Yeah, except that that makes no sense for steam engines on a boiler. Why bother turning them off? The only thing you gain from that is a system that responds super slowly to changing energy needs because engine stroke speed (and by extension MJ/t output) scales with internal MJ storage, and a steam engine turned off loses its internal MJ storage. Everytime you need MJ, you need to cold-start most of your engines and won't get full output until 30-60 seconds later.
The gate conditional makes sense on engines that directly consume fuel, in order to save it. The boiler is on all the time, there's no need to turn anything off. And if the engines are pumping anyway, you might as well create as much of a buffer space for them as possible, because that means that you can consume energy at above your boiler's output rating for a short while. For example, in my 1.6.2 world I have an 8 LP and a 12 LP boiler for a combined output of 40 MJ/t. Around half of that is permanently consumed just to counter power perdition of my machines, leaving me with 20. But I have 8 lasers on my assembly table, which can take up to 32. If I throw something on the table, then, I can draw on the laser's internal buffer, plus the buffer in my various wooden kinesis pipes, to do a short burst at 32 MJ/t before it slows down again. It's usually enough to build a simple gate for 10k MJ in a hurry.