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Age(required): 15
Minecraft ign(required): collinwilliams
Location(Ex. USA/RU): USA, Ohio
Modded MC experience (on a scale of 1 to 10)(optional) : 6-7
What you plan to bring to the community(optional): I am a very social person love to interact, maybe help someone out if they need it. Right? I want to join a server because i want to help people play with people make friends and maybe they can teach me a few things about monster that i need help with too
Favorite Mod(optional): I played ftb unleashed and now going into monster.
Favorite thing to do in Modded MC/MC(optional): Love to learn about the game, building item and advancing in the game material wise.
A little more about yourself (optional): I'll will be nice and generous to everyone, And try to play as much as possible, I'm not gonna sweet talk you by saying I'm going to play 15 hours a day, school just started up for us and i will at school for half of the day but when i get home I'm prob. gonna play
Modded Experience: I used to play minecraft a lot but havent tried out all the latest mods etc, so id say around 7.
What i plan to bring to the community: I dont really know but im a pretty polite guy who can work with others on community projects after i work on a few of my own to get fairly well established.
Favorite Mod: I cant say i have a favorite but i am excited to try out 2 new mods i havent dabbled in much Blood Magic and Applied Energetics.
Favorite thing to do in modded Minecraft: Hmm get well established have a pretty good automated home where possible. And Build a few nice/cool buildings. With blood magic ill likely go for a more dark wizard type feel this time around.
About myself: I dont work with to many team mates when i first start in a world maybe 1 or 2 if i know them. I also tend to be the evil player if i can be (i dont grief) but i might set up traps for people who come onto my land, or i might set random traps out in the world for fun.
Hey i couldnt type not sure what keys i hit lol i couldnt set home because of it relog didnt fix it hopefully when i log in i can since i restarted client
Age(required):24 yo
Minecraft ign(required):Chlorislunaia
Location(Ex. USA/RU):Usa Alabama
Modded MC experience (on a scale of 1 to 10)(optional) :4
What you plan to bring to the community(optional):a library and a confident spirit and a warm heart
Favorite Mod(optional):im excted to try out Ars magica and carpenters and chisel is a fun thng to workwith but i ALWAYS put in an Me system
Favorite thing to do in Modded MC/MC(optional): build fantasy wth better blocks than vanilla
A little more about yourself (optional):
i refuse to steal or greif : i once was on a pvp raid server that raidng was allowed so i tried it out.........i gave the stuff back i felt so bad my faction kicked me XD but yea love to help others and love being on ts3
Age(required): 12 but mature Minecraft ign(required): fyuiy Location(Ex. USA/RU): USA (Ohio)
Modded MC experience (on a scale of 1 to 10)(optional) : 9
What you plan to bring to the community(optional): Helping the community with their problems or need help in their inventions!
Favorite Mod(optional): Hard question, for a magic mod Thaumcaft and BM, tech TE, MFR, and AE.
Favorite thing to do in Modded MC/MC(optional): Invent something that could help the community, i.e. recharging station and blood bank for BM
A little more about yourself (optional): I am 12, but not a normal 12-year-old, I am highly mature for my age and get honors in school, so not your typical 12 year-old