Whitelist Server Monster 1.1.2 | Bop | small whitelist server | 6 gb ram | new Map | teamspeak

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name: Mikayla
Minecraft name: BabyWarrior13
Age: 16
What are you planning to do on this server? : Anything that is needed of me. I'm a big fan of team play so whatever I can do to get the community up and running at it's best is what I'll do.
How Long have you been playing Minecraft FTB? (Beginners are definitely welcome, this is just me being curious) : I've been playing for about a year. I did have to take a break a few months ago but that was a one time type of scenario so I'm pretty familiar with the mods just not as familiar as people who have been playing for a year straight.
How much time will you be able to spend on the server? : I can usually spend a few hours a day on the server.
Will you be able to get along with people on the server? : I seem to be a sort of people person so yeah, I will.
What could you bring into the community? : Again, I'm a team player so when anyone needs some help or whatever, just ask and I'll be there!
Did you read and understand the rules and goals of this server? : Yes and they are EXACTLY what I want in a server!!!
Wher eare you from (again, this is just me being curious) : I live in Chicago, IL
Do you have teamspeak and a decent headset? : I don't have teamspeak but I can get it no problem and I have headphones with a mic that seem to work well enough.
And if you write a few sentences why, of all servers, you want to join this one - it will help a lot: This server looks like the perfect place for me to continue my learning experience of FTB and meet some new people. This server looks like the type of place that would be home to the type of people I want to play with because it is community based which is, I think, one of the most exciting things about FTB and Minecraft in general. I hate grief and stealing and PvP can be just flat out annoying so this is definitely an ideal place for me to play!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So I'm wondering when everyone is available to play, I went on for a few hours today and I'd really like to talk to the other members to see what kind of ideas we all have and start having some fun! I live in Chicago so as I'm posting this it's 11:30 AM ish and I'm around to play pretty much all day until maybe 7 or 8 (I watch a lot of NBA) let me know!!!!! Also, do we have a teamspeak server set up? if so could someone post the address?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That's a question I can't answer.
According to the log 3 never even logged in.
The others logged in once for a few minutes (2-7) and never came back. Perhaps they expected a big spawn build. But the goal of this server is to build one in survival mode - So it can't be there from the beginning....
Another one I met a few times and tried to chat with him, but he wanted to be left alone, so I did that even if it is not exactly what I described this server to be.... but he has not been online for days now.
Perhaps we can get something going and then others will flock to the task.... we'll see :)
I am pretty flexible. I'm from Germany (UTC+01:00) and can be online anytime between 01:00 pm to 4:00 in the morning.

Teamspeak server: ts36.nitrado.net:11550
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So the server isn't letting me connect... like it literally says connection refused... any idea what's up?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Minecraft name:Solomonzz
What are you planning to do on this server? : have a nice underground base like a res evil complex
How Long have you been playing Minecraft FTB? (Beginners are definitely welcome, this is just me being curious) :for around a year and a half
How much time will you be able to spend on the server? : 4-5 hrs a day
Will you be able to get along with people on the server? : yes
What could you bring into the community? : fun and more fun
Did you read and understand the rules and goals of this server? :yes and yes
Wher eare you from (again, this is just me being curious) : AU
Do you have teamspeak and a decent headset? : yes
And if you write a few sentences why, of all servers, you want to join this one - it will help a lot:i want to get started in a nice server where all my stuff wont be gone when i log in the next day

I'm looking forward to meet you!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name: Kenny`
Minecraft name: kenny_gman
What are you planning to do on this server? : learn more about monster and to work on my building skills
How Long have you been playing Minecraft FTB? (Beginners are definitely welcome, this is just me being curious) : almost a year i would say but alot of that was unleashed not knowing what i was doing
How much time will you be able to spend on the server? : a few hours a week
Will you be able to get along with people on the server? : of course
What could you bring into the community? : i would try and help others and bring friendlyness
Did you read and understand the rules and goals of this server? : yea lets have a great cummunity
Wher eare you from (again, this is just me being curious) : usa ohio
Do you have teamspeak and a decent headset? : no sorry
And if you write a few sentences why, of all servers, you want to join this one - it will help a lot: im looking for a whitelisted server withotu greifers and a fresh map so i can not be so far behind

I'm looking forward to meet you!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name: Shannon
Minecraft name: Scryercloak
Age: 33
What are you planning to do on this server? :
-Start over :) I loved Mystcraft and Genetics, and plan to start there. Hunting for wisps and mana beans and taking skin samples of everything I cross. After that I'll hopefully have some idea of the engine crafting game aspect.
How Long have you been playing Minecraft FTB? (Beginners are definitely welcome, this is just me being curious) :
-Played FTB Monster as a new player for about 2 months before the Admin no longer wanted to maintain the server and it closed.
How much time will you be able to spend on the server? :
-Up to 8hours on weekdays (while wife is at work). Longer and including weekends if she comes to play with me.
Will you be able to get along with people on the server? :
-I don't expect to encounter difficult or rude people on a whitelist server, part of the appeal to be honest. But, I don't have problems with people even if they behave inappropriately. I am very kind and understanding individual and try to help whenever I have the time or ability.
What could you bring into the community? :
-Years of Minecraft love and experience coupled with a desire to enjoy everything included in the Monster pak. I think having a(nother) married gaming couple in your community would fall in lines with community/server goals nicely
Did you read and understand the rules and goals of this server? :
-I understand the rules and goals. I can appreciate why some of the rules are they way they are. IE no mob essense farms, free range farm animals. You're going for a sense of realism and I can live with that :)
Where are you from (again, this is just me being curious) :
-Originally? Kansas, USA. Currently? Ontario, Canada. I married a Canadian girl I met playing of all things, online games. ^^ Never been happier than I am with my gamer wife!
Do you have teamspeak and a decent headset? :
-Teamspeak, Ventrilo, C3, Mumble, and yes I have a headset.
And if you write a few sentences why, of all servers, you want to join this one - it will help a lot:
-Honestly? You were the first result that wasn't overpopulated and included my wish of a whitelist Monster server. After all, it's what we experience while playing, that keeps a player playing. My last Minecraft love was playing a former Admin's Whitelist Monster server, and although laggy on several occasions, was the most fun I've ever had. I hope to find that feeling here.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name: Maickey
Minecraft name: ownas10
Age: 18
What are you planning to do on this server? : Building, playing
How Long have you been playing Minecraft FTB? (Beginners are definitely welcome, this is just me being curious) : about 4-6 months
How much time will you be able to spend on the server? : Depens if im in the mood to play lets say about 2 hours a day
Will you be able to get along with people on the server? : yes, since im friendly
What could you bring into the community? : a friendly silent player
Did you read and understand the rules and goals of this server? : yes
Wher eare you from (again, this is just me being curious) : The netherlands
Do you have teamspeak and a decent headset? : Yes
And if you write a few sentences why, of all servers, you want to join this one - it will help a lot: i'm looking for a server where i can just play on make friends and so on, this server looks good for what im looking for