forestry Farm Questions

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, after spending about 2 hours trying to get it to work last night I'm back where I started: nowhere!

My intention is as follows: hook up an autocrafting table to create Bog Earth for my Forestry Peat Farm (new-style farm btw) by means of logic gates and BC pipes.

Setup is as follows:
- Golden transport pipes connected to the hatch: 1 on the bottom and 1 on a side (1 for input, 1 for output).
- Golden transport pipes connected to the top of an autocrafting table.
- Autarchic gate on the pipe golden transport pipe connected to the autocrafting table (set to red pipe signal + energy pulser)
- Iron AND gate connected to hatch (set to detect soil < 64 + red pipe signal)
- the input and ouput lines are connected by means of a Diamond Transport Pipe on the intersection

The problem I'm facing is that the regular autarchic gate won't allow me to set "red pipe signal", even though I clearly have the red pipe wire running from the gate to the autarchic gate.

I was wondering if anyone would have an example I could model my input/ouput & autocrafting on for the new Forestry Farms, then that would be quite marvellous!


P.S.: I'll try to upload clear screenshots of my setup later today but I currently lack access to my files since I'm writing this from work.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You need at least an iron gate to interact with red pipe wire. Also, a golden pipe can not pull items out of an ACT, you will need a wooden pipe.
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Too Much Free Time
Nov 9, 2012
Tartarus.. I mean at work. Same thing really.
Get back to work!
Your autocrafting ratio should be similar to before, you can cycle the dirt back in for making bog earth, and keep a separate chest for sand.
(Remember A.C.T.s can pull from chests/barrels, so it shouldnt be too bad to set up a resupply system for sand)​

Your fertaliser supply will drain slowly, but mount a relay next to the hatch and the extra 9 stacks will last a very long time. I suggest breeding some Fiendish bees for extra ash to double your fertiliser supply if needed.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
@Abdiel: iirc I tried using a wooden transport pipe as well (not 1000% sure since it was about 2am lol) but I'll definitely try once more.

@Celestialphoenix: ty for the advice...I'll get back to MC'ing indeed ;) Will see about cycling the dirt indeed. Atm it has a tendency to fill up all 6 inventory slots, leaving no room for Bog Earth lol...will have to see about fixing that as well.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Farm ejects automatically out of the bottom of a hatch into golden pipes, I tried it and it works but v2.0.0.9 of Forestry.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
the farm hatch should prevent dirt from entering as it's not required.
Or are you running multiple crops/stuff on the same multi farm?
The waste dirt should go into one of the bottom two inventory boxes


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
@dc0110: running double peat and wheat farms ATM. Results in dirt being input into the top left 6 slots (where you also put Bog Earth...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok, so here's what I've found out so far...indeed the ATC works now I've changed it up to Wooden Transport Pipes. The thing that's bothering me, however, is the following:

Diamond Transport Pipe attached to side of the Hatch. Iron AND Gate + red pipe wire on that particular pipe and set the gate to: Soil <32 then Red Pipe Signal.
Wooden Transport Pipe attached to ATC. Autarchic Iron AND Gate + red pipe wire on the wooden pipe set to: red pipe signal on then Energy Pulse.

No matter what I try on the autarchic gate settings OR the iron AND gate settings, the ATC will simply continue to craft Bog Earth continually, OR not craft any at all. I'm assuming this is because the Farm's inventory should never be completely full?

I'm including some screenshots as well to assist in visualizing...for now I'm not too worried about making stuff look nice...I first want to have it up and running smoothly and then tinker with looks.

Thanks ever so much folks!






New Member
Jul 29, 2019
For me I would say the simplest work around is to fill the input inventory slots with bog earth, well fill apart from half a stack.
That way the soil will have to go in the bottom output slots.
Then whenever the farm outputs 8 soil into the ACT setup, it will craft 8 bog earth to refill stocks.

