Mixed Bean Soup, 1.7.10


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello All,

I am making a modpack, who's main goal is to be an eclectic selection of mods that is always on the latest version of Minecraft. It is more about the streaming I am doing and the community of observers as well as being the latest and varied. (Just started, only two recorded vids as of this writing) (Right now have worked 99 mods working together in 1.7.10)

It's also for those who always want to be on the bleeding edge of versioning. I know this will require ALOT of constant maintenance. What I mean by latest versioning is literally that, for example, when 1.8 comes out, I will begin streaming again in a new modless world that will slowly grow with mods as they come out and get released and form again, but this time in a new likeness.

Sure there will be chosen mods, like mystcraft, AE, IC2 and the like, that almost all modpacks have, but if one day they stop updating, poof they will be gone. You will definitely see uknown under utilized mods.

I am willing to go the lengths to maintain a final version of this mod on every version it sunsets. Such as for instance once I have all permissions and submit 1.7.10 I will maintain it, even when 1.8 rears its ugly head and Mixed Bean Soup restarts. If that's how you all would prefer it.

How would something like this fit on FTB, is there room for something that changes so much?

Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated.
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