Hello, i was thinking that many mods are missing in the latest modpacks for ftb, I don't really like killing monsters, go mining, etc.. but I love building houses, creating machines, building fully automated farms, ecc...(In ftb monsters i use custom ore gen mod to increase the ore density and start to build machines faster) so i think a quite number of mods from the oldest packs are missing in these modpacks.
In my opinion these mods are:
In my opinion these mods are:
- Extra Bees/Extra Trees
- GregTech (I don't now if this would be a good idea but ftb monster replaces unslashed wich replaces ultimate wich has gt, so why not?)
- Equivalent Exchange 3 (This a mod that i'm really feeling missing, it helps soooooo much building machines, ecc...)
- Custom Ore Gen (It could be a good idea, i use it)