With that setup, you should really be able to run the system without gates, just put a redstone engine on your wooden pipe.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
@dc0110: not 100% sure how you mean that tbh, but that's probably my lack of understanding rather than your ability to explain lol

What I've figured out so far is that BC pipes + logic gates (abd red pipe wire of course!) on the side of a hatch don't work. Whatever setting I try, the ACT either doesn't craft anything at all OR keeps crafting the stuff and since we're talking BC pipes...excess is ejected all over the room.

I think I'll be forced to go RP2 on this one...just not sure how to get the ATC to work with pneumatic tubes...will need to figure something out.

As for the output, I've split the 2 lines up completely now. Initially, I had output and input on the same BC pipeline, splitting stuff up by means of diamond pipes. Currently I'm sending everything down 1 BC pipeline straight into the "ground", then splitting up the line so dirt goes to the bog earth creation chest and wheat+peat go down another line.

Any ideas on the RP2 setup for the ACT+input for soil (and possibly fertilizer) would be most welcome.



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Right folks,

I think I've finally come up with a solution to the problem I was having. As it stands, I've now got the output going down using Golden BC pipes and splitting up peat, dirt, and wheat somewhere down the line by means of diamond pipes.

For the input I found out that bog earth needs to be inserted on one specific side of the hatch and fertilizer through the opposite side (I'll see if if can inform you all on which sides they are specifically later today).

On the 2 sides of the hatch I've placed 2 relays. One for fertilizer and one for bog earth. These are connected to an input chest that contains dirt, sand, and bog earth. On the chest I've placed a filter with a timer underneath to pull out 6 bog earth at a time (because that's the # being crafted by the ACT).

The input chest also serves as output chest for my ACT. Chest and ACT a connected by a wooden and a golden transport pipe with an Autarchic iron AND gate and an iron AND gate. The gates are set to "when space in inventory+red pipe signal" and "red pipe signal+energy pulse".

I've yet to do a similar setup for the fertilizer but for now I'm pretty chuffed with how it's panned out. Will try and post some screenshots as well...with annotations for the hatch sides.

Hope this also helps others with the new, and allow me to add AWESOME, forestry farms.

Thank you SirSengir!



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Latest info I was able to gather from more testing.

Golden transport pipes connected to a hatch with iron AND gate hooked up. Setting on the gate is Soil <32/64/128. I reported earlier that the gate would not "read" the amount of soil in the Farm correctly since my Bog Earth machine simply kept cranking out Bog Earth.

What I seem to have found out was relatively simple: there are 6 slots in the farm for soil and unless the total tally of those 6 slots is <32/64/128, the gate will not (de)activate.

Not a big problem unless, like in my setup, you have 2 farms running with one needing dirt and the other requiring different soil...

Not exactly sure whether this can be solved with BC pipes and logic gates in any way. Perhaps it would be a nice addition/change to the Forestry farms that if you make the farm into a multi-farm, the soil slots become separated....or make the farm require 1 hatch for every type of soil. IMHO the latter wouldn't be problematic at all since even the smallest Farm has plenty of interchangeable blocks.

I worked around it by using RP2 pneumatic tubes and some relays but I'd prefer to use logic gates because of the automatic on/off switch...

Just some random thoughts,


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The best possible way I can come up with using BC pipes only is detecting whether dirt/other soil is in the inventory, and if it isn't, pipe some in from a storage chest. Your efficiency would suffer a tiny bit, as there would be short periods when the farm would be out of soil - but with the speed at which the farms run, it shouldn't be really noticeable.

RP tubes or routers are probably much better at handling this case.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The other solution would be to use 2 separate hoppers for 2 different soils and pump to them if there is space for a given soil. It should keep every space for soil filled with what you want. I use hoppers often, because they respect BC insertion rules.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You would run into a problem if the inventory was to ever completely fill up with one type of soil.

(Although this would work in a closed system if you could keep the amount of every type of soil constant and small enough for this to never happen.)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The point is to keep both hoppers supplied all the time, then no soil would be used completely. You could always add a condition if any of the hoppers is empty to disable farm and start howler alarm.