Moderators: They make you lose count(Longest thread still alive!)

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Jul 31, 2013
*Wilfred stands up and walks to the door, making it clear that he wants Red to follow him "Come, then I will show you around and bring you to your room.". Red nods and follows.
While they walk Red notices that there are more from the tribes then from his home planet. He finds it odd as the tribes are considered weak, useless and dumb by everyone on his planet. They don't even speak the universal language yet. If it weren't for the fact that the allies of humans disapproved of the "war" they wouldn't exist anymore and humans would have taken over that planet.
Red still finds it absurd it is even considered a war and not a slaughter, according to the history lessons he got the tribes had no way to fight back, of course that was so long ago that no one is alive to remember it, not by a long shot but they still have yet to build a space ship of their own.
They also have yet to make clothes that aren't just the hides of animals they hunted on but the thing that convinces Red the most that they are dumb is that they make sacrifices to "gods". Just the idea alone to hunt for hours alone shows how dumb they are but to then also just burn it instead of using it? That is the most idiotic thing ever.

Eventually Wilfred and Red get to Red's new room. A girl, also just arrives. She is also part of the tribes. He can't believe his ears when he gets told he needs to share a room with her. Couldn't they all share one room and have the humans all separate? would save a lot of space and it isn't like those from the tribes would be useful anyway.
Red's thoughts get interrupted by the girl who introduces herself:"Hello, my name is Sheba.". Red for a moment has nothing to say, she spoke in the universal language. Since when does any one from the tribes know how to speak that?
Red gets his thoughts together and introduces himself as well. When he sees that Sheba laughs about his name he of course asked what so fun about it. The answer he gets amazes him even more. His hair is indeed the same color as his name if you would speak English, but that language was dead even before the war between happened. Why was she one of the very few beings that got the "joke" his parents taught off when he was born?*